Friday, December 12, 2008

Vipersdenforum Casey James

end. but only for the blog

Lately I realized that it had no time to write on the blog, at least not as long as I have, so I decided that this will be the last blog post: after all in a week I go to Italy Christmas vacation, and when I come back will already be in Finland 2009 .. so I had a better chance than this to put a full stop.
The last month has been full of big and small parties: the list I had already done in the previous post so I will not repeat ... just a note on pikkujoulu company, which has proved a success, but it did not surprise me too much: in the office there was always a nice atmosphere, and colleagues have fun with us forever.
In realtà dato che è l'ultimo post, dovrei concludere in qualche modo, magari riepilogando sulle cose positive della Finlandia e su quelle negative, ma non lo farò... semplicemente perchè non mi piacciono le conclusioni. Quindi lascio un semplice saluto a tutti quelli che hanno letto questo blog, anche solo per sbaglio :-)).
Io rimarrò a Tampere per almeno un altro anno, e poi, chissà...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Welcome Address Samples

Commission access to the town of Lauro reactions / 2

The news of the appointment of a Commission of access to the City of Laurel, does not come unexpected, given the vast and penetrating investigations conducted by the DDA of Naples, and Dr. PM Troncone that just in recent days spoke of serious constraints on the part of organized crime in our local communities. Unfortunately, after the investigation has also invested Lauro Pago was once a beacon of civilization, and is now becoming an example of mismanagement of public affairs, to be managed as a vital sectors of the local administration to start from town and public procurement well that would could be at the heart of the appetites of the clan. To compound these problems even as the serious financial management and the staff, dealt with serious irregularities. Desirable actions and initiatives of great accountability from the mayor and the council. However, so far there has been a purely instrumental management of public authority. And even at this juncture it seems that the mayor, rather than worrying about the seriousness of the situation, have decided to sanction the dr.Trione commissioner, revoke the delegation after he had abstained from acting on mobility by offering a contract of solidarity among employees.
Pasquale Colucci

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Commission access to the town of Lauro, the reactions / 1

The appointment of the Commission access to the City of Laurel, prepared by the Prefecture of Avellino does not leave us shocked and unprepared. For some time that this movement has denounced the mistakes of the administrative machinery of Loreto. Together with some members of the civil society of Loreto had denounced the alleged illegal administrative practices, irregularities in the financial and management of staff, had denounced the growing concrete, productive sector to the clan. Already with the questions Mr Auriscchio had brought to the fore the serious and alarming situation of our institution, and most recently during the provincial conference of our movement dedicated to these issues was strong denunciation and launched by the cry of pain Adviser minority Pasquale Colucci. They did not stop the intimidation, the complaints have stopped there, we were not stopped the many violent and vulgar insults of any politician in the city council, now crying out that the policy, the judiciary, the institutions do their part to raise our area. Now you do not need to await the conclusions of the Commission but to roll up our sleeves and work for a real alternative to this nefarious management of public affairs. Morality must be picked up throughout our valley. Democratic Left Alliance calls on all the healthy forces of the territory for you to AVII a major campaign of mobilization, commitment to stand up, take back our land, our life.

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The decisions of the prefecture

