Friday, October 31, 2008

Myamme In Skinny Jeans

how to survive the month of November

In effetti, novembre in Finlandia non è il massimo dell'allegria. Quindi meglio attrezzarsi in partenza, per non farsi trovare impreparati. Io per strafare, da qui a Dicembre ho qualcosa da fare per ogni fine settimana, o quasi... :))

Domani festa di Halloween (a day late) at the home of Hanna: Caramel for the occasion and I have bought wigs and sunglasses 70's style, then maybe publish some 'photos, so now my dignity is close to zero ever: D (I wore a mask when I was 7-8 years, thankfully).
The weekend after, we are the party of "opening" of the new apartment .. although we are now in a month: D .. I must remember to buy the ingredients for tiramisu!
The one after that (Nov. 15) is the birthday of Karen. Instead, for the following weekend, still no program: D
At the end of November instead, long weekend (including Monday) to Kaunas, Lithuania, via Riga (with Ryanair, € 35 for return flights!).
returned from Lithuania, I expect the travel company in Tallinn, two days pikkujoulu (Small Christmas). Jobs bland mixed celebrations:)) ..

short, tomorrow begins in November, it's raining outside and the sky is gray, but all in all, I do not think the case to complain about the situation:)

PS I plan to write a little 'more about the blog, lately I have not had neither time nor inclination to do it;)

