"... in my belly the creature writhes and growls and tells me what I need .... "
These are the thoughts that accompany the streets of Gotham City now defeated by criminals with a Bruce Wayne in his sixties, under siege by the infirmities of age and ten years congedatosi deliberately masked by his alter ego, in that desperate wonder / dark comic literature is The Return of Cavaliere Oscuro di Frank Miller (1986).
La bestia, Batman, il pipistrello fattosi castigo, doveva avere sicuramente vita più facile nell’età gagliarda del miliardario e filantropo Bruce Wayne, quando la vendetta era lungi dall’allentare la sua ossessiva morsa nei confronti di un uomo che una rapina sfuggita al controllo aveva privato, a otto anni, dei genitori all’uscita da un cinema.
Capitolo numero 6 delle avventure del vigilante mascherato creato da Bob Kane e Bill Finger e apparso per la prima volta nel maggio del 1939 sulle tavole del numero 27 di Detective Comics, Il Cavaliere Oscuro onora in pieno il titolo presentandoci un uomo pipistrello mai così accanito contro l’illegalità Bruce Wayne and increasingly on the verge of a crisis of conscience. A Gotham City
the mafia has spread its tentacles a bit 'all over the world, including law enforcement, and the rivers of dollars result of his vile trade saturate the vault of the designated banks.
Batman Beyond, however, criticized the media for its repressive methods against very little about the 'dignity' and 'rights' of the criminal, the only bulwark in defense of the public is the new District Attorney Harvey Dent, who , incorruptible and honest and deeply telegenic smile, leads, according to Lt. James Gordon, a blitz that led to the seizure of all the money the Mafia. But then realize that money is fake (there are also notes in bundles marked by Batman for the operation) and that the cash is protected abroad by the authoritative accounting of the Octopus.
usual, in short, between the skyscrapers of Gotham. Solo, criminals who flaunt the double-breasted and have only words of love for my checkbook are definitely 'vulgar' eyes rimmed black man who believes the time has come for the city to boast a truly criminal 'class ': the Joker.
look inspired by lucid madness, green hair, face pitted with white, yellowish teeth, dress and manners of the theater of the consummate actor and lips stained red stretched into a perpetual grin from scarred legacy of ancient torture, the Joker, inspired in its origin to the comic character played by Conrad Veidt in the 1928 film The Man Who Laughs , after baseness baseness can take on Gotham 'edge of the material and moral disaster.
Yes, because in his becoming champion of the cause against Batman Mafia and the law, in fact the evil clown mocks everything and everyone burning his fee (half the money of the Octopus) with the top of the pile, the accountant of the Mafia gagged and tied to a chair, thus proving to act alone and only in the name of anarchy and more detached from, but because - "Some men do not look for things logical, like money. Can not be bought, controlled or contracted. Some men just want to see the world burn. " - and assuming, offering a symbolic representation of man as an animal accustomed to sacrifice on the altar of wealth, the stature of obscene demigod.
Psycho without identity cards, Joker is historically an opponent of Prince raddrizzatorti in form. And the two are closer than they may think. Better, because the executioner can not be considered.
"You complete me," says the evil clown Batman, truth can not be stated more true, since che un sempre più crepato divisorio etico impedisce allo squilibrio mentale dell’uomo pipistrello di fare carne da macello dei suoi nemici.
Il Joker certe finezze comportamentali non le conosce neanche per sentito dire e, in questo Cavaliere Oscuro , non deve neanche affannarsi più di tanto per dimostrare agli onesti cittadini di Gotham quanto la loro probità sia solo un’astrazione da libro dei boy scout: scatena, infatti, una tribale caccia all’uomo quando chiede la vita di un impiegato delle Industrie Wayne, reo di aver dichiarato in televisione di aver scoperto l’identità di Batman, minacciando di far saltare l’ospedale di Gotham in caso di mancata risposta.
Non pago, riesce persino a far evacuare la città sotto la minaccia di attentati esplosivi, e, una volta al largo su due navi distinte la gente perbene e i detenuti, annuncia di aver collocato sulle imbarcazioni due bombe il cui timer può essere stoppato liberamente… salvo causare la distruzione della nave che non lo ha disattivato per prima. E tutto questo solo perché desidera che Batman si umili togliendosi la maschera e facendosi finalmente da parte.
Figurarsi, a questo punto, come deve sentirsi un crociato della giustizia quando coloro che ha giurato di proteggere lo guardano in cagnesco, quando non lo combattono apertamente. E la parte finale del film, in quest’ottica, è fra le più lugubri e malinconiche che un falso blockbuster come questo possa boast.
total chaos, then, in Gotham, post September 11 atmosphere and a masterpiece of ugliness when the Joker, so that's half his face is disfigured by fire, can lead to the dark side of the upright even Harvey Dent, giving rise to dangerous criminal that the world will know as Two-Face.
There's no denying, after Batman Begins, Christopher Nolan is confirmed (to distinguish the facts) only successor to Tim Burton at the helm of the adventures of man bat: an author can make the contours and vibrant screen the inconsistencies of human action, along with incisive and bitter reflections on the Well. Who had the rudeness of not warn when he departed from this vale of tears.
