Last night two men tried to rob the home of the president of the Lazio Region, Renata Polverini, near Aventino. For Marco Miccoli, regional secretary of the Democratic Party is a testament to what the administrative capital from Alemanno is a "city darkest, violent, closed, with less culture and with fewer places to socialize." Beyond the ghostly portrait is done in Rome, making it seem a city-style Resident Evil, Miccoli also notes that the numbers of crimes have been declining since 2007, as indeed in other parts of Italy. It adds to the cauldron, some failures of the junta's center, like the (non) management of camps on the washer or the ordinances, which are certainly spot election and no more, but at the same time have little to do with the attempted theft Home Polverini. Abstruse considerations of the exponent to democratic has responded magnificently (so to speak) Chiara Colosimo, Regional Councillor of the PDL.
(IRIS) - ROMA, 28 FEB - "The Democratic Party as a populist, will never cease to amaze us. Instead of expressing solidarity with the president Polverini, launching yet another accusation out of place to the mayor of Rome. This represents the highest expression of the paroxysms that grips a demagogic left out of arguments and now in disarray. " The state, in a note, Chiara Colosimo, regional advisor of the PDL, deputy chairman of the school, the right to education, vocational training and universities. "According to un autorevole esponente del Pd capitolino, infatti, il tentato furto in casa del presidente Polverini è da attribuire al fallimento delle politiche sulla sicurezza del sindaco Alemanno. Beh, devono avere proprio una gran bella faccia tosta questi ‘democrats alla matriciana’. Infatti, ai novelli agitatori vorrei ricordare che l’appartamento di Walter Veltroni fu svaligiato quando lo stesso Veltroni, da sindaco, governava Roma” aggiunge l'esponente della Pisana. “Parafrasando lo stesso Pd: Veltroni da sindaco non riuscì a garantire la sicurezza. Sì, ma neanche della sua casa” conclude Colosimo.
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