Friday, March 11, 2011

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The earthquake and nuclear, Japan and Italy

Oscar Giannino, on his blog, explains why and wherefores so much alarm about the risks that they run nuclear power plants as a result of devastating disasters (such as the one that hit Japan) are indeed trivial chatter.
In his closing piece, in fact, writes: "We can draw three preliminary conclusions. One of the reasons why nuclear power plants cost a lot, it's safety, but how you see money well spent. Second, the current safety standards in Europe are as strict as those in Japan. Third, Italy has extensive seismic zones, but the phenomena are not of the magnitude of the Japanese. Attending yesterday, on many Italian sites antinuclearisti, a come si sovrapponevano sulla cartina dell’Italia le aree a rischio sismico e quelle addirittura a rischio incendi per tentare di dimostrare che il nucleare non possiamo permettercelo, è solo una dimostrazione di crassa ignoranza tecnologica..”.
Le norme europee saranno anche altrettanto ferree di quelle giapponesi, ma in Italia si è maestri nell’eludere i costi della messa in sicurezza. Perciò riservo qualche dubbio, certamente risibile.

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no waiting

Il Consiglio europeo ha stabilito dopo il vertice di oggi a Bruxelles che Gheddafi “deve abbandonare il potere immediatamente”. La storia insegna che la tempistica, per lo più dettata on several factors, is never on the side of political leaders. Otherwise, it would explain the hesitation before the beginning of tyranny 900, nor even those against the Libyan Colonel and even dictators around the world. The "democratic transition" as evoked by the Western democracies emerge only during crises: in Tunisia, Egypt and now in Libya. After weeks of fighting guerrillas and are (finally) the freezing of Libyan assets in the old continent and twenty-seven formal notice to Gaddafi to step aside as soon as possible. I do not know why, but the scenario I am reminded of this article of Francis on T-Mag .

The crisis communication has the task of transmitting lucidity in the face of chaos, and communicate a rational reaction: "recognize" a crisis is the first major step to overcome it. But as we said this is only the theory and history shows how difficult it is to put into practice the principle. The facts are quite different and they say that crises are dealt with more generally in the worst way. The panic and immobility are king, and Murphy's Law with its postulates has too often good game. The typical example is that of diplomatic crises and the resulting conflicts is the exact moment of crisis, good communication should be of concern to deny Hiram Johnson, the same as in 1917, right in the conflict, said: "When war breaks out, the first casualty is truth."

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I (not) I'm

Charter reform can be no doubt, but any revision should be done in the interests of all Italian citizens and instead seek changes in the interest of one person and see if the President of the Council ( Oscar Luigi Scalfaro ).

Silvio Berlusconi is the man he is. In this space have been invoked on several occasions for his resignation, after considering the allegations that have been addressed in recent times, the promises never kept and the lack of self-denial of a government busy with other matters. However, the words spoken by Scalfaro in the aftermath of the CDM to go ahead justice reform (which is not so much reform ) seem vaguely out of place. If only the law of the state constitutional amendment proposed by Alfano can not be defined on a personal basis. Could be - and at that point will be a different kettle of fish - the future of ordinary laws connected to it. But before the reform to be approved (with the current numbers in the Parliament by referendum is a must) of water will flow under the bridge. Indeed, on closer inspection this reform is not even so bad, as improved.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Two or three things on renewable

I was this morning at the Teatro Quirino, public meeting organized by SOS Renewable to test the waters and see how angry people are working in the field of alternative energy (something I mentioned in this article Digital for Region, but in any event if they have talked so much in recent weeks).
start by saying that some are angry and that all wrongs do not. Indeed. The Minister for the Romans, with the decree suspending the incentives the PV industry, was able to shattered an entire industry, to split the majority (con Micciché che fa il diavolo a quattro e che minaccia di imitare la Lega old school), Confindustria (dove non tutti i vertici condividono il parere del governo) e, inoltre, di andare incontro alle inevitabili sanzioni comunitarie (il pacchetto 20/20/20 sul clima rientra nell’ambito della strategia Europa 2020 ). Appurato tutto ciò, c’è da aggiungere che la retroattività del decreto bloccherebbe centinaia di investimenti (le banche già non concedono più i finanziamenti) e che tanti lavoratori sono dunque a rischio. Nel fotovoltaico, ad esempio, sono impiegati oltre 150 mila addetti.
Durante il dibattito, mentre ascoltavo le testimonianze di piccoli e medi imprenditori, mi I am convinced that Italy's problem is the future, not the present. Several times he referred to the German model. Germany, in fact, is investing in long-term renewables beyond the deadline. The suspension means no incentive to innovate and lose yet another train. Instead, set themselves the goal of competitiveness within ten years would be worth the gradual resetting of economic aid by fostering the development of a domestic industry still absent. Create a virtuous cycle, unfortunately, this is not for us. And the backward countries.

