Monday, February 28, 2011

Types Of Eye Cataracts More Condition_symptoms


La crisi libica è sintomatica di diversi aspetti. Il primo, che l’Unione europea (il cui ritardo decisionale e comunicativo è alquanto evidente ) ha preso sotto gamba le proteste tunisine ed egiziane non riuscendo a prevedere l’evolversi degli eventi. Il secondo, che peggio di un dittatore travestito da presidente democratico c’è soltanto un dittatore camuffato da dittatore. Il terzo, che l’Italia è il Paese che più degli altri paga la scellerata politica estera degli ultimi anni.
Dapprima si incoraggia Mubarak a governare nella assoluta saggezza che lo ha contraddistinto nel tempo, poi ci si allinea al resto d’Europa e agli Stati Uniti che piuttosto invocano una transizione democratica dell’Egitto.
In principle they agreed with a ruthless dictator who is Gaddafi - not bad in itself (we are neither the first nor the last in this sense) - and ask, however, at home to show support unflattering. Then, electrocuted on the road to Damascus, we realize that yes, the Colonel is a dictator who does not look at anyone, including brothers and sisters (acute observations Frattini ).
died, once again, a Italian soldier in Afghanistan. The premier, after years and years of presence in the area, questions whether this sacrifice will lead to something good. Then says we must go forward. In the name of realpolitik.

Problem Z Flyff For Fame

As Colin King on Wednesday

In a report aired last Sunday at Five, the debate which took place Saturday was dedicated to the discovery of the body of Yara Gambirasio, the journalist - and I do not dwell on the background music accompanying text and images - read the excerpt of a description which the girl wrote long ago of itself. Terminate those words, the journalist says that find a detailed description of Yara on Facebook but do not need to go elsewhere.
The question is simple: what is to quote the famous social network in a context that does not concern him at all? He is misusing of Facebook to the point that they can do without the news reports, which in itself shows something strange. Imagine when it is not "responsible" for any circumstances. And really, I still wonder, to quote what Facebook has given more in terms of quality service to Five on Sunday?
Facebook now has a crucial role in the lives of us all, but I would say that the good thing too. Always.

•i-catcher Console - Web Monitor

(it's all explained here , even though I was rooting for The Social Network )

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mount And Blade Color Problem

Sunday is always a Sunday / 5

on Jamendo Published in 2006 (but composed in 2003) To Get Home Before Night Comes artist American Steven Dunston offers the perfect sound for a demanding public. That of Dunston, in fact, is a quality pop peppered with sounds that are researched (via Web FutuRadio ). Danger Girl is the song most played Steven Dunston, also personally suggest 360 Degrees and Lost in my head.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Basic Tool Bench Blueprints

Il cigno nero

Accompanied by expectations (most?) Partly linked to rumors that they wanted a representation of a behind the scenes of the ballet world lit by headlights, red light, The Black Swan not cheating but fortunately you do not Darren Aronofsky convenience of sequences that must have shot without taking too many concerns, and arrived on time, bans minors.
closure of the ideal diptych inaugurated with the acclaimed and somewhat poignant The Wrestler, The Black Swan tells the story of Nina, a young dancer in New York City Ballet seeking a role that can be given the status in a star of the first magnitude. The occasion seems to come when the art director, Thomas Leroy, decided to open the new season by offering a personal interpretation of Swan Lake . Being able to interpret the dual part of the White Swan and Black Swan is certainly the opportunity of a lifetime, and Nina does not intend to leave it away, an excellent command of strong dance technique and voted all'eserciziointensivo, almost to the martyrdom of body.
But the dedication of Nina does not seem to suffice: Leroy when he called her Lily and indicates a new dancer from the company learned from her role in preparing the field, presenting her with the words: "You are the sex!" is a profound disturbance to subjugate the spirit, accentuated by surprise then to hear a whisper in his ear tips to follow at home, "Touched."
The choreographer had been right: Nina is perfect for the part of the White Swan, and would also for that of the Black Swan: it's a beautiful woman, but his wish to achieve excellence in the mortifying realization of a wish of the senses from the corner for too long kept close ties and furious now eager to break its banks.
Alone in her bed, Nina tries to listen to the exhortation of Leroy, but just a minute before winning the threshold of freedom an inadvertent movement of the head shows her mother, sleeping on the sofa. It 's just a fraction of a second, but enough to reprecipitated in a state of' shame 'to everything that does not concern the study abnegation in the pursuit of artistic eminence.
But the chains of guilt, however, have suffered a profound shock, the butter will be demonstrated in front of the entrance scene of Lily, which is revealed gradually as the dark double of Nina, who will hand in a longer journey postponed until the deeper roots of his neurosis.
Psychological Thriller dappled brushstrokes from horror, The Black Swan attention from the first sequence to the safety of the public as to the tangibility of what you should be doing on the screen, to actually identify the viewer's gaze with that of Nina, in a perpetual oscillation between subjective authenticity of life, dreams and projections of the unconscious.
Generoso suggestions in large tracts and disturbing, The Black Swan should be seen if only to enjoy the capital interpretation of Natalie Portman, who carves a Nina Oscar, well seconded by a superlative cast, on which stands a Barbara Hershey in that role of Erica, Nina's mother and former dancer whose career Stoppata by pregnancy, was won by the mental approach to Baby Jane, whose daughter did not want to knowingly harm by virtue of a relationship which seem morbid, not the rende meno terrificante del personaggio portato alla ribalta da Bette Davis nel classico di Robert Aldrich.