Vallo di Lauro under the magnifying glass of the Ministry of the Interior. The risk of Camorra infiltration in the management of public affairs has resulted in a couple of months, the appointment of two committees of access, first in Pago del Vallo di Lauro, Lauro in recent days. In the latter town the committee will be composed of vice-Mario The Mountain, by the official of the Prefecture of Naples Salvatore Carli, the head of the police Lauro Raffaele Monda, the lieutenant colonel of the Guardia di Finanza di Avellino Maurice Guarino, the lieutenant Company Baiano Rosario Basilica, the officer of the board of public works Gennaro D'Onofrio. These will, in the next 60 days, test and evaluate the administrative documents produced by municipal offices, and finally prepare a final report. In the case were leaked elements of suspicion, it should be dissolution Camorra infiltration. I pay for the final report will be made in December. For Laura, the measure of the prefecture authorized by the Ministry of the Interior by order, comes at a time of tension for the local administration, already struggling with the thorny matter of the mobility of six city employees and the absurd episode of ' aggression former deputy mayor and current City Council President Antonio Bossone by an employee. Now the committee of access, following the statements made by the prosecutor Troncone, a judge on Thursday in service to the public prosecutor's office as deputy prosecutor Nola, about the dangers of flu clan in the management of public activities. Certainly the statements by the judge, many years been involved on the ground in the fight against clan of Loreto, highlight the particular condition of Vallo di Lauro, whose communities have suffered and still suffer perhaps the influence of ammorbante Cava and Graziano. Fifteen was the first town in Italy to be wound up by the mafia in 1983 by Pertini, then again in 1985 was dissolved in 1993 and 2002. Pago witnessed the early termination to the mafia in 1993. Now the Home Office sent two commissions to access, confirming that the effective and ongoing work to combat the clan, started from the Prosecutor's investigations led to the decimation of Avellino Cava and Graziano con arresti e sequestri, viene ora supportata da una indagine a 360 gradi anche sulla amministrazione delle comunità lauretane.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Myamme In Skinny Jeans

how to survive the month of November

In effetti, novembre in Finlandia non è il massimo dell'allegria. Quindi meglio attrezzarsi in partenza, per non farsi trovare impreparati. Io per strafare, da qui a Dicembre ho qualcosa da fare per ogni fine settimana, o quasi... :))

Domani festa di Halloween (a day late) at the home of Hanna: Caramel for the occasion and I have bought wigs and sunglasses 70's style, then maybe publish some 'photos, so now my dignity is close to zero ever: D (I wore a mask when I was 7-8 years, thankfully).
The weekend after, we are the party of "opening" of the new apartment .. although we are now in a month: D .. I must remember to buy the ingredients for tiramisu!
The one after that (Nov. 15) is the birthday of Karen. Instead, for the following weekend, still no program: D
At the end of November instead, long weekend (including Monday) to Kaunas, Lithuania, via Riga (with Ryanair, € 35 for return flights!).
returned from Lithuania, I expect the travel company in Tallinn, two days pikkujoulu (Small Christmas). Jobs bland mixed celebrations:)) ..

short, tomorrow begins in November, it's raining outside and the sky is gray, but all in all, I do not think the case to complain about the situation:)

PS I plan to write a little 'more about the blog, lately I have not had neither time nor inclination to do it;)

