Friday, May 16, 2008

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defeats Claudio Fava neo naz coordinator. SD: Restless, for the next 30 years after

Permettetemi di ringraziare in modo non rituale Fabio Mussi, non solo per l’impegno who invested in these difficult months in our movement and our project. I think if we are here, all here, after years spent in the DS, trying to keep strong and transparent so convinced our political position, if we have passed three congresses of the Left Democrats continue to find ourselves in the project of founding a new subject of We owe it to the left first Mussi, the manner in which he offered guidance and reference, always at the tip of consistency, for this project. And he says Mussi well in reminding us that the left still has an important role to play in this country. I would add: a pact to be ruthless with ourselves, to investigate without shame our limits, to review the interpretative categories, languages, and organizational forms of this left. Trying to capitalize on the "3" that our political project received April 14 by voters. In that rejection is one of our first duty to truth. Truth on a project that we have tried to pass off as the first test of a new political left, knowing that Sinistra Arcobaleno, in practices of some of the founding partners in the game of mutual distrust, in the age of languages, was not a subject political, and was hardly new: it was only a sign election. We lied, knowing that all our common and shared reassurance turnover of this route was a gentle but blatant lies. Over the same period of campaign, while the speeches from the stage we were all together to recite a liturgy reassuring, some parties of the Left Rainbow opened their tesseramento.Siamo appeared to lack credibility, premature aging, forced to language, assertions, certainties that seemed abysmally distant from the real country . We have continued to interpret the social unrest, widespread poverty of millions of Italians with the simplistic category of "class" without realizing that this poverty is transverse, affecting the middle class and lower middle classes, workers and employees. In that poverty is not a class but social insecurity and precarious existence that has profoundly changed common sense of the country. Only in the last fifteen years, while the country fell along the bends of the new fears and new enemies, we are left to watch, leaving the more conservative forces the task to interpret and respond to this new, devastating effect on several occasions we comune.Eppure had a chance to intercept the request to change the company turned to the left. Provocation by Moretti in Piazza Navona to three million in Rome for the event in support of Article 18, to St. John Square Autoconvocate of up to one hundred thousand of Bari for the big event mafia than two months ago, we have let this' s request a new political sense, new forms of equity Representation and ran under our eyes as if it were in a movie, a fiction, a country that was not there. That country was, and April 14 have presented the bill. We paid the distrust with which the left has interpreted this phase of the constitution, we paid our language of small masters, who to talk to a country that does not exist più.Da where we share? By ourselves, first. From the project constituent that binds us together, from this strong and necessary idea of \u200b\u200ba new constituent of the left. However, starting from some clarification as to substance and method. Meanwhile, a site for a new left you with everyone. Not with all. The theme of unity of all forces of the left is a false problem, a mythology, a superstructure. Some believe today (and perhaps always thought) to create a common constituent: it is a project that I respect, but that has nothing to do with our journey and our arrival point. Are incompatible, and not to the repertoire of symbols and identity which is also what I understand and respect. But why say that out loud communists feel above the limit of a left that refuses to look within, that does not want to renounce to their reduced to their categories, the result of identity, and no matter whether that identity is more than another world, another country, another dynamic of social conflict and economici.Ecco, their certainty is that separate us. And let us say that a constituent of the left makes sense if you think back honestly the very identity of concrete left to its ability to act as a motor representation and transformation of a country no longer virtual but real, and this desperate country which we live. And here we arrive at a second point of clarification is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe Democratic Left wants to work with the contribution of its autonomy, the construction of a new center for the country's government. This means going beyond the concept of a left and a Democratic Party, every man for himself self-sufficient in that self-sufficiency, already rejected by a vote of the electorate, there is a political choice: there is only one escape. A new center-left, then, that nothing of the old Union has experience in itself. Passing on our part, next to the ridiculous contrast between government and opposition. As well Occhetto wrote a few days ago the drive, there is no government that is always left or always in opposition: the left is where the voters have to be offered, always keeping the number of its coherence and its obiettivi.Dove will place this new left of the great cultures newspeak reference? The family of the Democratic Left is that of European Socialists, but must be understood as a resource, not as a limitation o un rifugio identitario. Tanto più che la domanda inevasa in questa campagna elettorale non è a quale famiglia politica avrebbe aderito la Sinistra arcobaleno, se al Pse o alla Sinistra europea. C’era un’altra domanda, ben più urgente: in cosa quel progetto mostrava una vocazione realmente unitaria? In cosa era davvero “nuovo” il nostro progetto? In quali pratiche organizzative, in quali forme di partecipazione, in quali linguaggi eravamo altro da una coalizione di partiti? La risposta è stata spesso solo un balbettio.E’ tempo di dire. E di rivedere anche il nostro rapporto con il PD. E’ stata una scelta consapevole quella di non aderire a quel progetto, e di quella scelta restiamo tutti assolutamente convinti. And if you must build a dialogue with the Democratic Party, should be made to positions of mutual respect and autonomy. The problem is not only the dynamics of the alliance, but the policy that underlies it. Really believes the Democratic Party with 33 percent to account for half of this country and to be able to point to the government of Italy? If not, we are ready for a confrontation. But again, that mutual dignity and autonomy consistency in the dialogue: the dialogue if you do not need to Rome, not even exist in the suburbs. The left, and certainly the Democratic Left, can not be a shopping list from which to draw votes and coalitions are alliances only when the governments locali.Tutto this, a new site on the left and a different relationship with the Democratic Party, Democratic Left claims to be the ability to define itself, its contribution, its political horizon of reference. Without waiting for the congresses of other parties but by developing its own constituent phase which returns to the movement even those doses of internal democracy and participation that have so far been lacking. It 'the only way out of the dimension of the "motion conference" companions and friends of the organizing committee, 90% come from the experience of DS. Our officers, our (few) elected, monsters militants were almost all the continuation of the inertial motion of congress two years ago. This is not a limit: is the certainty of our superfluity. Democratic Left has to choose to be different, to open, widen, and locations contaminated by different histories, an extensive overhaul of its elites, to present them as a representation of a possible new left that can speak not only to veterans of a congressional battle but a part of the extensive and careful paese.A this will serve the National Assembly convened for the first of July of course, to renew the ruling groups, to give this process a democratic imprint, but also to do more and Democratic Left Moreover, transforming each of the 500 local assemblies that will convene in the coming days as many moments of action and politica.Ritrovarci proposal for this discussion, thirty years after the death of Peppino Impastato, perhaps not only the taste of a coincidence. And 'demonstrated that thirty years ago as today, there is another country comes to women and free men, who want to live to change things, not to suffer them. Nor to live with the melancholy of common sense.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Film Rabia Aladaouiya

