In a report aired last Sunday at Five, the debate which took place Saturday was dedicated to the discovery of the body of Yara Gambirasio, the journalist - and I do not dwell on the background music accompanying text and images - read the excerpt of a description which the girl wrote long ago of itself. Terminate those words, the journalist says that find a detailed description of Yara on Facebook but do not need to go elsewhere.
The question is simple: what is to quote the famous social network in a context that does not concern him at all? He is misusing of Facebook to the point that they can do without the news reports, which in itself shows something strange. Imagine when it is not "responsible" for any circumstances. And really, I still wonder, to quote what Facebook has given more in terms of quality service to Five on Sunday?
Facebook now has a crucial role in the lives of us all, but I would say that the good thing too. Always.
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