Monday, October 20, 2008

C.j. Barrymore's Coupons

ideas of Irpinia: Legal and moral action Pasquale Colucci

Legalità e questione morale non sono due concetti, non sono due questioni, ma solo due aspetti della stessa questione. Chi si occupa del bene comune in quanto funzionario o in quanto politico ma anche il semplice cittadino, ha, nel suo agire quotidiano, due possibilità: o assumere la legalità, il rispetto delle regole come proprio principio ispiratore, oppure avere come proprio unico imperativo quello della realizzazione del proprio interesse, al di là ed al di fuori di ogni regola. E pare del tutto ovvio che porre come fondamentale principio quello di perseguire i propri interessi indipendentemente by the rules, is the renunciation of all moral principle.
But to understand and closely because, for legal reasons, for the moral question, Irpinia is at a crossroads, it is significant about the situation of the Vallo di Lauro, one of the marginal areas of this province that noble past while providing and important cultural traditions has become sadly infamous for the pervasive presence of organized crime. The students can understand how articulate, how they feed, what effects it produces the situation that presence.
The beginning: it seemed almost a folk story, with researchers from northern Europe to study the case of this family close around his head to administer a country and to impose its laws to the whole community.
The transition from one dimension to village holding itself but also the source of the bloody clashes significantly coincides with the arrival of funds for reconstruction and assistance for the housing needs of post-earthquake. It was then, in the mid-'80s that broke the first war between the Camorra clan Cava and Graziano in the Vallo di Lauro, forcing the President of the Republic, Sandro Pertini the action for the first time the instrument of dissolution of civic administration, event then repeated several times, unfortunately. Even at fifteen was a absolute singularity at the national level che non si registrava neppure nella Sicilia dei Liggio e dei Riina; neppure a Corleone infatti il capo del clan era anche il capo dell’amministrazione comunale come era Raffaele Graziano. Ma c’era una ragione che giustificava quella particolarità ed erano appunto i fondi che l’ente pubblico amministrava. I nostri enti pubblici sono tuttora le maggiori aziende che insistono sul territorio per fondi, interessi e personale amministrati.
E di fatti la storia si ripete, allorquando arrivano i fondi per la messa in sicurezza del territorio a seguito dell’emergenza frane del 1998.
E’ questa grande disponibilità di fondi pubblici che ovviamente stimola gli appetiti dei clan. Bisogna infatti pensare che solo per i primi interventi the securing of the municipality of Fifteen were budgeted by the Commissioner for emergency landslide some 100 billion lire, about 50 million € uro current
But of course the crime is not content to wait for the big events that can bring big profits.
And in fact seeks to gain through more traditional activities as it were ordinary and extortion in the first place that focused mostly on the only productive sector as it has seen some expansion, the building industry. In fact if you take a walk in the Vallo di Lauro with a minimum of attention is understood that the spirit of the SS 403, a long thoroughfare in connection with the land Vallo di Lauro di Principato Ultra, in his section of the valley has become a city street with buildings that rise to the right and left, where the strokes are very few remaining vacant. Here is no coincidence that the building took place outside of any detailed planning. It seems that the top clans had even experienced a system to keep track of this particular sector, setting up a station at the roadside from which count all the trucks and concrete mixers that passed in the Wall, by imposing a peak for each load of concrete unloaded. But it was only one way, because there has been no appeal to the more traditional system del pizzo sul cantiere.
Ed è un sistema che ha fruttato, e molto anche. Ricordo che quando ero consigliere provinciale e pensammo di proporre anche un’alternativa sociale a Quindici, allestendo il patto con Rimini, un esponente del clan Graziano avvicinò il nostro presidente dicendogli: “presidente, voi a Rimini ci andate adesso, noi abbiamo investito lì da anni”. Avevano già all’epoca, oltre dieci anni orsono, rastrellato tanto danaro da estorsioni ed altre attività illecite da riciclarlo anche a Rimini.
Insomma, un’attività altamente redditizia, che porta importanti profitti. E se è questa la situazione ancor meglio si comprende come il praticare l’illegalità, il exceed the limits set by unwavering rules, is a choice that will guarantee benefits otherwise unexpected. And this is what we now need to worry more. Because the system of lawlessness when it is not effectively countered, and when it produces results useful to those who practice it, easily creates emulation throughout the company and 'an attitude that just because "rewards" and precisely because he did not effectively countered his emulated in other areas. For example dell'infortunistica
the road. It is no longer a mystery to anyone in the Office of Justice of the Peace of Lauro are introduced every year hundreds and hundreds of jobs relating to road traffic accidents for most of the game which is even imagine the strength to be false, if one takes into account how many people are and how many cars around, those are the real incidents officially registered with local police and law enforcement .
If you want to switch to another sector, the government, even here there is in front of lawlessness in some cases adopted in the system, in some cases even theorized.
