Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Breast Cysts Causes More Condition_symptoms

is unleashed against the Left and now? we depart / 2 the left may

On 14 April 2008, the 900 is finished. Socialism and Communism, the great cultural currents and large movements of struggle and that the two words conjure up that characterized the century and gave way to short, straight out of the political horizon our country. The Third Republic, of which the election seems to mark the beginning was born without a left-wing politics.
This came on the same days as the FAO report, which alarmed in tutto il mondo c’è carestia – fenomeno che ci avevano detto che nella modernità non si sarebbe presentato - e i media, anche se relegandole in terzo e quarto piano, danno notizia di sommosse e morti per il pane in diversi paesi di questo pianeta. Senza dire che anche in questi giorni all’ininterrotta catena delle morti sul lavoro in terra italiana si sono saldati altri anelli.
Sembra dunque uno scherzo della Storia che la sinistra esca dalla scena parlamentare italiana proprio quando, per scongiurare la tragedia che incombe sul mondo ed anche sul nostro paese, di lei c’è maggiormente bisogno.
Il soprassalto d’ordine che sta sotto i risultati elettorali del nostro paese, in particolare delle regioni "Rich," points out that, faced with the announcement that the pressure on the "rich" countries of migration of the poor is likely to increase and with the finding that the effects of the recession triggered by U.S. sub-prime run down on us, the tendency to withdraw into their individualism is also contaminating levels of society in which solidarity was more at home. This is nothing new: When you include the sad times, if not born on the left at the prospect of an answer, you look right. Which - I teach history - is fraught with risks.
The grounds for which a plausible answer was not about to the left will open a debate and a settling of scores that is easy to predict will be more fierce as it will be inconclusive. There should be reasons to avoid pinning quotas, more of tactics than strategy, more than that brief moment of wide-ranging, to look deep into the reasons why the Rainbow The Left did not appear credible.
The first and most obvious is that the attempt was strangled at birth by the fall of the government crisis and the dissolution of the rooms. It must be recognized, however, that the formations that have brought this experience occurred appointment, as most, some less, largely unprepared. Why the need innovation there.
The crisis of democracy, that of representation, the 'weakening of the nation-state are not contingent facts, are among the outcomes of the declining phase of the parable of modernity. We are at a transition era: interpretative paradigms, conceptual categories and forms of action, which the party form, valid for one time, are now outdated. In a complex society in which the web of relationships grows and multiplies the number of judgments, reaction times become longer as the speed is a requirement, the question arises of how the institutions.
Veltroni and his entourage, Berlusconi presented their solution. Both, despite some differences in the same direction: a societal level, the liquefaction of subjectivity and their merger into a single identity and indistinct, that of citizenship at the political level, the simplification of the framework through the formation of aggregations not uniform, but compact, in which identities are diluted up to fade, and focussed on the role of leader as a condition for the bipolar functions. Of the two possible solutions
chose to taper the pyramid of power, concentrating it. We may call this model of democracy or despotism despotism democratic, depending on how you will handle. This is all about.
The other solution, to break the closed society in which individualism is fragmented under the pressure dell'iperliberismo, another poisonous fruit of the crisis of modernity, and to revive the power of subjectivity, enhance the richness of diversity of social subjects , structure in the power network by multiplying the points where it is decided, then the participation by a given practical and effective, this other solution, the left has not proposed. Nor, perhaps, he thought. Here he is in my opinion the root cause of the defeat of the Rainbow. The others, the failure of government experience, the lack of enthusiasm of some components, the rivalries e quant’altro, che pure ci sono state, contano assai meno.
Da qui dobbiamo partire.
L’innovazione che Veltroni e Berlusconi hanno proposto aderisce al vecchio paradigma della modernità e ne accetta tutte le conseguenze, cercando il primo solo di attenuarne l’impatto, se può; proponendo l’altro l’esaltazione dell’individualismo, crepi chi non ce la fa. Ambedue invocano la “crescita”, negandone la carica distruttrice per le persone e per l’ambiente.
La sfida che la sinistra ha di fronte è apprestare e praticare un paradigma nuovo della modernità. Su questo la sinistra deve rifondare la sua cultura. Un paradigma nel quale convergano gli apporti della Marx and the lesson of feminism, the fundamental contribution to ecology and not least of pacifism, a paradigm of science and technology able to finalize the liberation of women, men and nature, removing them from the rule of capital. A paradigm that serves to interpret reality and to transform it.
April 14 is over the short century. Not history.
The planet, in the words of Domenico De Masi, is at a crossroads: either the desperation of the hungry of the world put an end to the madness of the West and will require changing economy model (see globalization) and assets of the companies (see market society), or the environmental balance will break irreparably.
alternative but there could be: that is the West to put an end to his madness.
The left may try. Indeed it should. The road course is uphill. But the nature groaning women and men who have asked to go along
We must therefore start from scratch. But not zero, because energy, movement, knowledge to reconstruct the left there.


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