Vallo di Lauro under the magnifying glass of the Ministry of the Interior. The risk of Camorra infiltration in the management of public affairs has resulted in a couple of months, the appointment of two committees of access, first in Pago del Vallo di Lauro, Lauro in recent days. In the latter town the committee will be composed of vice-Mario The Mountain, by the official of the Prefecture of Naples Salvatore Carli, the head of the police Lauro Raffaele Monda, the lieutenant colonel of the Guardia di Finanza di Avellino Maurice Guarino, the lieutenant Company Baiano Rosario Basilica, the officer of the board of public works Gennaro D'Onofrio. These will, in the next 60 days, test and evaluate the administrative documents produced by municipal offices, and finally prepare a final report. In the case were leaked elements of suspicion, it should be dissolution Camorra infiltration. I pay for the final report will be made in December. For Laura, the measure of the prefecture authorized by the Ministry of the Interior by order, comes at a time of tension for the local administration, already struggling with the thorny matter of the mobility of six city employees and the absurd episode of ' aggression former deputy mayor and current City Council President Antonio Bossone by an employee. Now the committee of access, following the statements made by the prosecutor Troncone, a judge on Thursday in service to the public prosecutor's office as deputy prosecutor Nola, about the dangers of flu clan in the management of public activities. Certainly the statements by the judge, many years been involved on the ground in the fight against clan of Loreto, highlight the particular condition of Vallo di Lauro, whose communities have suffered and still suffer perhaps the influence of ammorbante Cava and Graziano. Fifteen was the first town in Italy to be wound up by the mafia in 1983 by Pertini, then again in 1985 was dissolved in 1993 and 2002. Pago witnessed the early termination to the mafia in 1993. Now the Home Office sent two commissions to access, confirming that the effective and ongoing work to combat the clan, started from the Prosecutor's investigations led to the decimation of Avellino Cava and Graziano con arresti e sequestri, viene ora supportata da una indagine a 360 gradi anche sulla amministrazione delle comunità lauretane.
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