Just to be mentioned before and the issue planning to talk about the facts: the three towns that lie along the highway 403 are the ones where he started most of which are better but the delay in planning instruments. Laura even missing sinanche approval of the PUC, the current planning instrument is the Building Program came into effect in 1977. Various and variously developed were the new draft planning instrument adopted during these thirty years, but none has gone through. And the reason is obvious: administrators have theorized the illegality from this point of view. If there is an effective planning tool and force everyone knows where and how you can build and do not need to ask for favors to political duty. But if you recognize the citizen without any problems what is in his right, why should Essert grateful? But if you work to get him something that was not for it, especially if you do understand that you expose yourself to administrator his city, even if it means crossing the threshold of legality, then the city you will be grateful and will ensure your consent . That 's what happened in the field-urban building in Lauro, where, despite this lack of planning has been built as planned and even more than projected by the draft planning instrument adopted. I remember one of the first draft adopted in the late 80s early 90s provided an increase in the population, then 3,800 inhabitants, almost 45%, with a sizing PRG provided by the housing needs of that time to approximately 5,400 inhabitants. Well today all areas as provided for building were almost all built. But if you go to check what is the consistency of demographic Lauro you will find that it has not only increased the hyperbolic 5,400 inhabitants, but has actually decreased in 3650.
and yet you continue to issue building permits. Only in the period before the last election of graduates were 34 building permits issued: here the coincidence is strange. I do not think that we need to make any comment, simply to report another very serious issue that unfortunately did not have the necessary echo in the national media do not say but at least regional or provincial. The legal framework of reference is that before the last change in the regional planning law, in my opinion, in deference to a misunderstanding of the principle of federalism and local self-government, has denied any cogency to the terms and procedures for the adoption of the instruments planning by municipalities. Before, when they were still under the Commissioner, the Joint Commission for Lauro was the adoption of the PRG and was also appointed a commissioner by the first provincial authority to control who, without fully completing his term, he resigned, a second Then he was appointed commissioner in place by the Prefect. But even that mysteriously resigned. Nothing is known about why.
However, if this is the framework, then no wonder what has happened recently in Pago del Vallo di Lauro, a town which is already dissolved in the nineties by infiltration of the Camorra, for a history of identity documents found in the Camorra. For a country and a political class that had decided to change course, the dutiful thing to do was to manage public affairs with the utmost transparency and one of the most sensitive areas for a municipality, the urban planning. He went in the opposite direction. Without wanting to delve into even more specific technical issues, but simply a question of more immediate perception to the public opinion, and the nationality of Pago del Vallo, suffice to say that the boss Cava see that without the approval of a planning instrument can build a house the size of those views, it is a fact not gone unnoticed. It makes us understand how the power of this boss is also on the government to be able to get what they normally would not be permitted and at the same time show off the power and wealth, in short, to be the real masters of Vallo.
But the field of public administration also gives us the worst episodes, for some of them is also some preliminary court intervened. As that of 'a former mayor of Lauro convicted for defamation and threats against a female employee. The story, as my ears have heard, is this: the former first citizen from the stage of the penultimate rally of the election bluntly threatened certain employees known to be not aligned with his list, told them they had counted the hours. Then he passed from words to deeds. Shortly after, in fact his administration put in some people with mobility measures in the civil courts already have rejected. And now the judge in a criminal court has sanctioned the illegal behavior.
As we understand the arrogance therefore, outside of any rule, which has become a system of government of a territory and its community.
But as these situations and should be interpreted primarily as must be faced, the spread of delinquency?
The first is to understand exactly the scope that is no longer limited to a few dozen people, all belonging to the same family. So you should take into account that only the last two operations have affected the direction of the anti-mafia something like over 70 people of the two clans. Moreover it is these operations have confirmed what was already a bit 'of time was known, namely that the clans which have their roots in Fifteen have extended their influence throughout the territory of the capital and Vallo and also to a substantial proportion Irpinia. Not only as an expansion area for their activities, but also increase the area where fila dei loro affiliati e fiancheggiatori. Sembrerebbe quasi superfluo dirlo, ma è assolutamente fuori luogo pensare che la questione legalità e la questione criminalità sia un fatto che interessa solo una piccola parte del territorio regionale e provinciale. E’ concetto noto che la criminalità è come una ferita che non curata si estende a tutto il corpo. Oppure, se si vuole, è una mala pianta che se non estirpata diventa infestante. Può esistere una politica per l’Italia che prescinde dalla questione mafia o camorra? E allora come si può pensare che se ne possa prescindere a livello regionale o a livello provinciale?
