Monday, September 15, 2008

Natural Emergency Contraceptive

incredibly disgusting ...

you also read this mail:

the CA. Dear Carrefour Directorate of Assago

My name is Barbara and I am the proud mother of an autistic child for four years.

in your site, I read of your mission and especially of your social commitment.
" Our ability to integrate with the territory in which we operate, to communicate with local institutions and to support social projects and humanitarian organizations are found through concrete actions:

• Research funding contro alcune malattie del XXI secolo
• Sostegno alla giornata nazionale indetta dal Banco Alimentare per la raccolta di generi alimentari
• Sostegno di iniziative umanitarie di vario tipo”

Lasciatemi dire che oggi nel punto vendita di Assago avete sfiorato la discriminazione punibile per legge.

Era previsto un evento che mio figlio aspettava con ansia: il tour delle auto a grandezza reale del film Cars.

Vestito di tutto punto con la sua maglietta di Cars, comprata DA VOI, oggi l’ho portato, emozionatissimo, ad Assago. Vista la posizione di Saetta, ci siamo avvicinati per fare una foto. Click, click, click, bimbo sorridente a lato machine. Had included a photographer, about sixty years, it seemed a reassuring grandfather with a camera from 2000 €, which is connected to a PC where a bald forty-five scan a flyer with pictures of cute kids in front of Saetta, printed within the grid a mock newspaper drive. A cover short, that the kids were clamoring for, and would then framed in one of the expensive frames for sale in your department workroom. Clearly, my blond, who unfortunately for his illness does not speak (yet), made me understand by signs that he would like. Why not? Simple, I would have realized after a while.

await the turn of my son, with extreme patience, and without disturbing anyone. There have been some twenty children, not more. Not one hundred, twenty.

comes the turn of my small, and not just crossing the barrier, still time well TWO SECONDS turned to his idol size, instead of fixing the lens of the photographer. Down with me, without bothering anyone, and slide under the rope from the front, I ask my son to turn around. The photographer begins to scream " Move! We're not all here waiting for you "My son turns, but not enough according to the" professional ". I ask him "Please, even if not quite straight, face the same picture ..." "But I I have no time to waste mica knows? Bring it on! Go! Next another go! "A child screams in hand" Oh, I think that's stupid "and your Little Man Computer, laughing," Oh, yes! Go blond, can not stay here for life! "My son, who is not stupid, does not speak but understands everything, feeling the photographer screaming, from what digitized images and the claque that these two individuals have raised and stirred up, he begins to cry, even derided by the photographer who sends down from the pedestal of luck you have improvised in front of the machine, making it even stumble. A are worthless embarrassed apologies of the guard, who shortly before had quietly familiar with my son. The humiliation that was given by your charge, which should have been working with children, a small four years that has the misfortune to have a syndrome that just makes him have visual contact with the rest of the world and he does not speak , it was a heartbreaking thing. In tears, with the chest shaken by sobs, humiliated, mocked, injured in their dignity as a neurotypical child. A young lady, with your tshirt, I approached to ask what had happened. In my explanation, after having said that little had autistic syndrome, he said, " But if it is not normal should not lead among people . Son was

so bad that I could not react, I had to go out in the open air, with the baby crying, to take breath after so much humiliation.

I cried. Pain.

This is Article 2 paragraph 4 of Law 67 of March 1, 2006, in the interests of persons with disabilities:

-are also regarded as discrimination or harassment those unwanted behavior, put in place for reasons related to disability, which violates the dignity and liberty of a person with disabilities, or create a climate of intimidation, humiliation and hostility against him.

I want to know how you intend to act, if with a shrug di spalle come i Vostri dipendenti, di fronte a un trauma che avete fatto subire ad un bambino che già dalla vita è messo ogni giorno a dura prova.

Manderò questa mail in copia alla segreteria dell’onorevole Carfagna, e alla redazione di Striscia la Notizia, oltre a pubblicarla sul mio sito personale.

Tacere non ha senso, e ancora minor senso hanno le umiliazione che io e mio figlio abbiamo subito oggi.

...e poi fatemi sapere cosa si dovrebbe fare a delle persone così...


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