The most significant and worrying consequence of the vote on 13 and 14 April - first to
still in the near absence Parliament declared a force on the left - was the overwhelming victory of the right. Neither right nor a moderate conservative with a European, but simply populist. The long political transition that began in our country with tangentopoli and the dissolution of the traditional mass parties in the late 80s, can not be said to be complete, however, seems to have come close of its likely closure. It therefore seems simplistic to any scheme of interpretation of the results of recent elections if you do not dig deep to understand what the economic, cultural and socio-political for closure "right" of a long transition period marked by the growing phenomenon of globalization, job insecurity and social fragmentation.
the second half of the seventies the Keynesian model, who had married the growth and development with the welfare of the community was gradually replaced, and not only in our country, from a model where the economy has not been governed by politics. The laws of the market have since taken over and the increase in GDP has increasingly been the main measure of growth and development of a blur. Why the GDP alone does not measure well-being of men and women or their quality of life. In fact, parallel to GDP is often increased misery and also has expanded the gap between rich and poor and between north and south.
In recent years in our country have changed profoundly personal and collective identity. E 'changed is the sense of citizenship that they belong to. The political fact is that twenty years ago, the elections of June 1987, emerged again two big blocks. The first, represented by the electoral strength of the DC in that year still reached 34.3% of the vote. The second, which is concentrated in the two leftist parties, the PCI and PSI, which together exceeded the ceiling of 40.8% of the vote. Today the Democratic Party - which like the DC is configured as a center of inter-party (looking left?) - A consensus similar to that of DC (33.7%), while the left has disappeared and took his place, with over 50% of the votes, a bloc of center-right parties in a political subject, the PDL, is a populist right-wing capable of concentrating on themselves more than 38% of the vote. Some speak of a true anthropological mutation occurred in our country over the past twenty years. Veltroni said today that the contractor is a worker as gli altri, anzi un lavoratore che rischia. Montezemolo gli fa eco rispondendo che i lavoratori preferiscono l’impresa ai sindacati. L’uno definisce “ambientalisti del no” gran parte degli ecologisti. L’altro apostrofa i sindacalisti quali “professionisti del veto”. Entrambi reclamano un paese nuovo, più veloce, un paese capace di crescere, cioè di far crescere il PIL. La Lega Nord, che presenta il più vecchio simbolo sulla scheda elettorale (sic!), sfonda nelle roccaforti storiche delle lotte sindacali e del movimento operaio organizzato, dove sono in atto profonde ristrutturazioni, e finanche in Emilia (7.1%). Al voto dei qualunquisti e dei protestatari la Lega aggiunge e consolida anche quello many workers are accustomed to asserting their rights.
The left, cleared by Parliament, had no prior sense of defeat which was going probably because they did not understand what happened in our country and therefore did not understand the needs, concerns and fears of those who he wanted to represent. The Rainbow Left has appeared a sinister "artificial." An election sign, not a political entity capable of responding, which has relied too much certainty in identity that would have ensured a "resistance" that never happened. The separation by mutual consent of the forces of the old center, the disappointment of the Government Prodi, the opposition and excessive desire for cathartic confidence in a hard core non-existent now, had the sole effect in the end, to consider "useless" to the Rainbow Left's vote on 13 and 14 April.
And then what to do. The PDCI and gone. The Greens are likely to evaporate. I agree with those who say that we can not wait passively for the Communist Refoundation play its conference ... and then decide. Some people think. I think simply to cheer Vendola Vendola not much use because it will not go to Congress with a motion that involves the dissolution of the PRC. And then, I wonder if the Congress wins Vendola what will happen? Melt il partito dopo? Dopo aver vinto il congresso ed essere diventato segretario? Certo che no. Ed allora? Ed allora è possibile che chiederà a chi è fuori di costruire all’interno di Rifondazione la nuova sinistra. E’ questo che vogliamo? E se invece Vendola perde… cosa accadrà? O se invece lo scontro in atto, cosa molto probabile a mio avviso, si trasformerà in mediazione? Insomma tutto questo mi convince che non possiamo e non dobbiamo attendere. E mi convince che il movimento della Sinistra Democratica può avere un ruolo da svolgere se non apparirà più come un soggetto politico“virtuale”, come qualcuno ci ha definito in campagna elettorale, e se da subito si farà promotore di una costituente left-wing grass-roots participation and guided by a new management team.