Ma l’incancrenirsi della situazione e l’indifferenza di tanta parte della cittadinanza and their political and institutional leaders are also leading to other consequences. The more people cower in their particular subjects better move away from the commitment public, who can run away from our area. Laura Vallo record and a strong tendency to emigration which covers two major categories of people: those who chose to live in Laurel and Vallo for its mild climate, the beauty of the landscape and that now they see rather than the quality of life is deteriorating dramatically, and the young people who go out to seek his fortune, more and more often never to return. Coming up and I am certainly not the first to say, the phenomenon of di massa.
Ma vi è anche un altro aspetto intimamente connesso a quello che stiamo trattando e sul quale anche vi è ampia letteratura, quello dello sviluppo. Da sempre è risaputo che nelle zone ad alta presenza criminale non vi è sviluppo. Perché le imprese vanno ad investire dove hanno condizioni minime di sicurezza, dove non devono pagare il pizzo a nessuno, dove c’è possibilità di svolgere attività senza essere minacciati o vessati. Ebbene, nel Vallo di Lauro e credo un po’ in tutta la regione Campania, con qualche rara e labile eccezione, la tendenza è quella a disinvestire.
Tanto per comprendere qual’è la situazione, secondo una statistica pubblicata qualche mese fa e relativa all’ammontare del valore aggiunto prodotto per ciascun abitante, Lauro si trova agli ultimi posti nella classifica regionale. Ciò vuol dire che come attività produttive attive sul territorio siamo il fanalino di coda di tutta la regione. E se vogliamo far riferimento ad un altro elemento che sembrerebbe di più diretta ed immediata percezione basterà ricordare che è stato completato da oramai 3 anni il Piano per Insediamenti Produttivi ma nessuna impresa vi si è ancora insediata. Tanto che l’amministrazione comunale di Lauro ha concesso uno dei lotti per la realizzazione del centro per la protezione civile e forse farà sorgere un impianto fotovoltaico per la produzione dell’energia elettrica in altro lotto.
Ma cosa ci dice tutto ciò? Ci says that not enough effort one of the judiciary or the police or the administration, but there must be a synergistic effort. From the category of persons directly involved and most important, we citizens must learn to demand respect for the rules daily from acting as the round with helmets on scooters or not to leave waste on the street. It is here that trigger other deep thoughts on diversity, cultural diversity, at least in part have ancestral origins. And I mean the lack of a sense of belonging to a community, a sense of belonging to a state, the lack of public consciousness. And in fact it is easy to think that anyone who leaves the refusal the street, maybe the same road that runs every day and that leads to his home, has no culture of the public as it is as if to say: it is not my property, what I care about dirty? And 'the attitude of those who, having witnessed a crime, questioned say not, not my business.
E 'this culture that we must fight, build a sense of community and the state, realizing it is the only reference to naturally social beings as human beings. Of course it is not easy in a context where no one has ever exposed denouncing the lace or even more simply fulfilling its duty to testify in a trial of the Camorra.
Nonostante tutte queste difficoltà credo che però il momento può essere oggi quello giusto: non solo vi è un’attenzione importante dell’opinione pubblica e di importanti organi dello Stato, come dimostrano le operazioni di polizia ripetutamente portate a segno nella Regione e le vicende delle terre dei casalesi e se voglaimo anche la vicenda di Saviano l’autore del fortunato best-seller “Gomorra”. Ma più in particolare nella nostra provincia nel nostro Vallo, viviamo un momento che conosce pochi, anzi nessun precedente.
Quasi tutti i maggiori esponenti dei clan, tranne forse uno, sono assicurati alle patrie galere.
Quindi potrebbe essere il momento in cui -in assoluto- si deve avere meno paura. It 's the case, then, that those who have suffered extortion, threats, blackmail or otherwise is in a position to make a contribution to the work of state organs to do so. Knowing well that they need the presence and vigilance of citizens, in order to feel engaged in a synergistic effort for a single goal. So you can also reduce the chances of cases like that happen came to light in recent days, the subsidies granted under the law to aid victims of organized crime, but instead ended up in close relatives of the same boss. Maybe it was just a mistake, however, if you carry out more stringent checks and whether to make the most sensitive area officials are not exactly the zone is easier than the enforcement actions have the best outcome and not give rise to incidents such as those concerning his family Graziano. Normally it is not easy, even for the ferocity that use, to counter the Camorra: certainly can not do better agents and officials of the same area with which we sometimes have a family relationship or otherwise of contiguity.
Actually we all do it, knowing that there is no other decent life possible in a land with Camorra: we learned that not only limit your freedom, you deprive your will to live, but in reality they take away the life . And not just as happened, among many others, also found itself Nunziante Scibelli Goes on a road at the wrong time, but day after day, sowing the land with poison, to give an example.
I had already made an appeal to my fellow citizens a few months ago, authorities del Vallo, take advantage of the propitious moment of the counter of this recently by the state which is showing strong results. With some rare exceptions I have not received answers, but I renew the appeal: we must all stand up together to take back our land, our life. But we should be all set.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sample Email On New Baby

