Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Congrationlations Baby


The title says it all: the temperatures are down the right, the sky gray with drizzle us company ... among other things, not that anyone could have expected something different.
In the meantime I started the second course in Finnish, hoping that the results are a bit 'more of the first concrete ... decision, I will study the grammar is not for nothing, for now I just want to learn as many words as possible. There will be time for grammar, if and when necessary ... :)

Side note: Last Sunday at the stadium (football) have brought out all the "ultras" of Tampere, because they had two smoke on. Then he played in Italy and there are those who attack trains and break through the gates of the stadium and did not even end up in a prison (not even by mistake, perhaps a couple of hours, just to prove it is ...)


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