After the crushing defeat of 13 and 14 April, is the inescapable question: is still the Democratic Left? We think that it can serve, because in Italy there is a political, social and cultural to the left of PD, and why during the election campaign cadres and militants of SD have been shown to be numerous and combative.
To revive the initiative to SD, but we must retrieve two central elements in our original proposal - the culture of government and social identity - abandoned in the subsequent dramatic months, and you have to give a structure, leggera e democratica, al nostro movimento.
Il 5 maggio dell'anno scorso parlammo (tra l'altro) di una "sinistra di governo". Questa non c'è stata nell'ultimo biennio, e non per nostra responsabilità. Sia ben chiaro, non parliamo di una sinistra che voglia governare ad ogni costo, e che subordini tutto alla conquista e al mantenimento del potere. Questa è stata la strada seguita dalla maggioranza dei DS prima e dal PD poi. Ha portato anche loro a una pesante sconfitta.
Parliamo di una sinistra che parta dai suoi ideali e dai suoi valori, e da una cultura critica del mondo in cui viviamo. Ma che sappia tradurre gli uni e l'altra anzitutto nel radicamento nella società, in secondo luogo in concrete indicazioni per il cambiamento, Finally, a credible policy proposal, from alliances (political and social). And then you put the goal of building a new center-left.
Second question. We called the Socialist Democratic Left. " But the second part of our name has disappeared. Go back and re-launched. Even in Italy because there is a world socialist (political culture, and a potential electorate) is certainly not restricted to the zero point something percent. E 'possible to say that our social identities poses a problem to some of the forces with which it built the new Left Party. But this difficulty is not a sufficient reason to remove the theme. Also because it would be reductive called socialism only to define organizational identity or affiliation. Socialism today is to make the issue of governance, in terms that we have tried before indicating briefly. Moreover, if we were in another European country would be in the Socialist Party of that country, and constitute the left wing.
Finally, the course of the next few weeks. We must assume some fundamental political choices, and the resulting actions on the ground and from the other leftist parties and decide the necessary renewal of the management team, ensuring the presence in the territory.
The idea that it would be useless, even harmful, perhaps a minimum of rules and structure (to avoid to establish a new "small parties") has proof of the facts revealed at an illusion. The illusion of having more time, however, and the illusion that the new political entity of the Left (unitary and plural) was at hand. So it was not and is not.
why we believe that the Democratic Left should adopt immediately a structure, light and democratic. How to do it?
Among the many broken promises of the Democratic Left is definitely one of a new way of doing politics. The critical reduction oligarchic democratic processes, the lack of participation by members and activists, the decision-making fora restricted and opaque was decisive in the choice for many to get out of DS with the last Congress. We thought that in PD non sarebbe andata meglio. Anche per questo abbiamo scelto un'altra strada. Ma quella che abbiamo preso non ha realizzato le speranze.
Pensiamo che, dopo la catastrofe del voto, la musica debba cambiare. Abbiamo affrontato una campagna elettorale difficilissima. Compagne e compagni in tutto il paese si sono battuti fino all'ultimo, per un risultato che diventava ogni giorno più difficile. Ora, dopo il terremoto, a loro dobbiamo rivolgerci perché indichino la strada da seguire e scelgano il nuovo gruppo dirigente.
Per questo non ci persuade l'idea di tornare al Comitato promotore, perché elegga un altro coordinatore, che formi una nuova presidenza, che apra un dibattito dai contorni e delle modalità imprecisate. Il Comitato promotore was and is largely a direct filiation of the congress DS. He must have a transitional function, and this is our provisional state - available on the site - only assigns the task to "launch the process of joining the Movement." That phase is behind us. E 'right and proper to participate and decide on the choices of today are the companions and comrades today, here and now, or have confirmed their choices and took to the field.
propose another route to SD. An innovative path, a piece of policy reform. Territorial assemblies convene as soon as possible, for instance at the provincial level, of all her friends and comrades who have joined the SD, participated in the election campaign, and intend to continue their commitment to our movement. Meetings are open to all who wish to participate and contribute to the left. Assemblies which would be for us the equivalent of a large project on the Democratic primary because convened to discuss politics, and not for the unanimous election of a leader. And, on the basis of political debate, are to elect their representatives to a great national assembly called upon to decide by June, the political line and the new national leadership.