The Fisherman

There is a book that hides
but I
mai scritto cosa sei
per me
perché è facile
tu mi leggi dentro
io no
se gli errori li cancello
resta la
peggior calligrafia
che ho
avuto in vita mia
nuda lì sul foglio
io sono un pescatore di asterischi
sotto un'onda a forma di parentesi rotonda che mi porta via
non si può partecipare
subito a un concorso di poesia
che idea
intitolarla 'apnea'
is a first place
in this game of dirty thoughts over a bed
first to hug and I think I connect with you
your hair blacks tipped ink
to tangle My
I octopus squid you do not want you to eat
but in life there is always a however
a sky that rests on the sea
and you learn who you are as a juggler
spend all the time to look
the sense that there is no gravitational
and there is a cricket hide
ogni tanto esce e dice che
chissà se anche lei
è pura fino in fondo
in questo gioco di pensieri sporchi sopra a un letto
prima di abbracciarti mi connetto più vicino a te
e tu sei bella come quella Madonna che un giorno qualcuno pescò
anche il polipo e la seppia non si fanno più male
eh no, son saliti a guardare
il cielo che si spegne nel mare
laggiù dove sono gli Dei
siamo giocolieri non sprechiamo il tempo a cercare
the sense that there is no gravitational
jugglers we do not waste time searching
the sense that there is no gravitational
jugglers we do not waste time looking
the gravitational effect that there is a sense

Samuele Bersani

Rejestracja Self Employed


The novel Man in the Dark by Paul Auster:

... this good person who refuses to believe to be good because only good question the inherent goodness, and this is the precondition which makes them good. The bad guys know they are good, but the good they do not know anything. Forgiving others spend their lives, but they can not forgive themselves.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Brazilian Wax Pregnancy

make noise ... maybe it's close encounter with a fox

... certain things, the more you talk, the better.

"I Casalesi
kill Saviano before Christmas and the spare"


NAPLES - They agreed on a date, as were writing their "novel" nero dei conti da regolare. Stavolta i padrini che dirigono il gruppo stragista del clan dei casalesi avrebbero deciso persino un termine per distruggere la vita di Roberto Saviano. Ed è la prima volta che affiora una dead line. "Entro dicembre morirà", racconta un ex criminale ormai diventato collaboratore di giustizia da oltre un decennio.
I casalesi stavolta tirano in ballo anche la sua scorta, i sette carabinieri che sono il suo scudo e i suoi amici, la sua ombra e la sua compagnia.

"Succederà entro la fine di dicembre. Quel libro ha fatto troppo clamore", aggiunge il superpentito dei casalesi. Si tratta di un personaggio che da tempo, come ovvio, risulta estraneo agli affari criminali, and yet it is rooted in those places of origin and considered too reliable so as not to suspect that convergence has taken items from his Casal di Principe, in the heart of the province of Caserta, devastated by the design stragista in recent months, with 15 innocent victims in a short more than five months.
The Comedy of Terrors then pull up on the sign-writer of Gomorrah. But he's always crooked smile, pretending normalcy. "What should I do? Continue business as usual. I have no other option than mica resist, resist, resist." Shortly after, who tugs, answered ironically: "One thing they taught me these past two years alone: \u200b\u200bcook, elaborate recipes, hey, I'm becoming a chef."

traveling outside his lair protected against the latest threat Roberto Saviano is considered "trusted". Further investigations are in progress, was recorded in the last hours of the Directorate acts of anti-mafia prosecutor of Naples. It is a paper dated October 1, 2008. Twenty rows. It refers to a meeting three days earlier.
Those twenty lines that continue to block the confidence in a normal life for the young author became a symbol of the fight against the mafia, and the collusion of the territories all'omertà that bend the head. In legal parlance is called "record".

