I was this morning at the Teatro Quirino, public meeting organized by SOS Renewable to test the waters and see how angry people are working in the field of alternative energy (something I mentioned in this article Digital for Region, but in any event if they have talked so much in recent weeks).
start by saying that some are angry and that all wrongs do not. Indeed. The Minister for the Romans, with the decree suspending the incentives the PV industry, was able to shattered an entire industry, to split the majority (con Micciché che fa il diavolo a quattro e che minaccia di imitare la Lega old school), Confindustria (dove non tutti i vertici condividono il parere del governo) e, inoltre, di andare incontro alle inevitabili sanzioni comunitarie (il pacchetto 20/20/20 sul clima rientra nell’ambito della strategia Europa 2020 ). Appurato tutto ciò, c’è da aggiungere che la retroattività del decreto bloccherebbe centinaia di investimenti (le banche già non concedono più i finanziamenti) e che tanti lavoratori sono dunque a rischio. Nel fotovoltaico, ad esempio, sono impiegati oltre 150 mila addetti.
Durante il dibattito, mentre ascoltavo le testimonianze di piccoli e medi imprenditori, mi I am convinced that Italy's problem is the future, not the present. Several times he referred to the German model. Germany, in fact, is investing in long-term renewables beyond the deadline. The suspension means no incentive to innovate and lose yet another train. Instead, set themselves the goal of competitiveness within ten years would be worth the gradual resetting of economic aid by fostering the development of a domestic industry still absent. Create a virtuous cycle, unfortunately, this is not for us. And the backward countries.
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