Mirano high Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo to win back the public eye and critical credibility incrinatasi film not just with the trial of the 2008 Christmas the cosmos on the dresser. Before the opening credits, in fact, the screen can be seen busy in its entirety by a glass ball that makes snow fall on a replica of the golden Dome of Milan, where the memory can not slip to the famous opening of Citizen Kane , with the ball and the cabin was besieged by a flurry of fluffy white flakes, symbolizing childhood stripped away to shots of stamped paper to Charles Foster Kane. And on and on feelings of lost youth, which comprises essentially this The gang of Santas , which builds on the arrest, on the eve of the trio of protagonists, caught in the act while wearing costumes Santa Claus, they give the scale of a building. Translated into the police station, you will make a lot of trouble to explain to an inspector - forced to remain in service, with shopping bags in office equipment, causes fever to 40 ° fellow on duty (with a certificate from the resort) - the misunderstanding that have fallen agents, tracing their lives up to that time: Aldo turbulent lives with a woman who alleges that the vice of gambling and his being a child never grew up, as well as long-time unemployed with little inclination to find a job that is not the 'ideal', John is a veterinarian performed more prestige than real, regular users of the bathroom of a motorway, where you change before leaving Italy for Switzerland, given by a girl of wealthy family, which counts the days remaining until the wedding, unaware that man has a wife in Milan, James, doctors say, can not forget his dead wife, making them hard to open ourselves to love one collega.
La regia di Paolo Genovese ben asseconda una struttura alla Quel pomeriggio di un giorno da cani e raccoglie il plauso anche per non disperdere, nel generale divertimento, diramazioni più riflessive veicolate da quella palla di vetro con il Duomo innevato.
Sempre affidabile Angela Finocchiaro, qui nel ruolo del sensibile funzionario di polizia che si fa carico delle confessioni a cuore aperto dei tre ‘malviventi’ seduti di fronte a lei ed esilaranti le apparizioni di una Mara Maionchi in versione ‘picchiatutto’ e di un Cochi Ponzoni dalla batteria del pacemaker affidata alle cure di un dottor Frankenstein in erba.
Regia: Paul Genovese. Cast: Aldo Baglio, Giovanni Storti, Giacomo Poretti, Angela Finocchiaro. Genre: Comedy. Length: 100 min. Production: Italy 2010
Originally published in Il Giornale di Puglia on December 21, 2010