Update . Berlusconi says that in a few weeks the government sets up a framework of incentives. We'll see.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Doubts scattered

Worldwide Italy is in 58th place for women in parliament and the EU, 24th place (out of 27, of course). The data emerging from research conducted by Marina Calloni University of Milan Bicocca and Lorella Cedroni the University of Rome (formerly my professor, among other things).
The problem is real, especially when you consider that the business world is also worse (just arrived today, ok the Government on amendment of the shares rose on the boards of public companies or public participation equal to 30% of women from 2015, now have to wait that expresses the Senate and then the text will return to the Chamber). The problem is real, I said, but I am not convinced that the shares rose the perfect tool to combat it. The shares rose, even before a policy percentage of representation, should be the mindset of everyone. Otherwise we tend to justify, paradoxically, the much lamented vellum. There is no doubt in me the budget that he can make a bad use of the shares rose, but that would endemic feature of excellence. This applies in the workplace as in politics.
With a more drastic quota Rose also talked Cerazade few days ago.

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Visibility unpaid

T-Mag On some days we are dealing with the most successful online newspaper. I had the opportunity to exchange a few jokes with Luca Sofri ( the Post) and Paul Madron ( Lettera43 ), Francesco Nardi Jacopo Tondelli ( Linkiesta ). The idea that we have made is this: the online publishing market is tough and lazy. In Italy more than elsewhere. But he is alive. This does not necessarily mean that the internet 'save it' journalism (as a profession). Contribuirà senz’altro ad una maggiore qualità dell’informazione e della fruizione di notizie, posto che presto o tardi gran parte dell’attività giornalistica si sposterà maggiormente online (soprattutto tramite i servizi on demand previsti per il mobile).
Però, andiamoci piano ad inseguire chimere. In America persino l’ Huffington Post è alle prese con i tagli all’organico , giornalisti e blogger compresi. E stupisce come una donna tutta d’un pezzo, quale è Arianna Huffington, abbia giustificato tale scelta con parole degne del più piccolo editore online italiano:

Payment for bloggers is visibility. Come on, strike, no one will notice. Writing for the Post amounts to go on TV talk show in a great popularity. Means maximum visibility. And if someone decides to leave, many are ready to occupy those spaces.

All true, to charity. But such a speech, often served up to aspiring journalists can fit a young novice (and not too much). You do not eat with the visibility. Just today I happened to hand the announcement of an unknown online newspaper that "free select for collaboration." The best way to bake products of poor quality.

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Internet, via redemption

Internet, the only way of redemption for the publishing industry (interview with Paul Madron)

I, for T-Mag

"After the first five months of activity I can say that it is still a gamble, but it was not a gamble." When he announced the birth of Lettera43 , director Paul Madron spared no criticism of the media world. "The dramatic decline of traditional publishing - wrote in his first editorial - makes internet the only possible way of redemption. " Substantial investment, editors under 30 and the opportunity for a short or extended use of the content. And above all the knowledge they can devote themselves to creating a product designed exclusively for the Web without fear of negative impact on sales paper: the challenge of Lettera43 . "The results of this month - says at Madron T-Mag - are very positive. We count inputs of 130-140 thousand average daily page views to 600 000. The site is positioned quite well and coviamo important expectations. Our business plan is four years, from about ten days we are willing to take quick and iPad The start of the new sections of channels that will enrich our content offerings. " Not only that. Since January, in fact, relies on Lettera43 Manzoni, one of the first dealerships in Italy for online advertising (the same group L'Espresso, for instance). "The indicators relating to advertising on the Internet - Madron notes - are increasing, so we are confident on this front."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Return Futurist

between hawks and doves, the future returns

I, for T-Mag

"Thank you all. We are working to get online as soon as possible. " Filippo Rossi reassures supporters Finian recently deployed in space for comments on the site "We will continue to make future", is secured on the home page. A promise or a threat? Hard to say. What is certain is that such a sudden change of course confirmation, at least in part, concerns resulting from the closure of Ffwebmagazine. Many, in fact, had claimed as justification for the first time, that is not meeting the economic existence two years after the launch of the magazine, was in verità una motivazione di comodo. Che c'era dell'altro, insomma, dietro una decisione così drastica.
Anche T-Mag non ha nascosto il proprio scetticismo. Il fatto che già venerdì Rossi abbia annunciato il nuovo progetto su Facebook, come è sua abitudine, è la dimostrazione che a pensar male si fa peccato, ma spesso ci si azzecca. Bastava prestare un minimo di attenzione, del resto. Filippo Rossi ha un blog sul sito del Fatto quotidiano. E, contrariamente all'annuncio dell'editore di Ffwebmag che ragionava in termini esclusivamente economici, l'ex direttore scriveva il 2 marzo qualcosa in più: “Farefuturo webmagazine è stato chiuso. Non starò qui a raccontarvi il perché e il percome: non I think it is very interesting. Stuff anyway? Too. But not only. I'm here, instead, to thank all those who in these hours are demonstrating their solidarity with me. Honestly: I did not expect much love. "

