City of Laurel: bullying and mob
The City of Laurel has been convicted three times in succession to the crime of harassment. Meditate.
Where a public body such as the City of Laurel apparently healthy, those who hold the levers of power is a group decision-making, the rules "tacit" of behavior that are established in it, often respond to logics of patronage, all revolving around ' abuse of office and result in discriminatory acts, such logics are based, to a code of ethics intended to render meaningless such concepts as human dignity, solidarity and transparency, which will be only sterile items.
In this context, it becomes extremely easy to take all those subtle and devious figures of psychological, intended to destroy and annihilate an employee "uncomfortable" to "tame" to bend to the will of those who "decide" who knows he can count on the conspiratorial silence of his colleagues who remain silent or complicit, or because of fear of possible retaliation similar.
Where possible, therefore, make use of various forms of harassment and psychological terror against a human being, the victim accepted or bend the rules "tacit and immoral," set by those who actually controls or is intended to be ousted only because it was considered "a politician thinking differently." The victim is therefore powerless to react to his captors.
The form of such a situation exists in the workplace, with a deadline modern, is defined by the word "mobbing", which - according to the latest dictionaries - is shown as a "systematic persecution, carried on in the workplace by colleagues or superiors in respect of an individual, which mainly consists in daily acts of marginalization, demotion, threats of license, (someone who is close to me was even said to have the hours counted as a boss would say to his next victim), and even professional psychological violence and sabotage. "
me, it is suspected that the word bullying has been coined for the sole purpose to avoid be labeled as common criminals, the whole mass of "respectable people" who, abusing their power, they destroy the lives of one or più lavoratori.
La sofferenza nascente da condizioni di vita disumane, imposte da chi vuole piegare i suoi simili alla propria volontà, è identica sia nel caso di mobbing, che in quello del ricatto nel pagamento del "pizzo".
Trattasi sempre di violenza psicologica, tortura psicologica. Ma il prezzo che paga chi rifiuta di assoggettarsi alla logica mafiosa ossia il dipendente che va controcorrente solo perché non è disponibile a diventare uno "sissignore" non è la morte fisica. Contro di lui saranno utilizzate armi più sofisticate, che non lasciano cadaveri, ma che tendono ad annientarlo interiormente: le armi psicologiche, che mirano alla sua "morte civile"!!!.
Soprusi, prepotenze, violenze psicologiche are the first arms of the mafia, who know they can count on conspiratorial silence arising out of complicity or cowardice: it is not necessary, therefore, the "dead" to prosecute all those criminals who have chosen a way of life, which includes the zero of that difference that distinguishes a man from an animal.
So when such "silent weapons" are used in a public body such as the town of Lauro, it seems fair to say that in this town there is the mafia and mafia who adopts the method of psychological violence against a person even weaker to achieve its ends. If
mafia is the "kid" who is merely asking for protection money provided by the criminal organization which is integrated, Mafia is also the one that creates an action that allowed mobbing the occult and criminal system that he himself created.
Neither of them used a gun to achieve its goal, but the kid is either the Mayor ol 'Councillor to staff on duty have contributed with their behavior in the massacre of a human being.
Once the word mafia was whispered, and many denied the very existence, not by understanding its meaning. The phenomenon to emerge in its dramatic history had recorded so many victims, and the same is happening with the phenomenon of bullying.
scholars of the phenomenon are now well placed the dynamics and consequences of the "ordeal" suffered by many workers, but to date have not yet been identified the necessary legal instruments to do justice. Currently there is only financial compensation paid by 'body or a' company (legal person), but the real culprits (individuals) not "pay" for their sins, or economically, or penalty, and therefore, despite the sentence of conviction for harassment, remain free to continue to be taken against all forms of official persecution of technique.
The mobbed employee will only receive the money as compensation for "past" destroyed, but his "present" and its "future" will continue to be a continuation of his past in hell!. For
eradicate this phenomenon by the society in which we live is not the only prevention, because here we are faced with the behaviors of those who has already sold his conscience for not having to feel remorse for having contributed, through its action or its silence, the massacre of a colleague.
And those who keep silent or complicit or feels justified by the fear of retaliation. Who put a gag on his conscience that he forgot all the rules set by men should always be subject to the ethics set by the voice of his "conscience", which prevents you from trampling the dignity of a fellow and cries before every form of injustice , calling the man in his natural way of being human dissuade him from that path that could lead to the state of animal. Judging
this town where the ethics of mafia rule by all those that identify bullying behaviors, remain "men" being able to look anyone in the eye, without rubbing in the presence of any means to stand by helplessly the destruction of life, meaning life this inner world in which each of us cultivates his own desires, dreams, ambitions, washed down with enthusiasm and zest for life, but that as a result of bullying now, has become a reservoir of enormous suffering, a great void that has transformed every pulse inner thirst for justice.
I believe that to do justice (in the presence of a void Legislative and waiting for an ad hoc law, which establishes the criminal prosecution of that crime), the judiciary, through a broad interpretation of civil, criminal and constitutional situation in the already existing, could frame as a crime of the so-called Mafia bullying.
give the desired importance to the criminal harassment would be labeled as criminals all those who, despite their "respectability," they participated in the massacre victim's choice. The consequences would be criminal as a warning to all, awaken slumbering conscience of many, a punctual and reliable operation of appropriate instruments of repression is the best means of prevention in a system where you want run justice. Framing bullying as a crime victim of the mafia was also satisfaction to be compensated financially by his captors, who would be attacked on its assets, including salary, severance pay
established the existence of a case of bullying, the competent court should automatically pass the case to the Criminal Court to identify all those responsible. Keep in mind, in fact, that many times the strategy of bullying is structured so as to break up the responsibilities on more workers, so as not to allow the victim to prosecute the various "mobbers.
Each of them takes, indeed, behavior that could appear legitimate and insignificant, but which become significant only when considered as a piece of a destructive process against the mobbed, which can only emerge in an investigation aimed at identifying the direct and indirect responsibility of all those who contributed to the killing of a human being, who simply wanted to work honestly.
But we should also give victims the chance to start life anew. The
mobbed found in psychological conditions similar to the survivors of a "concentration camp" know they are alone and helpless, to be considered useless, are people distrust their neighbors, remained deaf to every request for "help", are beings humans who need help to get back into a comfortable and stimulating working environment, which does not give space to those who place no value on human dignity.
Justice has to worry about rebuilding their professionalism, redevelop their image and to repair any damage caused their existential outside the employment context.
The victims cry out for justice for abuses of power are invisible wounds, at least they deserve the recognition of fundamental rights of 'freedom of human being ... always and everywhere to express their political thinking and have the dignity of human being on the rise work and tasks to be performed.
This should never be a political manifesto, but the realization of a healthy living and civic life.