Originally published, with certain modifications, the Levant in the newspaper in July 2008.
These are the thoughts that accompany the streets of Gotham City now defeated by criminals with a Bruce Wayne in his sixties, under siege by the infirmities of age and ten years congedatosi deliberately masked by his alter ego, in that desperate wonder / dark comic literature is The Return of Cavaliere Oscuro di Frank Miller (1986).
La bestia, Batman, il pipistrello fattosi castigo, doveva avere sicuramente vita più facile nell’età gagliarda del miliardario e filantropo Bruce Wayne, quando la vendetta era lungi dall’allentare la sua ossessiva morsa nei confronti di un uomo che una rapina sfuggita al controllo aveva privato, a otto anni, dei genitori all’uscita da un cinema.
Capitolo numero 6 delle avventure del vigilante mascherato creato da Bob Kane e Bill Finger e apparso per la prima volta nel maggio del 1939 sulle tavole del numero 27 di Detective Comics, Il Cavaliere Oscuro onora in pieno il titolo presentandoci un uomo pipistrello mai così accanito contro l’illegalità Bruce Wayne and increasingly on the verge of a crisis of conscience. A Gotham City
the mafia has spread its tentacles a bit 'all over the world, including law enforcement, and the rivers of dollars result of his vile trade saturate the vault of the designated banks.
Batman Beyond, however, criticized the media for its repressive methods against very little about the 'dignity' and 'rights' of the criminal, the only bulwark in defense of the public is the new District Attorney Harvey Dent, who , incorruptible and honest and deeply telegenic smile, leads, according to Lt. James Gordon, a blitz that led to the seizure of all the money the Mafia. But then realize that money is fake (there are also notes in bundles marked by Batman for the operation) and that the cash is protected abroad by the authoritative accounting of the Octopus.
usual, in short, between the skyscrapers of Gotham. Solo, criminals who flaunt the double-breasted and have only words of love for my checkbook are definitely 'vulgar' eyes rimmed black man who believes the time has come for the city to boast a truly criminal 'class ': the Joker.
look inspired by lucid madness, green hair, face pitted with white, yellowish teeth, dress and manners of the theater of the consummate actor and lips stained red stretched into a perpetual grin from scarred legacy of ancient torture, the Joker, inspired in its origin to the comic character played by Conrad Veidt in the 1928 film The Man Who Laughs , after baseness baseness can take on Gotham 'edge of the material and moral disaster.
Yes, because in his becoming champion of the cause against Batman Mafia and the law, in fact the evil clown mocks everything and everyone burning his fee (half the money of the Octopus) with the top of the pile, the accountant of the Mafia gagged and tied to a chair, thus proving to act alone and only in the name of anarchy and more detached from, but because - "Some men do not look for things logical, like money. Can not be bought, controlled or contracted. Some men just want to see the world burn. "
Psycho without identity cards, Joker is historically an opponent of Prince raddrizzatorti in form. And the two are closer than they may think. Better, because the executioner can not be considered.
"You complete me," says the evil clown Batman, truth can not be stated more true, since che un sempre più crepato divisorio etico impedisce allo squilibrio mentale dell’uomo pipistrello di fare carne da macello dei suoi nemici.
Il Joker certe finezze comportamentali non le conosce neanche per sentito dire e, in questo Cavaliere Oscuro , non deve neanche affannarsi più di tanto per dimostrare agli onesti cittadini di Gotham quanto la loro probità sia solo un’astrazione da libro dei boy scout: scatena, infatti, una tribale caccia all’uomo quando chiede la vita di un impiegato delle Industrie Wayne, reo di aver dichiarato in televisione di aver scoperto l’identità di Batman, minacciando di far saltare l’ospedale di Gotham in caso di mancata risposta.
Non pago, riesce persino a far evacuare la città sotto la minaccia di attentati esplosivi, e, una volta al largo su due navi distinte la gente perbene e i detenuti, annuncia di aver collocato sulle imbarcazioni due bombe il cui timer può essere stoppato liberamente… salvo causare la distruzione della nave che non lo ha disattivato per prima. E tutto questo solo perché desidera che Batman si umili togliendosi la maschera e facendosi finalmente da parte.
Figurarsi, a questo punto, come deve sentirsi un crociato della giustizia quando coloro che ha giurato di proteggere lo guardano in cagnesco, quando non lo combattono apertamente. E la parte finale del film, in quest’ottica, è fra le più lugubri e malinconiche che un falso blockbuster come questo possa boast.
total chaos, then, in Gotham, post September 11 atmosphere and a masterpiece of ugliness when the Joker, so that's half his face is disfigured by fire, can lead to the dark side of the upright even Harvey Dent, giving rise to dangerous criminal that the world will know as Two-Face.
There's no denying, after Batman Begins, Christopher Nolan is confirmed (to distinguish the facts) only successor to Tim Burton at the helm of the adventures of man bat: an author can make the contours and vibrant screen the inconsistencies of human action, along with incisive and bitter reflections on the Well. Who had the rudeness of not warn when he departed from this vale of tears.
Originally published, with certain modifications, the Levant in the newspaper in July 2008.
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