Il cigno nero
Titolo originale: Black Swan
Nazione: USA
Genere: Drammatico
Durata: 103 min. Anno: 2010
Interpreti: Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, Mila Kunis, Winona Ryder, BarbaraHershey
Regia: Darren Aronofsky

Originariamente pubblicato, fatte salve alcune modifiche, su Il Giornale di Puglia in data 25 febbraio 2011.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Durbeck Trawlers History

variable geometry

The variable geometry Union

I, for T-Mag

Let us frankly: the European Union was desirable locations with more timely (and energy) against political leaders who are facing at this moment the waves of protest from the Maghreb.
crises of recent years, beyond their master, not by chance end up demonstrating the variable geometry of the EU. While part of the "community pillar" (internal market, common agricultural policy, transport), Europe has achieved shared goals, the same can not be said with regard to foreign policy.
Already the global economic crisis aveva evidenziato le divisioni all'interno dell'Unione con i Paesi membri impegnati a salvaguardare il proprio orticello nonostante la moneta unica, salvo poi varare misure in extremis onde evitare il tracollo di alcuni partners. Ma temi come i flussi migratori, che rientrano nella sfera degli affari esteri, sono da sempre motivo di scontro tra i Ventisette. Un problema, quest'ultimo, che torna di assoluta attualità considerate le potenziali ondate migratorie che dalla Libia potrebbero raggiungere Paesi quali Italia, Spagna, Francia, Grecia, Cipro e Malta. L'Europa ha già fatto sapere che non è sua intenzione finanziare la possibile emergenza, né distribuire su tutto il territorio gli ingressi dei profughi.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

As Melhores Fotos De Hussyfan

Il truffacuori

French flag waving one of the surprises of the moment film, The truffacuori that Chaumeil Pascal, but with his debut feature film behind him an apprenticeship at the court of Luc Besson Leon , The fifth element and Jeanne d ' Arco , in addition to directing several films and television series, packs careful not to play with decreasing the public's attention.
The story of Alex Lippi and his work is not just falling among those who can produce identity card: defuse passions of love. In a nutshell, is hired by our parents, brothers, sisters so many friends and an engagement inevitably coming to a wedding that, according to the principals, would everything except the happiness of the bride, can fail without regret, by the person subject to the bank. The
sex appeal and a melancholic sweetness studied mean that Alex does not know the activity of failures: the aspiring wives fall at his feet (just a kiss, though: the Ethics prohibits go further) and a life without any major economic problems seem to be guaranteed.
But if you already have a steady job is not always sure of being able to accompany up to retirement, let alone having to rely on who cares about another's well-being: orders and dangerously diminish recourse to usury increases proportionately with the tempting prospect of anything to feel sooner or later the bones shatter.
An escape occurs when a more than generous allowance is removed from the wealthy father of Juliette to blow up the wedding of his daughter with Jonathan, a boy and a prominent family with concerns of money near zero.
This time, however, the consummate professionalism of Alex and his team (his sister and her husband, who occupy one of the organizational part, the other of obtaining information about life, works and tastes - Alex needs to do his - the future miss wives, as well as technological support) are not enough, because the love between two young people is bombproof, and twist, perhaps for the first time Alex is ashamed of what he does, since it completely loses his head Juliette.
Mission impossible for the truffacuori then, but not for Pascal Chaumeil, which hits the target by loading the camera with a clever mix of location always beautiful to watch (Paris, desert dunes, Monte Carlo), rhythm progress and freshness of comic invention, thanks primarily to their brother in law of Alex, Marc (François Damiens a wild, that this role has earned a César nomination as best supporting actor).
The face slapped by Romain Duris (Alex) and the irregular beauty Vanessa Paradis (Juliette) have good game to grab the sympathy of the viewer and towards the end of games if you turns a bit 'too little on the routes of the story wrong : the 'fuitina' Juliette with Alex on the eve of the "Yes" to Jonathan style madly in love (crazy with two zeta), which is a perfect close to the review of the final ballet of Dirty Dancing to the tune of ( I've Had) The Time of My Life , is a moment of movie that makes you feel good. And that is enough.

Directed by: Pascal Chaumeil.
Cast: Romain Duris, Vanessa Paradis, Julie Ferrier, François Damiens, Hélène Noguerra, Andrew Lincoln.
Original title: The arnacoeur.
Genre: Comedy.
Length: 105 min.
Production: France 2010.

Originally published in Il Giornale di Puglia on 16 February 2011.