We left and we need real change. And we can not allow other errors. The first mistake would be not to speak, to decide really, to all those who have earned that right on the field.
To revive the initiative to SD, but we must retrieve two central elements in our original proposal - the culture of government and social identity - abandoned in the subsequent dramatic months, and you have to give a structure, leggera e democratica, al nostro movimento.
Il 5 maggio dell'anno scorso parlammo (tra l'altro) di una "sinistra di governo". Questa non c'è stata nell'ultimo biennio, e non per nostra responsabilità. Sia ben chiaro, non parliamo di una sinistra che voglia governare ad ogni costo, e che subordini tutto alla conquista e al mantenimento del potere. Questa è stata la strada seguita dalla maggioranza dei DS prima e dal PD poi. Ha portato anche loro a una pesante sconfitta.
Parliamo di una sinistra che parta dai suoi ideali e dai suoi valori, e da una cultura critica del mondo in cui viviamo. Ma che sappia tradurre gli uni e l'altra anzitutto nel radicamento nella società, in secondo luogo in concrete indicazioni per il cambiamento, Finally, a credible policy proposal, from alliances (political and social). And then you put the goal of building a new center-left.
Second question. We called the Socialist Democratic Left. " But the second part of our name has disappeared. Go back and re-launched. Even in Italy because there is a world socialist (political culture, and a potential electorate) is certainly not restricted to the zero point something percent. E 'possible to say that our social identities poses a problem to some of the forces with which it built the new Left Party. But this difficulty is not a sufficient reason to remove the theme. Also because it would be reductive called socialism only to define organizational identity or affiliation. Socialism today is to make the issue of governance, in terms that we have tried before indicating briefly. Moreover, if we were in another European country would be in the Socialist Party of that country, and constitute the left wing.
Finally, the course of the next few weeks. We must assume some fundamental political choices, and the resulting actions on the ground and from the other leftist parties and decide the necessary renewal of the management team, ensuring the presence in the territory.
The idea that it would be useless, even harmful, perhaps a minimum of rules and structure (to avoid to establish a new "small parties") has proof of the facts revealed at an illusion. The illusion of having more time, however, and the illusion that the new political entity of the Left (unitary and plural) was at hand. So it was not and is not.
why we believe that the Democratic Left should adopt immediately a structure, light and democratic. How to do it?
Among the many broken promises of the Democratic Left is definitely one of a new way of doing politics. The critical reduction oligarchic democratic processes, the lack of participation by members and activists, the decision-making fora restricted and opaque was decisive in the choice for many to get out of DS with the last Congress. We thought that in PD non sarebbe andata meglio. Anche per questo abbiamo scelto un'altra strada. Ma quella che abbiamo preso non ha realizzato le speranze.
Pensiamo che, dopo la catastrofe del voto, la musica debba cambiare. Abbiamo affrontato una campagna elettorale difficilissima. Compagne e compagni in tutto il paese si sono battuti fino all'ultimo, per un risultato che diventava ogni giorno più difficile. Ora, dopo il terremoto, a loro dobbiamo rivolgerci perché indichino la strada da seguire e scelgano il nuovo gruppo dirigente.
Per questo non ci persuade l'idea di tornare al Comitato promotore, perché elegga un altro coordinatore, che formi una nuova presidenza, che apra un dibattito dai contorni e delle modalità imprecisate. Il Comitato promotore was and is largely a direct filiation of the congress DS. He must have a transitional function, and this is our provisional state - available on the site - only assigns the task to "launch the process of joining the Movement." That phase is behind us. E 'right and proper to participate and decide on the choices of today are the companions and comrades today, here and now, or have confirmed their choices and took to the field.
propose another route to SD. An innovative path, a piece of policy reform. Territorial assemblies convene as soon as possible, for instance at the provincial level, of all her friends and comrades who have joined the SD, participated in the election campaign, and intend to continue their commitment to our movement. Meetings are open to all who wish to participate and contribute to the left. Assemblies which would be for us the equivalent of a large project on the Democratic primary because convened to discuss politics, and not for the unanimous election of a leader. And, on the basis of political debate, are to elect their representatives to a great national assembly called upon to decide by June, the political line and the new national leadership.
We left and we need real change. And we can not allow other errors. The first mistake would be not to speak, to decide really, to all those who have earned that right on the field.
Cesare Salvi and Massimo Villone Organizing Committee SD-
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