Friday, March 11, 2011

Homeopathic Remidies For Overian Cysts

The earthquake and nuclear, Japan and Italy

Oscar Giannino, on his blog, explains why and wherefores so much alarm about the risks that they run nuclear power plants as a result of devastating disasters (such as the one that hit Japan) are indeed trivial chatter.
In his closing piece, in fact, writes: "We can draw three preliminary conclusions. One of the reasons why nuclear power plants cost a lot, it's safety, but how you see money well spent. Second, the current safety standards in Europe are as strict as those in Japan. Third, Italy has extensive seismic zones, but the phenomena are not of the magnitude of the Japanese. Attending yesterday, on many Italian sites antinuclearisti, a come si sovrapponevano sulla cartina dell’Italia le aree a rischio sismico e quelle addirittura a rischio incendi per tentare di dimostrare che il nucleare non possiamo permettercelo, è solo una dimostrazione di crassa ignoranza tecnologica..”.
Le norme europee saranno anche altrettanto ferree di quelle giapponesi, ma in Italia si è maestri nell’eludere i costi della messa in sicurezza. Perciò riservo qualche dubbio, certamente risibile.

Black Stool More Condition_treatment

no waiting

Il Consiglio europeo ha stabilito dopo il vertice di oggi a Bruxelles che Gheddafi “deve abbandonare il potere immediatamente”. La storia insegna che la tempistica, per lo più dettata on several factors, is never on the side of political leaders. Otherwise, it would explain the hesitation before the beginning of tyranny 900, nor even those against the Libyan Colonel and even dictators around the world. The "democratic transition" as evoked by the Western democracies emerge only during crises: in Tunisia, Egypt and now in Libya. After weeks of fighting guerrillas and are (finally) the freezing of Libyan assets in the old continent and twenty-seven formal notice to Gaddafi to step aside as soon as possible. I do not know why, but the scenario I am reminded of this article of Francis on T-Mag .

The crisis communication has the task of transmitting lucidity in the face of chaos, and communicate a rational reaction: "recognize" a crisis is the first major step to overcome it. But as we said this is only the theory and history shows how difficult it is to put into practice the principle. The facts are quite different and they say that crises are dealt with more generally in the worst way. The panic and immobility are king, and Murphy's Law with its postulates has too often good game. The typical example is that of diplomatic crises and the resulting conflicts is the exact moment of crisis, good communication should be of concern to deny Hiram Johnson, the same as in 1917, right in the conflict, said: "When war breaks out, the first casualty is truth."

Operaman Evenflow Clip

I (not) I'm

Charter reform can be no doubt, but any revision should be done in the interests of all Italian citizens and instead seek changes in the interest of one person and see if the President of the Council ( Oscar Luigi Scalfaro ).

Silvio Berlusconi is the man he is. In this space have been invoked on several occasions for his resignation, after considering the allegations that have been addressed in recent times, the promises never kept and the lack of self-denial of a government busy with other matters. However, the words spoken by Scalfaro in the aftermath of the CDM to go ahead justice reform (which is not so much reform ) seem vaguely out of place. If only the law of the state constitutional amendment proposed by Alfano can not be defined on a personal basis. Could be - and at that point will be a different kettle of fish - the future of ordinary laws connected to it. But before the reform to be approved (with the current numbers in the Parliament by referendum is a must) of water will flow under the bridge. Indeed, on closer inspection this reform is not even so bad, as improved.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Examples Of Cover Letters Of A Hygienist

Two or three things on renewable

I was this morning at the Teatro Quirino, public meeting organized by SOS Renewable to test the waters and see how angry people are working in the field of alternative energy (something I mentioned in this article Digital for Region, but in any event if they have talked so much in recent weeks).
start by saying that some are angry and that all wrongs do not. Indeed. The Minister for the Romans, with the decree suspending the incentives the PV industry, was able to shattered an entire industry, to split the majority (con Micciché che fa il diavolo a quattro e che minaccia di imitare la Lega old school), Confindustria (dove non tutti i vertici condividono il parere del governo) e, inoltre, di andare incontro alle inevitabili sanzioni comunitarie (il pacchetto 20/20/20 sul clima rientra nell’ambito della strategia Europa 2020 ). Appurato tutto ciò, c’è da aggiungere che la retroattività del decreto bloccherebbe centinaia di investimenti (le banche già non concedono più i finanziamenti) e che tanti lavoratori sono dunque a rischio. Nel fotovoltaico, ad esempio, sono impiegati oltre 150 mila addetti.
Durante il dibattito, mentre ascoltavo le testimonianze di piccoli e medi imprenditori, mi I am convinced that Italy's problem is the future, not the present. Several times he referred to the German model. Germany, in fact, is investing in long-term renewables beyond the deadline. The suspension means no incentive to innovate and lose yet another train. Instead, set themselves the goal of competitiveness within ten years would be worth the gradual resetting of economic aid by fostering the development of a domestic industry still absent. Create a virtuous cycle, unfortunately, this is not for us. And the backward countries.

Update . Berlusconi says that in a few weeks the government sets up a framework of incentives. We'll see.