Warning number one: The Mist is a film that beats, and strong. Refrain viewers last minute or who boasts that more than others if they make below the more he laughs.
Warning number two: cancel the booking at the restaurant or pizzeria, since the credits are still landed, landed on the chair and just waiting for the moment that the force will coordinate the movements to return home to meditate about how the human race can really be aberrant.
ONLY: The Mist is missed terribly.
its third translation to the big screen, after Wings freedom (1994) and The Green Mile (1999), a work of Stephen King, one of the greatest contemporary authors on the themes of horror and mystery, Frank Darabont steer the moorland of the more visceral fear, though without sacrificing the lyrical magic that made it great and unforgettable the two titles mentioned above.
A small town in Maine is Strapazzata very well from a storm that uprooted trees and remember to leave no damage to the second floor. So far so good, it can happen. That
but a bit 'more out of the ordinary is a large expanse of cloud that progresses from the lake and soon invades the streets, forcing, in particular, a large group of clients, even strangers, watching from behind glass panels in the local supermarket without being able to get out.
Sure, you could groped to reach their car, but if the thick white blanket at a man running from his nose reduced to a fountain gushing blood and screaming about something that took his friend, the delay is not unreasonable to regard . Then, when the gate at the back are unwelcome guests of the giant tentacles animated by the worst intentions, the terror promises to quicken the pace more and rationality. And a religious fanatic will prove the most deadly enemy. The truck
opening discovers a citation and a tribute to the state of the art, as well the trade of the main character, Dave Drayton, a designer of movie posters: one of the panels on the wall of the home office, depicting the figure of a man used to the movie poster thing, remember John Carpenter, who in 1980 terrorized the public with Fog, the story of a bunch of sailors that the mist back from the dead to take revenge on the descendants of the people of Antonio Bay, responsible for one hundred years before their departure, a canvas along the way instead treats the portrait of King Roland, the gunslinger's successful fantasy series The Dark Tower-western .
two kinds, those that stand bullies, together with the parallel worlds of science fiction in this horror film really disturbing how few, at least in these times of fear film dealt with injections of pixels and irony for an audience that will be safeguarded from bumps, maybe not lenited a rewarding final kiss, which could be harmful to your health ... the box office.
anxiety exchange of suggestions between the siege of One dollar of honor and that of Precinct 13 (Carpenter, again), the cocoons of Alien and The Cthulhu Cycle of Howard Phillips Lovecraft, The Mist welcomes the privilege of so and so many precedents confine to a mere outline of a story where the real punch in the stomach is launched from various umanità intrappolata nell’emporio, che vede la patina del vivere civile che fino a qualche ora prima ricopriva solida la vita di tutti i giorni, sfaldarsi e venire soverchiata da quell’egoismo e da quella crudeltà latenti comunque sottopelle e che si affrettano a marcire forte gli animi quando c’è in palio la sopravvivenza.
Quell’impronta di una mano fattasi sangue non per extraterrena volontà sulla porta di ingresso del market turberà a lungo i nostri giorni, e il prefinale, che ribalta oscenamente beffardo l’assunto portato all’Oscar da tal Roberto Benigni, non si abbandona a pietà alcuna.
Warning number two: cancel the booking at the restaurant or pizzeria, since the credits are still landed, landed on the chair and just waiting for the moment that the force will coordinate the movements to return home to meditate about how the human race can really be aberrant.
ONLY: The Mist is missed terribly.
its third translation to the big screen, after Wings freedom (1994) and The Green Mile (1999), a work of Stephen King, one of the greatest contemporary authors on the themes of horror and mystery, Frank Darabont steer the moorland of the more visceral fear, though without sacrificing the lyrical magic that made it great and unforgettable the two titles mentioned above.
A small town in Maine is Strapazzata very well from a storm that uprooted trees and remember to leave no damage to the second floor. So far so good, it can happen. That
but a bit 'more out of the ordinary is a large expanse of cloud that progresses from the lake and soon invades the streets, forcing, in particular, a large group of clients, even strangers, watching from behind glass panels in the local supermarket without being able to get out.
Sure, you could groped to reach their car, but if the thick white blanket at a man running from his nose reduced to a fountain gushing blood and screaming about something that took his friend, the delay is not unreasonable to regard . Then, when the gate at the back are unwelcome guests of the giant tentacles animated by the worst intentions, the terror promises to quicken the pace more and rationality. And a religious fanatic will prove the most deadly enemy. The truck
opening discovers a citation and a tribute to the state of the art, as well the trade of the main character, Dave Drayton, a designer of movie posters: one of the panels on the wall of the home office, depicting the figure of a man used to the movie poster thing, remember John Carpenter, who in 1980 terrorized the public with Fog, the story of a bunch of sailors that the mist back from the dead to take revenge on the descendants of the people of Antonio Bay, responsible for one hundred years before their departure, a canvas along the way instead treats the portrait of King Roland, the gunslinger's successful fantasy series The Dark Tower-western .
two kinds, those that stand bullies, together with the parallel worlds of science fiction in this horror film really disturbing how few, at least in these times of fear film dealt with injections of pixels and irony for an audience that will be safeguarded from bumps, maybe not lenited a rewarding final kiss, which could be harmful to your health ... the box office.
anxiety exchange of suggestions between the siege of One dollar of honor and that of Precinct 13 (Carpenter, again), the cocoons of Alien and The Cthulhu Cycle of Howard Phillips Lovecraft, The Mist welcomes the privilege of so and so many precedents confine to a mere outline of a story where the real punch in the stomach is launched from various umanità intrappolata nell’emporio, che vede la patina del vivere civile che fino a qualche ora prima ricopriva solida la vita di tutti i giorni, sfaldarsi e venire soverchiata da quell’egoismo e da quella crudeltà latenti comunque sottopelle e che si affrettano a marcire forte gli animi quando c’è in palio la sopravvivenza.
Quell’impronta di una mano fattasi sangue non per extraterrena volontà sulla porta di ingresso del market turberà a lungo i nostri giorni, e il prefinale, che ribalta oscenamente beffardo l’assunto portato all’Oscar da tal Roberto Benigni, non si abbandona a pietà alcuna.
Originariamente pubblicato, fatte salve alcune changes in the newspaper The East in October 2008.
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