Monday, October 20, 2008

C.j. Barrymore's Coupons

ideas of Irpinia: Legal and moral action Pasquale Colucci

Legalità e questione morale non sono due concetti, non sono due questioni, ma solo due aspetti della stessa questione. Chi si occupa del bene comune in quanto funzionario o in quanto politico ma anche il semplice cittadino, ha, nel suo agire quotidiano, due possibilità: o assumere la legalità, il rispetto delle regole come proprio principio ispiratore, oppure avere come proprio unico imperativo quello della realizzazione del proprio interesse, al di là ed al di fuori di ogni regola. E pare del tutto ovvio che porre come fondamentale principio quello di perseguire i propri interessi indipendentemente by the rules, is the renunciation of all moral principle.
But to understand and closely because, for legal reasons, for the moral question, Irpinia is at a crossroads, it is significant about the situation of the Vallo di Lauro, one of the marginal areas of this province that noble past while providing and important cultural traditions has become sadly infamous for the pervasive presence of organized crime. The students can understand how articulate, how they feed, what effects it produces the situation that presence.
The beginning: it seemed almost a folk story, with researchers from northern Europe to study the case of this family close around his head to administer a country and to impose its laws to the whole community.
The transition from one dimension to village holding itself but also the source of the bloody clashes significantly coincides with the arrival of funds for reconstruction and assistance for the housing needs of post-earthquake. It was then, in the mid-'80s that broke the first war between the Camorra clan Cava and Graziano in the Vallo di Lauro, forcing the President of the Republic, Sandro Pertini the action for the first time the instrument of dissolution of civic administration, event then repeated several times, unfortunately. Even at fifteen was a absolute singularity at the national level che non si registrava neppure nella Sicilia dei Liggio e dei Riina; neppure a Corleone infatti il capo del clan era anche il capo dell’amministrazione comunale come era Raffaele Graziano. Ma c’era una ragione che giustificava quella particolarità ed erano appunto i fondi che l’ente pubblico amministrava. I nostri enti pubblici sono tuttora le maggiori aziende che insistono sul territorio per fondi, interessi e personale amministrati.
E di fatti la storia si ripete, allorquando arrivano i fondi per la messa in sicurezza del territorio a seguito dell’emergenza frane del 1998.
E’ questa grande disponibilità di fondi pubblici che ovviamente stimola gli appetiti dei clan. Bisogna infatti pensare che solo per i primi interventi the securing of the municipality of Fifteen were budgeted by the Commissioner for emergency landslide some 100 billion lire, about 50 million € uro current
But of course the crime is not content to wait for the big events that can bring big profits.
And in fact seeks to gain through more traditional activities as it were ordinary and extortion in the first place that focused mostly on the only productive sector as it has seen some expansion, the building industry. In fact if you take a walk in the Vallo di Lauro with a minimum of attention is understood that the spirit of the SS 403, a long thoroughfare in connection with the land Vallo di Lauro di Principato Ultra, in his section of the valley has become a city street with buildings that rise to the right and left, where the strokes are very few remaining vacant. Here is no coincidence that the building took place outside of any detailed planning. It seems that the top clans had even experienced a system to keep track of this particular sector, setting up a station at the roadside from which count all the trucks and concrete mixers that passed in the Wall, by imposing a peak for each load of concrete unloaded. But it was only one way, because there has been no appeal to the more traditional system del pizzo sul cantiere.
Ed è un sistema che ha fruttato, e molto anche. Ricordo che quando ero consigliere provinciale e pensammo di proporre anche un’alternativa sociale a Quindici, allestendo il patto con Rimini, un esponente del clan Graziano avvicinò il nostro presidente dicendogli: “presidente, voi a Rimini ci andate adesso, noi abbiamo investito lì da anni”. Avevano già all’epoca, oltre dieci anni orsono, rastrellato tanto danaro da estorsioni ed altre attività illecite da riciclarlo anche a Rimini.
Insomma, un’attività altamente redditizia, che porta importanti profitti. E se è questa la situazione ancor meglio si comprende come il praticare l’illegalità, il exceed the limits set by unwavering rules, is a choice that will guarantee benefits otherwise unexpected. And this is what we now need to worry more. Because the system of lawlessness when it is not effectively countered, and when it produces results useful to those who practice it, easily creates emulation throughout the company and 'an attitude that just because "rewards" and precisely because he did not effectively countered his emulated in other areas. For example dell'infortunistica
the road. It is no longer a mystery to anyone in the Office of Justice of the Peace of Lauro are introduced every year hundreds and hundreds of jobs relating to road traffic accidents for most of the game which is even imagine the strength to be false, if one takes into account how many people are and how many cars around, those are the real incidents officially registered with local police and law enforcement .
If you want to switch to another sector, the government, even here there is in front of lawlessness in some cases adopted in the system, in some cases even theorized.
Just to be mentioned before and the issue planning to talk about the facts: the three towns that lie along the highway 403 are the ones where he started most of which are better but the delay in planning instruments. Laura even missing sinanche approval of the PUC, the current planning instrument is the Building Program came into effect in 1977. Various and variously developed were the new draft planning instrument adopted during these thirty years, but none has gone through. And the reason is obvious: administrators have theorized the illegality from this point of view. If there is an effective planning tool and force everyone knows where and how you can build and do not need to ask for favors to political duty. But if you recognize the citizen without any problems what is in his right, why should Essert grateful? But if you work to get him something that was not for it, especially if you do understand that you expose yourself to administrator his city, even if it means crossing the threshold of legality, then the city you will be grateful and will ensure your consent . That 's what happened in the field-urban building in Lauro, where, despite this lack of planning has been built as planned and even more than projected by the draft planning instrument adopted. I remember one of the first draft adopted in the late 80s early 90s provided an increase in the population, then 3,800 inhabitants, almost 45%, with a sizing PRG provided by the housing needs of that time to approximately 5,400 inhabitants. Well today all areas as provided for building were almost all built. But if you go to check what is the consistency of demographic Lauro you will find that it has not only increased the hyperbolic 5,400 inhabitants, but has actually decreased in 3650.
and yet you continue to issue building permits. Only in the period before the last election of graduates were 34 building permits issued: here the coincidence is strange. I do not think that we need to make any comment, simply to report another very serious issue that unfortunately did not have the necessary echo in the national media do not say but at least regional or provincial. The legal framework of reference is that before the last change in the regional planning law, in my opinion, in deference to a misunderstanding of the principle of federalism and local self-government, has denied any cogency to the terms and procedures for the adoption of the instruments planning by municipalities. Before, when they were still under the Commissioner, the Joint Commission for Lauro was the adoption of the PRG and was also appointed a commissioner by the first provincial authority to control who, without fully completing his term, he resigned, a second Then he was appointed commissioner in place by the Prefect. But even that mysteriously resigned. Nothing is known about why.