Raffaele Porta-Regional Coordinator of Campania

the second half of the seventies the Keynesian model, who had married the growth and development with the welfare of the community was gradually replaced, and not only in our country, from a model where the economy has not been governed by politics. The laws of the market have since taken over and the increase in GDP has increasingly been the main measure of growth and development of a blur. Why the GDP alone does not measure well-being of men and women or their quality of life. In fact, parallel to GDP is often increased misery and also has expanded the gap between rich and poor and between north and south.
In recent years in our country have changed profoundly personal and collective identity. E 'changed is the sense of citizenship that they belong to. The political fact is that twenty years ago, the elections of June 1987, emerged again two big blocks. The first, represented by the electoral strength of the DC in that year still reached 34.3% of the vote. The second, which is concentrated in the two leftist parties, the PCI and PSI, which together exceeded the ceiling of 40.8% of the vote. Today the Democratic Party - which like the DC is configured as a center of inter-party (looking left?) - A consensus similar to that of DC (33.7%), while the left has disappeared and took his place, with over 50% of the votes, a bloc of center-right parties in a political subject, the PDL, is a populist right-wing capable of concentrating on themselves more than 38% of the vote. Some speak of a true anthropological mutation occurred in our country over the past twenty years. Veltroni said today that the contractor is a worker as gli altri, anzi un lavoratore che rischia. Montezemolo gli fa eco rispondendo che i lavoratori preferiscono l’impresa ai sindacati. L’uno definisce “ambientalisti del no” gran parte degli ecologisti. L’altro apostrofa i sindacalisti quali “professionisti del veto”. Entrambi reclamano un paese nuovo, più veloce, un paese capace di crescere, cioè di far crescere il PIL. La Lega Nord, che presenta il più vecchio simbolo sulla scheda elettorale (sic!), sfonda nelle roccaforti storiche delle lotte sindacali e del movimento operaio organizzato, dove sono in atto profonde ristrutturazioni, e finanche in Emilia (7.1%). Al voto dei qualunquisti e dei protestatari la Lega aggiunge e consolida anche quello many workers are accustomed to asserting their rights.
The left, cleared by Parliament, had no prior sense of defeat which was going probably because they did not understand what happened in our country and therefore did not understand the needs, concerns and fears of those who he wanted to represent. The Rainbow Left has appeared a sinister "artificial." An election sign, not a political entity capable of responding, which has relied too much certainty in identity that would have ensured a "resistance" that never happened. The separation by mutual consent of the forces of the old center, the disappointment of the Government Prodi, the opposition and excessive desire for cathartic confidence in a hard core non-existent now, had the sole effect in the end, to consider "useless" to the Rainbow Left's vote on 13 and 14 April.
And then what to do. The PDCI and gone. The Greens are likely to evaporate. I agree with those who say that we can not wait passively for the Communist Refoundation play its conference ... and then decide. Some people think. I think simply to cheer Vendola Vendola not much use because it will not go to Congress with a motion that involves the dissolution of the PRC. And then, I wonder if the Congress wins Vendola what will happen? Melt il partito dopo? Dopo aver vinto il congresso ed essere diventato segretario? Certo che no. Ed allora? Ed allora è possibile che chiederà a chi è fuori di costruire all’interno di Rifondazione la nuova sinistra. E’ questo che vogliamo? E se invece Vendola perde… cosa accadrà? O se invece lo scontro in atto, cosa molto probabile a mio avviso, si trasformerà in mediazione? Insomma tutto questo mi convince che non possiamo e non dobbiamo attendere. E mi convince che il movimento della Sinistra Democratica può avere un ruolo da svolgere se non apparirà più come un soggetto politico“virtuale”, come qualcuno ci ha definito in campagna elettorale, e se da subito si farà promotore di una costituente left-wing grass-roots participation and guided by a new management team.
Raffaele Porta-Regional Coordinator of Campania
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