Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Stars Broken Capillaries

Batman: The Movie

From 1966 to 1968, produced 120 episodes of a Fox television series focusing on the exploits of Batman and his faithful companion Robin, the boy wonder. The show, children drift light-comic adventures of the adolescent human bat made between the late 50th and first half of 60, met with strong success, insomuch that even the big screen, which pay homage to the fans in 1966 with a feature film that was the Its strength in the deadly machine using for the first time as one of the four villains more representative of the serial.
Batman: The Movie , directed by Leslie H. Martinson, it turns out, however, nothing more than a sumptuous episode out schedule, with shots from above and photographed in an unprecedented wide-Gotham City and Batman can afford to hang in long shot by Bat-scale Bat-cottero per saltare su uno yatch dal quale era arrivato un Sos.
La trama, che potremmo tranquillamente definire demenziale, vede il Dinamico Duo alle prese con il rapimento del Commodoro Schmidlapp ad opera dei più temibili criminali di Gotham: il Pinguino, Joker, l’Enigmista e Catwoman. Il diabolico scopo dei super malviventi è quello di sfruttare l’invenzione di Schmidlapp: un disidratatore in grado di prosciugare l’acqua contenuta nel corpo umano fino a trasformare il destinatario del trattamento in un mucchietto di polvere. Usato sui membri del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, avrebbe portato a un cospicuo riscatto per la loro riconversione in uomini. Questo il plot, dunque;lo svolgimento, in linea con TV stories, is sheer madness, bright colors and children's playground, on foul shots crooked as if to underline a heated mental imbalance, taken at 90 degrees of Batman and Robin climb walls strictly in a horizontal position on the set, a dialogue that already contained in a puff sound redundant (one example: the two heroes, Commissioner Gordon and the master O 'Hara who comment on the current photolithography criminals on the loose on Gotham City), onomatopoeia on outbreaks of fisticuffs.
Adam West (Batman) and Burt Ward (Robin) wisely do not even pretend to take itself seriously, this seconded by the rest of the cast, thus preventing the film from falling into the abyss making it ridiculous and instead gravitated to the land of pleasant eccentricity. Who rewards even a short visit in the regions of comedy films, especially silent film: at one point Batman has to choose the best place to get rid of a bomb (round and black), but obstacles in the form of sisters , mother with baby carriage, love boat, and even a group of ducks are likely to make him explode in his hands.
A Bat-counsel, in closing: If you find any track in the planning of social networks, look Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt (2003). This is a TV movie that tells the backstory of the series and is a cult autentico gioiellino.

Regia: Leslie H. Martinson. Interpreti: Adam West, Burt Ward.
Titolo originale: Batman. Genere: Azione. Durata: 105 min. Produzione: USA, 1966.

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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Brown Discharge With Kidney Infection


A Londra le lucciole non passeggiano tranquille: archiviati gli agguati di Jack lo squartatore, devono sfuggire ai mortali approcci di colui che le prime pagine dei giornali hanno battezzato il “Killer dei Tarocchi”, per via di quelle carte da gioco lasciate accanto ai corpi delle vittime.
A investigare sul caso, Sondra Prensky, giovane and aggressive journalism student helped by an old magician, Splendini, stage name Sid Waterman. The tip about the identity of the serial in the person of Peter Lyman, among the leading figures of the aristocracy town, comes from reliable source that are absolutely out of the ordinary Joe Strombel, journalist and constantly on the piece of the past with great authority ... to a better life and escape the surveillance of Death to tell Sondra, during an experiment of dematerialization operated by Splendini, secretary of the speculation about his personal Lyman death by poisoning after starting to connect the crimes with certain attitudes of the employer .
Designing a masterpiece a year, or pretty much, is not accessible to all company directors: Woody Allen for a generous period of time has kept the flag, then, physiologically and 'human', the inspiration had take a breath, and one of the most influential personalities of world cinema has had to produce works that do not live up to legitimate expectations, although still more than decent. Now, a "historic" change of location - London instead of the usual New York - seems to have benefited the author's witty pen Manhattan and Crimes and Misdemeanors , after having set in the English metropolis the dramatic and cruel Match Point, architect a yellow rose that does not suffer particularly difficult to keep awake the interest with a vivid swirl of situations that blend well with the comic thriller, with touches of genuine suspense.
Scarlett Johansson, after the brilliant and sensual debut at the court in Allen's Match Point , confirms new muse of the American filmmaker, and is so delicious and functional in the shoes of the aspiring reporter on the trail of the scoop of the century, and hopelessly fell in love the same object, which distance themselves Woody seems almost to share the stage with her shoulder as a high prestige, and his Splendini, detective reluctantly, is tender and beautiful when appropriates feats hitherto unknown to him, as man of action, and pushes the tablet in his car to run in aid of what is now considered the daughter who has never been threatened by Lyman (Hugh Jackman winning a) on a private lake in boat man in a sequence that is a nod to Chaplin's Monsieur Verdoux .

Director: Woody Allen. Cast: Scarlett Johansson, Woody Allen, Hugh Jackman.
Original title: Scoop. Genre: Comedy. Duration: 96 min. Production: Great Britain / USA, 2006.