However, if this is the framework, then no wonder what has happened recently in Pago del Vallo di Lauro, a town which is already dissolved in the nineties by infiltration of the Camorra, for a history of identity documents found in the Camorra. For a country and a political class that had decided to change course, the dutiful thing to do was to manage public affairs with the utmost transparency and one of the most sensitive areas for a municipality, the urban planning. He went in the opposite direction. Without wanting to delve into even more specific technical issues, but simply a question of more immediate perception to the public opinion, and the nationality of Pago del Vallo, suffice to say that the boss Cava see that without the approval of a planning instrument can build a house the size of those views, it is a fact not gone unnoticed. It makes us understand how the power of this boss is also on the government to be able to get what they normally would not be permitted and at the same time show off the power and wealth, in short, to be the real masters of Vallo.
But the field of public administration also gives us the worst episodes, for some of them is also some preliminary court intervened. As that of 'a former mayor of Lauro convicted for defamation and threats against a female employee. The story, as my ears have heard, is this: the former first citizen from the stage of the penultimate rally of the election bluntly threatened certain employees known to be not aligned with his list, told them they had counted the hours. Then he passed from words to deeds. Shortly after, in fact his administration put in some people with mobility measures in the civil courts already have rejected. And now the judge in a criminal court has sanctioned the illegal behavior.
As we understand the arrogance therefore, outside of any rule, which has become a system of government of a territory and its community.
But as these situations and should be interpreted primarily as must be faced, the spread of delinquency?
The first is to understand exactly the scope that is no longer limited to a few dozen people, all belonging to the same family. So you should take into account that only the last two operations have affected the direction of the anti-mafia something like over 70 people of the two clans. Moreover it is these operations have confirmed what was already a bit 'of time was known, namely that the clans which have their roots in Fifteen have extended their influence throughout the territory of the capital and Vallo and also to a substantial proportion Irpinia. Not only as an expansion area for their activities, but also increase the area where fila dei loro affiliati e fiancheggiatori. Sembrerebbe quasi superfluo dirlo, ma è assolutamente fuori luogo pensare che la questione legalità e la questione criminalità sia un fatto che interessa solo una piccola parte del territorio regionale e provinciale. E’ concetto noto che la criminalità è come una ferita che non curata si estende a tutto il corpo. Oppure, se si vuole, è una mala pianta che se non estirpata diventa infestante. Può esistere una politica per l’Italia che prescinde dalla questione mafia o camorra? E allora come si può pensare che se ne possa prescindere a livello regionale o a livello provinciale?
Ma l’incancrenirsi della situazione e l’indifferenza di tanta parte della cittadinanza and their political and institutional leaders are also leading to other consequences. The more people cower in their particular subjects better move away from the commitment public, who can run away from our area. Laura Vallo record and a strong tendency to emigration which covers two major categories of people: those who chose to live in Laurel and Vallo for its mild climate, the beauty of the landscape and that now they see rather than the quality of life is deteriorating dramatically, and the young people who go out to seek his fortune, more and more often never to return. Coming up and I am certainly not the first to say, the phenomenon of di massa.
Ma vi è anche un altro aspetto intimamente connesso a quello che stiamo trattando e sul quale anche vi è ampia letteratura, quello dello sviluppo. Da sempre è risaputo che nelle zone ad alta presenza criminale non vi è sviluppo. Perché le imprese vanno ad investire dove hanno condizioni minime di sicurezza, dove non devono pagare il pizzo a nessuno, dove c’è possibilità di svolgere attività senza essere minacciati o vessati. Ebbene, nel Vallo di Lauro e credo un po’ in tutta la regione Campania, con qualche rara e labile eccezione, la tendenza è quella a disinvestire.
Tanto per comprendere qual’è la situazione, secondo una statistica pubblicata qualche mese fa e relativa all’ammontare del valore aggiunto prodotto per ciascun abitante, Lauro si trova agli ultimi posti nella classifica regionale. Ciò vuol dire che come attività produttive attive sul territorio siamo il fanalino di coda di tutta la regione. E se vogliamo far riferimento ad un altro elemento che sembrerebbe di più diretta ed immediata percezione basterà ricordare che è stato completato da oramai 3 anni il Piano per Insediamenti Produttivi ma nessuna impresa vi si è ancora insediata. Tanto che l’amministrazione comunale di Lauro ha concesso uno dei lotti per la realizzazione del centro per la protezione civile e forse farà sorgere un impianto fotovoltaico per la produzione dell’energia elettrica in altro lotto.
Ma cosa ci dice tutto ciò? Ci says that not enough effort one of the judiciary or the police or the administration, but there must be a synergistic effort. From the category of persons directly involved and most important, we citizens must learn to demand respect for the rules daily from acting as the round with helmets on scooters or not to leave waste on the street. It is here that trigger other deep thoughts on diversity, cultural diversity, at least in part have ancestral origins. And I mean the lack of a sense of belonging to a community, a sense of belonging to a state, the lack of public consciousness. And in fact it is easy to think that anyone who leaves the refusal the street, maybe the same road that runs every day and that leads to his home, has no culture of the public as it is as if to say: it is not my property, what I care about dirty? And 'the attitude of those who, having witnessed a crime, questioned say not, not my business.
E 'this culture that we must fight, build a sense of community and the state, realizing it is the only reference to naturally social beings as human beings. Of course it is not easy in a context where no one has ever exposed denouncing the lace or even more simply fulfilling its duty to testify in a trial of the Camorra.
Nonostante tutte queste difficoltà credo che però il momento può essere oggi quello giusto: non solo vi è un’attenzione importante dell’opinione pubblica e di importanti organi dello Stato, come dimostrano le operazioni di polizia ripetutamente portate a segno nella Regione e le vicende delle terre dei casalesi e se voglaimo anche la vicenda di Saviano l’autore del fortunato best-seller “Gomorra”. Ma più in particolare nella nostra provincia nel nostro Vallo, viviamo un momento che conosce pochi, anzi nessun precedente.
Quasi tutti i maggiori esponenti dei clan, tranne forse uno, sono assicurati alle patrie galere.
Quindi potrebbe essere il momento in cui -in assoluto- si deve avere meno paura. It 's the case, then, that those who have suffered extortion, threats, blackmail or otherwise is in a position to make a contribution to the work of state organs to do so. Knowing well that they need the presence and vigilance of citizens, in order to feel engaged in a synergistic effort for a single goal. So you can also reduce the chances of cases like that happen came to light in recent days, the subsidies granted under the law to aid victims of organized crime, but instead ended up in close relatives of the same boss. Maybe it was just a mistake, however, if you carry out more stringent checks and whether to make the most sensitive area officials are not exactly the zone is easier than the enforcement actions have the best outcome and not give rise to incidents such as those concerning his family Graziano. Normally it is not easy, even for the ferocity that use, to counter the Camorra: certainly can not do better agents and officials of the same area with which we sometimes have a family relationship or otherwise of contiguity.
Actually we all do it, knowing that there is no other decent life possible in a land with Camorra: we learned that not only limit your freedom, you deprive your will to live, but in reality they take away the life . And not just as happened, among many others, also found itself Nunziante Scibelli Goes on a road at the wrong time, but day after day, sowing the land with poison, to give an example.
I had already made an appeal to my fellow citizens a few months ago, authorities del Vallo, take advantage of the propitious moment of the counter of this recently by the state which is showing strong results. With some rare exceptions I have not received answers, but I renew the appeal: we must all stand up together to take back our land, our life. But we should be all set.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sample Email On New Baby

