There is a left that has not stopped the April 14 election defeat, but that has gathered to discuss the warnings on itself, to remedy their mistakes, to infinite liturgies, the sins of presumption. There is a Left that has decided to propose a constitutional process that is not the sum of membership but an experience of profound innovation. A political project that collects experiences, cultures, passions and moral tension civilians. A shared project, built from the bottom, able to free themselves by the prudence of the "elites", from the rituals and expected delays. Knowing that, in the country, social and civic left is far ahead of Congress who claim to represent.
The answer that comes from these services tells us that not all will be available. Friends and comrades who had spent on this subject with passion, we now show warm, anxious not to break down the fences of their stories, as if the obstacle over which to launch the heart is suddenly become too high.
The obstacle is still there, in front of us. It 's a crumbling wall, made of mistrust, calculations, fears of identity. In front of this wall is caved experience of Rainbow Left, a generous joint project that has resulted in an electoral cartel, a cartel of vertices in which each party remained jealous of their name, their history, their steel symbols ... We have been defeated because it appeared to us what we were: a collection of small countries without a plan for the country. If the sfida oggi dovesse ridursi a conservare confini e bandiere di quelle patrie, vorrebbe dire che il cuore è rimasto inchiodato a terra. Da questa parte del muro.
Non per noi. Non per Sinistra Democratica che rilancia in questi giorni il proprio impegno per un processo costituente a sinistra: urgente, rigoroso, largo, aperto. La Costituente su cui siamo impegnati non è la liquidazione dei partiti della sinistra ma un cantiere politico che porta in sé lo sforzo di una ricerca, la scelta di misurarsi con nuovi linguaggi, nuovi riferimenti, con un nuovo sguardo sulle cose di questo tempo. Il punto d’arrivo è una nuova sinistra, capace finalmente di riorganizzare e spostare in avanti i segni di tutte le culture che si porta dentro. Non un museo but a laboratory. Not a sum of fences (the Socialists with the Socialists, the Communists with the Communists, environmentalists, with environmentalists, civil society with civil society, the radicals with the radicals ...) but a field to be sown together. With an urgent first test of the reorganization of the opposition in the country is now an orphan, an opposition that undermines the political agenda those issues - work, job insecurity, inequality, new poverty, denied rights, violated the guarantees - that the Berlusconi government considers little more than plunder elettorale.La constituent of the Left will not be any moratorium: it is already in the field, and we are committed because can deal with voters as early as the administrative and Europe next year. Of course, no one is naive enough to think that a new political entity of the left can get in a few months with a hasty deed. But no one can pretend to be so naive as to think that this process will be postponed until better times. The time for the Constituent Assembly of the Left is now, because now is a rebuilt center of new political culture, because now you must give visibility and accountability to all the voices of the left, for this we ask voters on April 14 there have turned their backs and does not want to have to continue to choose between parties and short closed obsolete words, veterans ... Four conference, twelve motions: this is the present of the Italian left. There can also be the Democratic futuro.Sinistra supported him in his own national assembly, we must open a site, discuss and work together on forms, rules, times and especially content. Closed in together does not mean our leaders. We think the demand for new social policy coming from the left and widespread: dozens of groups, collective paths, individual stories of commitment and activism, critical thinking and political battle that in recent years have been - from Vicenza, Palermo, Florence Locri - the best civic conscience of the country: the Constituent Assembly is il luogo politico in cui ciascuna di quelle storie può ritrovare voce, sovranità, responsabilità.
Dobbiamo fare presto e bene. Evitando che a decidere per noi sia una nuova legge elettorale. Far nascere un progetto unitario come una necessità legata alle cifre di uno sbarramento sarebbe una fuga, non una scelta. Gli elettori ci hanno detto che dalla sinistra non vogliono finzioni o tatticismi ma assunzione di responsabilità. Per questo chiediamo a chi si riconosce in questa urgenza e in questo percorso di farsi avanti: la Costituente di Sinistra deve essere un processo plurale, aperto, inclusivo. Di pari dignità, di reciproca responsabilità. Senza ospiti né padroni di casa. E’ ciò che il paese si aspetta da noi.
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