... certain things, the more you talk, the better.
"I Casalesi
kill Saviano before Christmas and the spare"ANGEL Carotene and CONCHITA SANNINO
NAPLES - They agreed on a date, as were writing their "novel" nero dei conti da regolare. Stavolta i padrini che dirigono il gruppo stragista del clan dei casalesi avrebbero deciso persino un termine per distruggere la vita di Roberto Saviano. Ed è la prima volta che affiora una dead line. "Entro dicembre morirà", racconta un ex criminale ormai diventato collaboratore di giustizia da oltre un decennio.
I casalesi stavolta tirano in ballo anche la sua scorta, i sette carabinieri che sono il suo scudo e i suoi amici, la sua ombra e la sua compagnia.
"Succederà entro la fine di dicembre. Quel libro ha fatto troppo clamore", aggiunge il superpentito dei casalesi. Si tratta di un personaggio che da tempo, come ovvio, risulta estraneo agli affari criminali, and yet it is rooted in those places of origin and considered too reliable so as not to suspect that convergence has taken items from his Casal di Principe, in the heart of the province of Caserta, devastated by the design stragista in recent months, with 15 innocent victims in a short more than five months.
The Comedy of Terrors then pull up on the sign-writer of Gomorrah. But he's always crooked smile, pretending normalcy. "What should I do? Continue business as usual. I have no other option than mica resist, resist, resist." Shortly after, who tugs, answered ironically: "One thing they taught me these past two years alone: \u200b\u200bcook, elaborate recipes, hey, I'm becoming a chef."
traveling outside his lair protected against the latest threat Roberto Saviano is considered "trusted". Further investigations are in progress, was recorded in the last hours of the Directorate acts of anti-mafia prosecutor of Naples. It is a paper dated October 1, 2008. Twenty rows. It refers to a meeting three days earlier.
Those twenty lines that continue to block the confidence in a normal life for the young author became a symbol of the fight against the mafia, and the collusion of the territories all'omertà that bend the head. In legal parlance is called "record".
Four rows, half sheet, faithfully reproduce the confidence that the mafia gang of superpentito Casale has entrusted, in late September, a State official, who then reported to police. A meeting was not random, but probably dictated by reasons of old custom. Perhaps the two stopped talking around a coffee, maybe dinner. During that interview, the repented of Casale, one of the first to collaborate with the state, already related to the most prominent families of the criminal elite, said he had heard that close to Christmas triggered the tragic revenge against the writer. Why? "Too much chaos caused that book, a phenomenon," will explain to the person who takes on the voice information from the repentant.
In the transcription the senior member of the police, from London, writes: "This (the repented of Casale, ed) would report (the official) that by the end of December, the famous writer of the book Gomorra, Roberto Saviano, it was killed together with his escort, as with his book had made too much noise. " The signal immediately invests the heads of police and Carabinieri General Command. We further restrict the mesh security precaution principle, there is no room for failure minimum impenetrable network of controls and remediation provided to each shift Saviano. There are those who, by the highest levels of the forces order, shall also assess the need for radical measures, not least of which provide for a temporary move abroad.
Franco Roberti, the anti-Mafia prosecutor, does not intervene in the affair but insists: "We know for some time that the writer Saviano is exposed, the protective measures around him would be most appropriate." But no one can exclude, with respect to eco detailed discussion of this alleged death sentence - "by December, with the stock" - any links with the chilling scenario that emerges for revenge after the Blitz scored by police and carabinieri, Land Working with the pool of expert Casalesi Dda di Napoli.
circumstances justifying the high alert investigators That meeting between superpentito and his guest back to the 27th of September. That is, nine days after the 7 innocent deaths (before Celiento Antonio, killed because a police informer and then massacred in six Ghanaian tailoring), and three days before the State deal a hammer blow to the group stragista, with the capture of three of his most trusted killer, Alessandro Cirillo, Oreste Spagnuolo and Giovanni Letizia, the seizure of a frightening arsenal - 11 weapons, including a Kalashnikov. Just Spagnuolo September 6 decides to cooperate with the State. 7, a detail that tells today, linked to the threat addressed to Saviano, puts the shivers. Bristle in fact, the super-fugitive on the run, the killer felt creator (with the boss Bidognetti placet) of the sequence of murder and terror against brave entrepreneurs and family to repent, a few weeks "was chasing a detonator with a remote control." It tells the neopentito Spagnuolo. "Brisson told me that he tried to get a remote control detonator. He said it was an easy way to kill," he said.
Roberto Saviano now repeats: "Nothing changes, it is important to keep your head up". It's the same thing repeated, 17 September 2007, the streets in Casal di Principe, his last appearance in a square: "Guys, do not be ripping the right to happiness." Perhaps it was saying to himself.
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