Four rows, half sheet, faithfully reproduce the confidence that the mafia gang of superpentito Casale has entrusted, in late September, a State official, who then reported to police. A meeting was not random, but probably dictated by reasons of old custom. Perhaps the two stopped talking around a coffee, maybe dinner. During that interview, the repented of Casale, one of the first to collaborate with the state, already related to the most prominent families of the criminal elite, said he had heard that close to Christmas triggered the tragic revenge against the writer. Why? "Too much chaos caused that book, a phenomenon," will explain to the person who takes on the voice information from the repentant.

In the transcription the senior member of the police, from London, writes: "This (the repented of Casale, ed) would report (the official) that by the end of December, the famous writer of the book Gomorra, Roberto Saviano, it was killed together with his escort, as with his book had made too much noise. " The signal immediately invests the heads of police and Carabinieri General Command. We further restrict the mesh security precaution principle, there is no room for failure minimum impenetrable network of controls and remediation provided to each shift Saviano. There are those who, by the highest levels of the forces order, shall also assess the need for radical measures, not least of which provide for a temporary move abroad.
Franco Roberti, the anti-Mafia prosecutor, does not intervene in the affair but insists: "We know for some time that the writer Saviano is exposed, the protective measures around him would be most appropriate." But no one can exclude, with respect to eco detailed discussion of this alleged death sentence - "by December, with the stock" - any links with the chilling scenario that emerges for revenge after the Blitz scored by police and carabinieri, Land Working with the pool of expert Casalesi Dda di Napoli.
circumstances justifying the high alert investigators That meeting between superpentito and his guest back to the 27th of September. That is, nine days after the 7 innocent deaths (before Celiento Antonio, killed because a police informer and then massacred in six Ghanaian tailoring), and three days before the State deal a hammer blow to the group stragista, with the capture of three of his most trusted killer, Alessandro Cirillo, Oreste Spagnuolo and Giovanni Letizia, the seizure of a frightening arsenal - 11 weapons, including a Kalashnikov. Just Spagnuolo September 6 decides to cooperate with the State. 7, a detail that tells today, linked to the threat addressed to Saviano, puts the shivers. Bristle in fact, the super-fugitive on the run, the killer felt creator (with the boss Bidognetti placet) of the sequence of murder and terror against brave entrepreneurs and family to repent, a few weeks "was chasing a detonator with a remote control." It tells the neopentito Spagnuolo. "Brisson told me that he tried to get a remote control detonator. He said it was an easy way to kill," he said.

Roberto Saviano now repeats: "Nothing changes, it is important to keep your head up". It's the same thing repeated, 17 September 2007, the streets in Casal di Principe, his last appearance in a square: "Guys, do not be ripping the right to happiness." Perhaps it was saying to himself.

Source Republic.

Cataracts More Condition_treatment

Last night I went to me for a walk near the lake, and return home, I met a fox! It will be that here the animals are accustomed to seeing men, but she ran away, in fact, walked slowly turning to look at me every now and then .. :))
However, the list of animals seen live, I can now add the fox! :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Gifts For Stroke Victums


Finally. After a really long week, there takes two days off. 3 days of conferences organized by us (Hermia) here in Tampa for Mindtrek: in addition to the work to be done for the conference, I also "normal" job to do. So for two consecutive days, in the morning at 7 I was in office .. Oh well, this has gone too:)
weekend will be devoted almost entirely to accommodate the new chamber, after the move last week.
Today when I came home, in the earphones Ironic Alanis Morissette singing and breathing around you fall: pleasant, indescribably pleasant. Assuming that there is indescribably in the Italian vocabulary:))