Peppino Impastato

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Stones Stuck In Ureter

Democratic Left vs Bossone do not accept lessons style from those who tramples on the rights

The fact: Monday, April 27 was held for the Laurel City Council approval of the budget, in that Venue for the umpteenth When the protagonist was Bossone, who did nothing but engage in a series of allegations to the left, its representatives and its ideas. In particular he called "clown" Sodano on the participation in the march anticamorra last March, also accused Aurisicchio for his campaign for truth and transparency of administrative acts of the municipality and finally threatened the employees. Script known, but SD can not be silent.

"The statements by the puppeteer Bossone denote the state of absolute gravity and emergency prevailing in the municipal administration of Lauro. The coordinator of the Democratic Left James Corbo waited a few days to take action the statements in the classroom of the former mayor Antonio Bossone. A replay of hard-nosed, the exponent of the left necessitated by the fact that "this funny politician considered definitive buried the left. We can not remain silent in the face of threats made to employees for years struggling to defend their rights. Not can we be silent in the face on drill tailings and vulgar accusations directed at fellow Sodano, a champion of law in this region. We can not lower your eyes when you mud for the umpteenth time companion Aurisicchio always with the workers and the just cause. We do not accept style lessons, ethics and morals who has led the country questom sfascio.Da who tramples on the daily rights of citizens. " not send her to tell the card to a young member of the majority leader rather Corbisiero shelling a real string of accusations against Bossone. But there is also a political transition in intervention by the representative of the left provided, however, from these events. "The construction process of the left continues, but it is clear that we ask the representatives of the PRC to break the hegemony of mud Bossone that their party. We expect a formal protest on their part to allegations to the left and to their own political representatives (former Senator Sodano). "Courier Irpinia

Thursday, May 1, 2008

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The May Labour Day

Ours is a country where we continue to die from work, more than in other countries, wages are low, among the lowest in Europe, the precarious condition of existence. It 's also the country founded on the republican Constitution work indicates that the foundation of the Republic. The Italian labor laws and contracts are backed up and how far the Charter of the Rights of Labor, who has translated the spirit of Costituzione.Tra the loss of social value of work as evidenced by the daily deaths and the level of remuneration and the solemnity of the founding values \u200b\u200bof the Republic there is a deep distance, which speaks of the emptiness of political representation of women workers of the reasons and workers, many settled in anni.Questo Squaderno is the main problem facing the left in Italian politics, the election results that have expanded because they have registered without veils. If the battle for what it is, we would also face the second question. How, in the face of global economic processes therefore are not confined within a nation, we reconstruct the universal rights of labor, as they extend beyond national constitutions in which they are registered and therefore what is the size (at least European) political culture of modern left to rebuild. E 'global competition and the ability to find work outside the national borders to the lowest cost, lack of environmental constraints, etc., to justify the threat-pressure agitated by the associations of enterprises in Italy against the union and the state to get tax relief and support by public funds and to justify low wages to inaugurate neologisms such as improper ideological as the "wages of productivity." It 's always calling the global competition that the new president of Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia, which suggests the centrality of the fundamental value of the Republic, with a reversal of some paradigm but not named. Instead the Italian political debate now before us again after the general election and the disastrous Roman seal a thesis exactly opposite: the rights are not universal but local, and even pay, bargaining, as such, not moderna.Dunque competing rights and inequality as an entity to emphasize the danger is hidden behind the loss of the sense of a political culture national and European overwhelmed by globalization. All this describes a precise idea of \u200b\u200beconomic growth, social model and relations between people. We know that the uncertainties of globalization are likely to turn into an illusion of citadels protected, racism and xenophobia, whether the security questions in general do not get concrete answers and efficaci.Il 1 May 2008, Labour Day holiday, why not is a ritual,