Nell’ ultimo consiglio comunale di Lauro la maggioranza ha avallato la proposta del primo cittadino di intitolare una via a Bettino Craxi. Ecco: avanti così! Intitoliamo una via ad un politico, simbolo degli anni più bui e tristi della storia repubblicana, protagonista in negativo delle indagini di Tangentopoli. Un personaggio che ha preferito l’auto-esilio dorato di Hammamet, piuttosto che affrontare la magistratura ed i tribunali italiani, come fanno, del resto, tanti innocent citizens or alleged to demonstrate their foreignness to criminal offenses attributed to them. It is not clear what the particular moral and political reasons that led to this choice. The streets, squares and monuments are entitled to the heroes, the martyrs and all those with the intellect, ingenuity and commitment to civil, sometimes at the cost of their lives, have left a positive legacy for the benefit of the community and future generations. Craxi has never done anything, if anything, has become the protagonist of a way of doing politics which is still blush of shame that went dall'affarismo to protect the interests of the party, through the hidden financing of parties that until proven otherwise in those years was the offense, up to the billions in bribes for himself and his party, helping friends and donors secret, making money on public affairs. We say that the moral point of view, Bettina, much to obscure and very little to remind a city street should be something shared: it must be a sign of respect for something or someone. It leaves us puzzled the positions of the representative of the PRC Communist who accepted this choice without a word, forgetting that Craxi was moved by a ferocious demonization of the radical left. We just support the Council's choice to name a street Truoiolo Enrico Berlinguer and we think is right and proper way to spend other civilian heroes, this time real, like Falcone and Borsellino.
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