Ours is a country where we continue to die from work, more than in other countries, wages are low, among the lowest in Europe, the precarious condition of existence. It 's also the country founded on the republican Constitution work indicates that the foundation of the Republic. The Italian labor laws and contracts are backed up and how far the Charter of the Rights of Labor, who has translated the spirit of Costituzione.Tra the loss of social value of work as evidenced by the daily deaths and the level of remuneration and the solemnity of the founding values \u200b\u200bof the Republic there is a deep distance, which speaks of the emptiness of political representation of women workers of the reasons and workers, many settled in anni.Questo Squaderno is the main problem facing the left in Italian politics, the election results that have expanded because they have registered without veils. If the battle for what it is, we would also face the second question. How, in the face of global economic processes therefore are not confined within a nation, we reconstruct the universal rights of labor, as they extend beyond national constitutions in which they are registered and therefore what is the size (at least European) political culture of modern left to rebuild. E 'global competition and the ability to find work outside the national borders to the lowest cost, lack of environmental constraints, etc., to justify the threat-pressure agitated by the associations of enterprises in Italy against the union and the state to get tax relief and support by public funds and to justify low wages to inaugurate neologisms such as improper ideological as the "wages of productivity." It 's always calling the global competition that the new president of Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia, which suggests the centrality of the fundamental value of the Republic, with a reversal of some paradigm but not named. Instead the Italian political debate now before us again after the general election and the disastrous Roman seal a thesis exactly opposite: the rights are not universal but local, and even pay, bargaining, as such, not moderna.Dunque competing rights and inequality as an entity to emphasize the danger is hidden behind the loss of the sense of a political culture national and European overwhelmed by globalization. All this describes a precise idea of \u200b\u200beconomic growth, social model and relations between people. We know that the uncertainties of globalization are likely to turn into an illusion of citadels protected, racism and xenophobia, whether the security questions in general do not get concrete answers and efficaci.Il 1 May 2008, Labour Day holiday, why not is a ritual,
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