Sofri's recipe, "large numbers for least-cost"
I, for T-Mag
may sound sometimes funny, but not a sin to move immediately to conclusions: almost a year after his launch, the Post be great. Word of the director.
"Our main ambition - to reveal Luca Sofri T-mag - was to offer great quality content and I would say that the results are very satisfactory. We are happy of what we do and the positive response that we see every day through the readers' opinion. " The terms also gratifying affect on economic sustainability: "For the first year, our business plan is widely respected," says the director of the Post without too many frills. But I'm content to make a difference, Sofri would like to clarify several times. Follow certain criteria of newsworthiness, it is essential prerogative to make a good product mainly because of a well-established hypertrophy in the field of communication, which often causes gross errors or unsavory references. Just think of the chronicles of the protests Libyan air raids confirmed and then denied depending on the source or the alleged mass graves of Tripoli. "Our strong point - explains Sofri - are in the reliability of the things we tell. We deal with stories based, news verified. That is to say, we would never have written the mass graves in Libya since the truth of an entirely different situation. Is clear, however: there is nothing of innovation in our work. Simply we just propose a hierarchy of information that we consider interesting and reliable, the reader knows that the Post will not find content that does not meet the exact fees.
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