A deathly silence lasted for seven long years, the ears of fans could only sound like the end of that all in all a pleasant repechage of the most terrifying film magnetically horror of the Thirty glorious years, reviving the high priest Im-Ho-Tep, immortalized in the interpretation of a 1932 Boris Karloff, the year before, he had already handed down to posterity the form and movements of Frankenstein.
declination of the chiaroscuro and expression of essential masterpiece of Karl Freund, The Mummy in dynamics and tension melt entr'actes Indiana Jones films, in 1999, the agile Stephen Sommers returned it to unroll the bandages that were wrapped 's Egyptian convicted of sacrilege to feel love lay in the tomb, to agitate against the former legionnaire Rick O'Connell and Evelyn beautiful archaeologist will The Mummy first tonitruante chapter of a diptych, which together with The Mummy - The Return (2001), became a standard bearer of nostalgia for the long absence from the screen of the teacher with a whip and hat, invented by George Lucas.
Now, excluding the income The Scorpion King spin-off of 2002 whose muscle directed by Chuck Russell is holding back a mere sensation of scraping the barrel, with a delicious madeleine effect that immerse yourself in the crepe paper of Hercules and his companions, now this unexpected third firm of O'Connell (infant already were married with eight years in the second episode), The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon , comes to give the ever irrepressible manforte longing for freedom from the hassles of every day is rewarded for some time before, after twenty years of affliction, by the return of old-style adventure with a bang, though mottled with shades of contemporary concerns, signed Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull .
In ancient China, the invincible and ruthless king Han has two specific objectives: to become emperor and have eternal life. At the supreme power he thinks his army, in perpetuity the witch Zi Juan, asking in exchange for being able to live next to the General Ming, to whom she fell in love.
Deceived by a false promise, however, Zi Juan throws a curse on the sovereign, who turns into a clay statue together with his army of ten thousand warriors.
In 1947, archaeologist Alex O'Connoll, son of Rick and Evelyn, brings to light the tomb of Han. Basis, in immeasurable scientific discovery is matched by the usual band of fanatics who have awaited the return of the emperor, who, awakened by Rick, motivated by a gun against his wife, soon to regain lost thousands of head of a ' whole legion of undead.
Set aside the role of executive producer, Stephen Sommers and grace Egypt unearths the chaos on the ground at the hands of Asian acrobatic Rob Cohen, who is "acting" even before opening Universal logo with a wuxiapian, the kind of "cloak and dagger" in China, which has the only defect to last less than ten minutes to dissolve the mausoleum of the emperor's face martial on that kid from Rick O'Connell, who put aside the cane fishing in favor of a more expeditious gun, performs in a comedy that brings the film on the usual binary 'mummieschi', namely gag immediate impact, more or less funny jokes and action at breakneck speed in the service of a drama he sees as dust in the eyes lust for any commitment. This
Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, then, except for the opening words, seal those openings ambiguous seduction of terror which also wound in the two works that preceded it, and 'writing the part' for three abominable snow men and a three-headed dragon, makes himself yet another model of a universe immediately ready to be challenged by a well-balanced operation of joystick. Fun
more than assured, then, for those who think Playstation, for all others, a suggestion to suppress some yawn would be to stagger the vision considering how absolutely counterproductive for the lack of career rollercoaster ride of Rachel Weisz in role, so far, Evelyn.
Originally published without subject to modification in the newspaper the East in October 2008.
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