Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Time Of Implantation Calculator

Visibility unpaid

T-Mag On some days we are dealing with the most successful online newspaper. I had the opportunity to exchange a few jokes with Luca Sofri ( the Post) and Paul Madron ( Lettera43 ), Francesco Nardi Jacopo Tondelli ( Linkiesta ). The idea that we have made is this: the online publishing market is tough and lazy. In Italy more than elsewhere. But he is alive. This does not necessarily mean that the internet 'save it' journalism (as a profession). Contribuirà senz’altro ad una maggiore qualità dell’informazione e della fruizione di notizie, posto che presto o tardi gran parte dell’attività giornalistica si sposterà maggiormente online (soprattutto tramite i servizi on demand previsti per il mobile).
Però, andiamoci piano ad inseguire chimere. In America persino l’ Huffington Post è alle prese con i tagli all’organico , giornalisti e blogger compresi. E stupisce come una donna tutta d’un pezzo, quale è Arianna Huffington, abbia giustificato tale scelta con parole degne del più piccolo editore online italiano:

Payment for bloggers is visibility. Come on, strike, no one will notice. Writing for the Post amounts to go on TV talk show in a great popularity. Means maximum visibility. And if someone decides to leave, many are ready to occupy those spaces.

All true, to charity. But such a speech, often served up to aspiring journalists can fit a young novice (and not too much). You do not eat with the visibility. Just today I happened to hand the announcement of an unknown online newspaper that "free select for collaboration." The best way to bake products of poor quality.


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