When the Tiger is not just to be alive. At 61 years Sylvester Stallone gets back in game and after a decent sixth and final chapter in Rocky Balboa, the Italian-American boxer in 1976's the asphalt road to success lighting up with three Oscars, returns again to play, dodging ridiculous, the iconic role of Rambo, the soldier and Vietnam veteran who does not accept that America bogey of his children returned from fronte, quasi fosse una colpa aver servito la Patria e soprattutto non aver avuto il riguardo di morire per essa.
John Rambo ora trascina la propria esistenza catturando cobra, che poi vende a organizzatori di prove di coraggio, e percorrendo in battello il fiume Salween a scopo pesca o, all’occorrenza, trasporto persone. Il luogo del buon ritiro è la Thailandia settentrionale. Poco distante, al confine con la Birmania, si consuma il genocidio del popolo Karen a opera dello spietato esercito birmano. John Rambo lascia che gli echi della sofferenza, delle esecuzioni sommarie e degli stupri all’ordine del giorno, turpi risultati di una guerra giunta ormai al sessantesimo anno di età, gli scivolino addosso insieme agli amari ricordi del suo past as a fighter, first recognized by the country and then used for missions where, if something had happened, only close relatives would have known of its existence.
John Rambo ora trascina la propria esistenza catturando cobra, che poi vende a organizzatori di prove di coraggio, e percorrendo in battello il fiume Salween a scopo pesca o, all’occorrenza, trasporto persone. Il luogo del buon ritiro è la Thailandia settentrionale. Poco distante, al confine con la Birmania, si consuma il genocidio del popolo Karen a opera dello spietato esercito birmano. John Rambo lascia che gli echi della sofferenza, delle esecuzioni sommarie e degli stupri all’ordine del giorno, turpi risultati di una guerra giunta ormai al sessantesimo anno di età, gli scivolino addosso insieme agli amari ricordi del suo past as a fighter, first recognized by the country and then used for missions where, if something had happened, only close relatives would have known of its existence.
arrive in the village where he lives a day of American missionaries who ask him, the "American river guide". The expedition leader, Michael Bennett, a doctor, asks him to accompany them on his boat along the Salween to the point where they can, walk to reach the hills are a refuge for the Karen people and bring their medicines, comfort items, and Bibles. Since the last time you ventured into Burma, the military has undermined many paths, and then the way water is currently the safest one.
not even talk about it: Rambo does not want to meddle in these matters and makes them weigh the fact that having no arms could hardly change the course of events. But cynicism is a facade: she just afraid to give even the slightest chance of imprinting levied war festering in his DNA.
Rain, rain without banks sommergesse that if the world would be better, Sarah, Michael's girlfriend, tries to persuade the man so quiet and elusive: "It has to believe in someone. Has yet to import them for anything."
rains, and rain that melts even the latest uncertainty. The next day the group is traveling. Rambo, aft, shunting without a word. His face does not seem to betray any interest in what he is doing. False: did not want to reward and every fiber of his being are stretched to catch the slightest whiff of danger. A Burmese pirate boat intercepts them and them boards. Rambo was giving it his all to appease the spirits, but when the leader of that band of cutthroats realizes that there is a woman among the passengers and only happens simply what needs to happen. "War is natural, peace is to be an anomalous event. This is the reality. When you are prompted to do so, killing is as easy as breathing". The warrior
pressed to rise and when, after even a couple of weeks, Arthur Marsh, pastor of the Church of Christ in Colorado, puts it aside that missionaries are no longer returned, and that Karen had information from the guerrillas and collected the necessary funds, has hired a bunch of mercenaries to go and free his men from the prison camp in Burma, does not hesitate to agree to accompany the soldiers of ventura riverside. It is not only being a "fucking war machine" to push him back in action: the woman, Sarah, has deeply impressed by his unwavering dedication to the cause and something, perhaps love, returns to your heart after a long, long time. Photo
tuned on the frequencies of a nightmare with open eyes, horror and indignation: Sylvester Stallone takes on himself for the first time the burden of directing uno dei suoi personaggi più amati dal pubblico di tutte le latitudini e per chiudere degnamente l' affaire Rambo imbastisce una storia che scandaglia una realtà poco conosciuta a livello mediatico, fino a confezionare un film 'dell'orrore' di indubbia tenuta spettacolare.
pressed to rise and when, after even a couple of weeks, Arthur Marsh, pastor of the Church of Christ in Colorado, puts it aside that missionaries are no longer returned, and that Karen had information from the guerrillas and collected the necessary funds, has hired a bunch of mercenaries to go and free his men from the prison camp in Burma, does not hesitate to agree to accompany the soldiers of ventura riverside. It is not only being a "fucking war machine" to push him back in action: the woman, Sarah, has deeply impressed by his unwavering dedication to the cause and something, perhaps love, returns to your heart after a long, long time. Photo
tuned on the frequencies of a nightmare with open eyes, horror and indignation: Sylvester Stallone takes on himself for the first time the burden of directing uno dei suoi personaggi più amati dal pubblico di tutte le latitudini e per chiudere degnamente l' affaire Rambo imbastisce una storia che scandaglia una realtà poco conosciuta a livello mediatico, fino a confezionare un film 'dell'orrore' di indubbia tenuta spettacolare.
Stazza e statura di un autentico Golem della guerra, Rambo si riconsegna definitivamente al suo mondo nella emozionante e brutale sequenza che vede il reduce trafiggere con frecce scagliate con sovrumana perizia i militari birmani che stavano per infamarsi con l'ennesimo crimine contro i Karen. Il guerriero è risorto e non può (più) opporsi al suo destino: prima che la parola "Uccidi" possa essere cancellata dalla sua fronte occorrerà that the hands may warm up to burn and become one with the handle of a gun.
Directed by: Sylvester Stallone. Cast: Sylvester Stallone, Julie Benz, Matthew Marsden.
Original title: Rambo. Genre: Action. Duration: 91 min. Production: USA 2008.
Originally published, with certain modifications, on http://www.filmscoop.it/