Monday, March 7, 2011

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Better than work

I was dumbfounded reading the payments of Giuliano Ferrara. In particular, surprised me not a little one coming from Journal . To write four articles a month, one every Saturday, the director of sheet entitled four thousand euro gross (second Lettera43 that has made the accounts in your pocket). The young journalists, meanwhile, are paid a pittance (if it's good for them) and are not in condition to perform their jobs better. In a nutshell this is the state of information in Italy. Woe to complain, though.

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it is desirable to bring the Japanese method even here, the Rising Sun is not the yardstick more appropriate.

Update: good to see the resignation of Foreign Minister of Japan, Seiji Maehara, conceal a matter eminently political.

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Sante alliances

The Holy Alliance of Bossi and Berlusconi

There was a time when, more or less, it is strongly believed all'incombenza of early voting. But, according to some Fini, will no longer be so. The irony, then, just wanted it to be the work of the antagonist in Berlusconi's center-right majority government to strengthen, a complication of discontent within Fli after the constituent assembly in February. But what stands in the eyes, rather, is the evergreen harmony between Berlusconi and Bossi. Not that there were doubt, in truth, but in the last week the House is something special happened. During the festivities here for the trust built on municipal federalism, Maroni has abducted a green handkerchief League with James Stuckey to put it in the pocket of the premier. Which seems not to have all spurned the gesture.

Former Fini noted the odd man out in the lounge for sale (by the way, not bad the curtain between the two) as the leader of the Northern League is in fact "the real prime minister." It does not really have a point, the President of the Chamber. Bossi has not wavered even a minute before the lure of the Pd (Bersani's interview was eloquent enough to Padania) and never would have given up hope that the allies had secured by return.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Sunday is always a Sunday / 6 Next

On February 18, was released under Coraline Records, the new single Neuro Star, Sailor Crew. The song anticipates the debut album of the band. These guys make way, we bet?

Friday, March 4, 2011

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The preliminary estimates Inail confirm the data a bit early 'to time ago. The decrease (-6.9%) in 2010 of workplace fatalities compared to 2009 is great news, but it is necessary to contextualize it (still in times of economic crisis, so to speak).
We hope, however, that the trend will continue, despite the years not to be started in the best way on the security front. Do not forget also that there would be a objective to be achieved in 2012 ...

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Many have raised more than a doubt about the closure of Ffwebmangazine . We at T-Mag , but I think the guide Sonia Oranges on Reform was what better than others perceived the mood of certain characters and anticipation. It is certainly not a coincidence that now the large face of Philip Smith stands on the site . "We will continue to make the future," read the screen. So stay tuned.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Repalcements Henti

large numbers, least-cost energy efficiency

Sofri's recipe, "large numbers for least-cost"

I, for T-Mag

may sound sometimes funny, but not a sin to move immediately to conclusions: almost a year after his launch, the Post be great. Word of the director.
"Our main ambition - to reveal Luca Sofri T-mag - was to offer great quality content and I would say that the results are very satisfactory. We are happy of what we do and the positive response that we see every day through the readers' opinion. " The terms also gratifying affect on economic sustainability: "For the first year, our business plan is widely respected," says the director of the Post without too many frills. But I'm content to make a difference, Sofri would like to clarify several times. Follow certain criteria of newsworthiness, it is essential prerogative to make a good product mainly because of a well-established hypertrophy in the field of communication, which often causes gross errors or unsavory references. Just think of the chronicles of the protests Libyan air raids confirmed and then denied depending on the source or the alleged mass graves of Tripoli. "Our strong point - explains Sofri - are in the reliability of the things we tell. We deal with stories based, news verified. That is to say, we would never have written the mass graves in Libya since the truth of an entirely different situation. Is clear, however: there is nothing of innovation in our work. Simply we just propose a hierarchy of information that we consider interesting and reliable, the reader knows that the Post will not find content that does not meet the exact fees.

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energy efficiency, focusing on maximizing both the manufacturing and the economy. This is the mission of Staer Systems, a leader in Italy for SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) in the energy, environment, broadcast, telecommunications and safety of public utilities and municipal utilities.