The Fisherman

There is a book that hides
but I
mai scritto cosa sei
per me
perché è facile
tu mi leggi dentro
io no
se gli errori li cancello
resta la
peggior calligrafia
che ho
avuto in vita mia
nuda lì sul foglio
io sono un pescatore di asterischi
sotto un'onda a forma di parentesi rotonda che mi porta via
non si può partecipare
subito a un concorso di poesia
che idea
intitolarla 'apnea'
is a first place
in this game of dirty thoughts over a bed
first to hug and I think I connect with you
your hair blacks tipped ink
to tangle My
I octopus squid you do not want you to eat
but in life there is always a however
a sky that rests on the sea
and you learn who you are as a juggler
spend all the time to look
the sense that there is no gravitational
and there is a cricket hide
ogni tanto esce e dice che
chissà se anche lei
è pura fino in fondo
in questo gioco di pensieri sporchi sopra a un letto
prima di abbracciarti mi connetto più vicino a te
e tu sei bella come quella Madonna che un giorno qualcuno pescò
anche il polipo e la seppia non si fanno più male
eh no, son saliti a guardare
il cielo che si spegne nel mare
laggiù dove sono gli Dei
siamo giocolieri non sprechiamo il tempo a cercare
the sense that there is no gravitational
jugglers we do not waste time searching
the sense that there is no gravitational
jugglers we do not waste time looking
the gravitational effect that there is a sense

Samuele Bersani

Rejestracja Self Employed


The novel Man in the Dark by Paul Auster:

... this good person who refuses to believe to be good because only good question the inherent goodness, and this is the precondition which makes them good. The bad guys know they are good, but the good they do not know anything. Forgiving others spend their lives, but they can not forgive themselves.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Brazilian Wax Pregnancy

make noise ... maybe it's close encounter with a fox

... certain things, the more you talk, the better.

"I Casalesi
kill Saviano before Christmas and the spare"


NAPLES - They agreed on a date, as were writing their "novel" nero dei conti da regolare. Stavolta i padrini che dirigono il gruppo stragista del clan dei casalesi avrebbero deciso persino un termine per distruggere la vita di Roberto Saviano. Ed è la prima volta che affiora una dead line. "Entro dicembre morirà", racconta un ex criminale ormai diventato collaboratore di giustizia da oltre un decennio.
I casalesi stavolta tirano in ballo anche la sua scorta, i sette carabinieri che sono il suo scudo e i suoi amici, la sua ombra e la sua compagnia.

