Friday, March 11, 2011

Homeopathic Remidies For Overian Cysts

The earthquake and nuclear, Japan and Italy

Oscar Giannino, on his blog, explains why and wherefores so much alarm about the risks that they run nuclear power plants as a result of devastating disasters (such as the one that hit Japan) are indeed trivial chatter.
In his closing piece, in fact, writes: "We can draw three preliminary conclusions. One of the reasons why nuclear power plants cost a lot, it's safety, but how you see money well spent. Second, the current safety standards in Europe are as strict as those in Japan. Third, Italy has extensive seismic zones, but the phenomena are not of the magnitude of the Japanese. Attending yesterday, on many Italian sites antinuclearisti, a come si sovrapponevano sulla cartina dell’Italia le aree a rischio sismico e quelle addirittura a rischio incendi per tentare di dimostrare che il nucleare non possiamo permettercelo, è solo una dimostrazione di crassa ignoranza tecnologica..”.
Le norme europee saranno anche altrettanto ferree di quelle giapponesi, ma in Italia si è maestri nell’eludere i costi della messa in sicurezza. Perciò riservo qualche dubbio, certamente risibile.


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