The Staer Systems has recently developed a system (EMSS) offers a series of features on energy efficiency and management of production facilities from renewable sources (solar, wind, biogas). The premise - a digital regions explain Paul Sigismondi and Lino Pichea, owners of the company - is derived from scientific studies in recent years showing that an adequate system for raising the bar, getting up to ten per cent more performance. For example, through proper management and maintenance of a photovoltaic system, you can increase revenues up to 65 thousand euro per MW per year.

The product, therefore, work towards optimizing energy management, namely to produce and consume at the same time efficiently. What are the procedures? "The system - reports Pichea - interfaces with photovoltaic systems, and through special sensors, evaluates the environmental conditions (temperature, radiation, wind speed and direction). Using these data, a mathematical model processes the level of expected production and compares it to actual production. If there are any discrepancies the system determines where and how to intervene. "

Its customers Staer Systems are large private companies and municipal utilities. For several weeks a large hospital complex in the South is in fact taking advantage of the service consumption monitoring. In practice, the application observes the electrical panels of the structure divided into several buildings. "So far - clear Pichea - was carried out some control in this great hospital. Thanks to the system can analyze consumption, also taking into account individual departments, considering key aspects such as lighting, air conditioning, diagnostic imaging, traction and power. The maintainers have access to a dashboard on iPad for the analysis easier, more complex ones are consulted on a PC connected to a dedicated server.

Although the system is in operation in the hospital not long pole, the first data are quite encouraging. "But it will still take days for the real potential of the product," they tell the owners of Staer systems.

It is however an important project, particularly in light of the controversy on the possible suspension of these hours or after 2014 to reach the upper limit of 8,000 MW of the PV industry incentives as provided for by legislative decree transposition of the EU Directive for the promotion of renewable sources. "The incentives - said the expert in that regard - have meant that the market took off, yet no one has been noticed in avoiding speculative operations in view of the end of 2020, also prevents the development of a real industrial sector. Probably there will be a mediation in case of withdrawal of the incentives and the horizon is not ruled out a shift of investments in nuclear power. "

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Who said that it is better to change? We lack only that Lele Mora (apparently close to the application) to become Minister of Culture , and the circle can be said definitively closed.

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And before that? The seriousness

Frattini has become the favorite sport for many, but I wonder what it meant for the government, before the riots in Libya, the anti-Italian rhetoric Gaddafi. So, just to ...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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When in November the Japanese Justice Minister resigned because of a joke out of place in many hope the same for our Prime Minister, certainly not a novice in the puns very appropriate. At the time I thought that in any case the comparison is not apt, Japan's culture is the most ironclad trust and therefore there could be a step backward in some of our was indeed an exercise devoid of logic.
The story itself today, with the resignation Guttenberg German defense minister, accused of having copied by the thesis for his doctorate. Again the comparison with Italian politicians who never make the same does not hold and why is soon told. In Germany, of course, politics and all the ancillary activities are still considered serious matters.

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Dumb and Dumber

Last night two men tried to rob the home of the president of the Lazio Region, Renata Polverini, near Aventino. For Marco Miccoli, regional secretary of the Democratic Party is a testament to what the administrative capital from Alemanno is a "city darkest, violent, closed, with less culture and with fewer places to socialize." Beyond the ghostly portrait is done in Rome, making it seem a city-style Resident Evil, Miccoli also notes that the numbers of crimes have been declining since 2007, as indeed in other parts of Italy. It adds to the cauldron, some failures of the junta's center, like the (non) management of camps on the washer or the ordinances, which are certainly spot election and no more, but at the same time have little to do with the attempted theft Home Polverini. Abstruse considerations of the exponent to democratic has responded magnificently (so to speak) Chiara Colosimo, Regional Councillor of the PDL.

(IRIS) - ROMA, 28 FEB - "The Democratic Party as a populist, will never cease to amaze us. Instead of expressing solidarity with the president Polverini, launching yet another accusation out of place to the mayor of Rome. This represents the highest expression of the paroxysms that grips a demagogic left out of arguments and now in disarray. " The state, in a note, Chiara Colosimo, regional advisor of the PDL, deputy chairman of the school, the right to education, vocational training and universities. "According to un autorevole esponente del Pd capitolino, infatti, il tentato furto in casa del presidente Polverini è da attribuire al fallimento delle politiche sulla sicurezza del sindaco Alemanno. Beh, devono avere proprio una gran bella faccia tosta questi ‘democrats alla matriciana’. Infatti, ai novelli agitatori vorrei ricordare che l’appartamento di Walter Veltroni fu svaligiato quando lo stesso Veltroni, da sindaco, governava Roma” aggiunge l'esponente della Pisana. “Parafrasando lo stesso Pd: Veltroni da sindaco non riuscì a garantire la sicurezza. Sì, ma neanche della sua casa” conclude Colosimo.