"Succederà entro la fine di dicembre. Quel libro ha fatto troppo clamore", aggiunge il superpentito dei casalesi. Si tratta di un personaggio che da tempo, come ovvio, risulta estraneo agli affari criminali, and yet it is rooted in those places of origin and considered too reliable so as not to suspect that convergence has taken items from his Casal di Principe, in the heart of the province of Caserta, devastated by the design stragista in recent months, with 15 innocent victims in a short more than five months.
The Comedy of Terrors then pull up on the sign-writer of Gomorrah. But he's always crooked smile, pretending normalcy. "What should I do? Continue business as usual. I have no other option than mica resist, resist, resist." Shortly after, who tugs, answered ironically: "One thing they taught me these past two years alone: \u200b\u200bcook, elaborate recipes, hey, I'm becoming a chef."

traveling outside his lair protected against the latest threat Roberto Saviano is considered "trusted". Further investigations are in progress, was recorded in the last hours of the Directorate acts of anti-mafia prosecutor of Naples. It is a paper dated October 1, 2008. Twenty rows. It refers to a meeting three days earlier.
Those twenty lines that continue to block the confidence in a normal life for the young author became a symbol of the fight against the mafia, and the collusion of the territories all'omertà that bend the head. In legal parlance is called "record".

Four rows, half sheet, faithfully reproduce the confidence that the mafia gang of superpentito Casale has entrusted, in late September, a State official, who then reported to police. A meeting was not random, but probably dictated by reasons of old custom. Perhaps the two stopped talking around a coffee, maybe dinner. During that interview, the repented of Casale, one of the first to collaborate with the state, already related to the most prominent families of the criminal elite, said he had heard that close to Christmas triggered the tragic revenge against the writer. Why? "Too much chaos caused that book, a phenomenon," will explain to the person who takes on the voice information from the repentant.

In the transcription the senior member of the police, from London, writes: "This (the repented of Casale, ed) would report (the official) that by the end of December, the famous writer of the book Gomorra, Roberto Saviano, it was killed together with his escort, as with his book had made too much noise. " The signal immediately invests the heads of police and Carabinieri General Command. We further restrict the mesh security precaution principle, there is no room for failure minimum impenetrable network of controls and remediation provided to each shift Saviano. There are those who, by the highest levels of the forces order, shall also assess the need for radical measures, not least of which provide for a temporary move abroad.
Franco Roberti, the anti-Mafia prosecutor, does not intervene in the affair but insists: "We know for some time that the writer Saviano is exposed, the protective measures around him would be most appropriate." But no one can exclude, with respect to eco detailed discussion of this alleged death sentence - "by December, with the stock" - any links with the chilling scenario that emerges for revenge after the Blitz scored by police and carabinieri, Land Working with the pool of expert Casalesi Dda di Napoli.
circumstances justifying the high alert investigators That meeting between superpentito and his guest back to the 27th of September. That is, nine days after the 7 innocent deaths (before Celiento Antonio, killed because a police informer and then massacred in six Ghanaian tailoring), and three days before the State deal a hammer blow to the group stragista, with the capture of three of his most trusted killer, Alessandro Cirillo, Oreste Spagnuolo and Giovanni Letizia, the seizure of a frightening arsenal - 11 weapons, including a Kalashnikov. Just Spagnuolo September 6 decides to cooperate with the State. 7, a detail that tells today, linked to the threat addressed to Saviano, puts the shivers. Bristle in fact, the super-fugitive on the run, the killer felt creator (with the boss Bidognetti placet) of the sequence of murder and terror against brave entrepreneurs and family to repent, a few weeks "was chasing a detonator with a remote control." It tells the neopentito Spagnuolo. "Brisson told me that he tried to get a remote control detonator. He said it was an easy way to kill," he said.

Roberto Saviano now repeats: "Nothing changes, it is important to keep your head up". It's the same thing repeated, 17 September 2007, the streets in Casal di Principe, his last appearance in a square: "Guys, do not be ripping the right to happiness." Perhaps it was saying to himself.

Source Republic.

Cataracts More Condition_treatment

Last night I went to me for a walk near the lake, and return home, I met a fox! It will be that here the animals are accustomed to seeing men, but she ran away, in fact, walked slowly turning to look at me every now and then .. :))
However, the list of animals seen live, I can now add the fox! :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Gifts For Stroke Victums


Finally. After a really long week, there takes two days off. 3 days of conferences organized by us (Hermia) here in Tampa for Mindtrek: in addition to the work to be done for the conference, I also "normal" job to do. So for two consecutive days, in the morning at 7 I was in office .. Oh well, this has gone too:)
weekend will be devoted almost entirely to accommodate the new chamber, after the move last week.
Today when I came home, in the earphones Ironic Alanis Morissette singing and breathing around you fall: pleasant, indescribably pleasant. Assuming that there is indescribably in the Italian vocabulary:))