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Equalizer T- Shirt Houston

moving (another) fall

period of preparation packages. Once again, you move. I do not really move much 1km then more or less the same neighborhood: Hervanta.
Meanwhile, work continues at full speed. Even if it's sunny outside now that we have been denied during the summer:) hope
is it still a bit ', after the move I should rearrange the bike, and it would be nice to go and take a ride before it gets to the "great dark ":))

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Birthday Cake In Melbourne

Suolijärvi last Sunday.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Iron Overload More Condition_symptoms Wiki

no, yet again ... Roberto Saviano

I wanted to post some 'of photos of beautiful autumn days we're having, but ...
Courier - At least nine students of vocational school di Kauhajoki, in Finlandia ( mappa ), sono morti nella sparatoria compiuta da un loro compagno che ha aperto il fuoco contro i 200 ragazzi e insegnanti presenti, intorno alle 11 di martedì (ora locale). I feriti sono almeno due. Dopo aver compiuto la strage, il killer ha tentato di uccidersi sparandosi alla testa ma è sopravissuto ed è stato ricoverato in gravi condizioni.

Già la sparatoria dello scorso anno a Jokela era stata terribile, ma pensare che sia successo ancora un'altra volta.. mette i brividi. E più di questo, non saprei proprio che dire...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Stuttering More Condition_symptoms

Lettera aperta di Roberto Saviano dal Corriere. Si commenta da sola.

I RESPONSABILI hanno dei nomi. Hanno dei volti. Hanno persino un'anima. O forse no. Giuseppe Setola, Alessandro Cirillo, Oreste Spagnuolo, Giovanni Letizia, Emilio di Caterino, Pietro Vargas stanno portando avanti una strategia militare violentissima. Sono autorizzati dal boss latitante Michele Zagaria e si nascondono intorno a Lago Patria. Tra di loro si sentiranno combattenti solitari, guerrieri che cercano di farla pagare a tutti, ultimi vendicatori di una delle più sventurate e feroci terre d'Europa. Se la racconteranno così.

Ma Giuseppe Setola, Alessandro Cirillo, Oreste Spagnuolo, Giovanni Letizia, Emilio di Caterino e Pietro Vargas sono vigliacchi, in realtà: assassini senza alcun tipo di abilità military. To kill indiscriminately empty cartridge for loading to strafanno of cocaine and swell of Fernet Branca and vodka. They shot unarmed people, educated or taken suddenly from behind. They never compared with other armed men. Faced with this tremendous, and yet you feel strong and safe by killing unarmed, often elderly or young children. Deceiving them and taking them behind.

And I wonder, in your land, our land are now many months that a handful of killer hovers above undisturbed massacring innocent people. Five, six, always the same. How is it possible? I wonder, but this land as we see, as it represents se stessa, come si immagina? Come ve la immaginate voi la vostra terra, il vostro paese? Come vi sentite quando andate al lavoro, passeggiate, fate l'amore? Vi ponete il problema, o vi basta dire, "così è sempre stato e sempre sarà così"?

Davvero vi basta credere che nulla di ciò che accade dipende dal vostro impegno o dalla vostra indignazione? Che in fondo tutti hanno di che campare e quindi tanto vale vivere la propria vita quotidiana e nient'altro. Vi bastano queste risposte per farvi andare avanti? Vi basta dire "non faccio niente di male, sono una persona onesta" per farvi sentire innocenti? Lasciarvi passare le notizie sulla pelle e sull'anima. Tanto è sempre was so or not? Or delegate to associations, church activists, journalists and others to denounce makes you worry? A calm that makes you go to bed happy, but maybe not in peace? There really is enough?

This focus group has killed mostly innocent. In any other country in the freedom of action of such a bunch of murderers would have generated debates and political battles, reflections. But here it is only crimes inherent to an area considered one of the provinces of Italy asshole. And then the investigators, police officers and police, the four reporters who follow the events, they are alone. Even those in the rest of the country reads a newspaper knows that these killers are always using the same strategy: pretend to be policemen. They have a flashing blade, or the DIA said they had to do a check of documents. Employing a two-penny trick to kill more easily. And they live like animals: from buffalo farms, suburban homes, garage.

They killed sixteen people. The massacre began on May 2 at about six o'clock in the morning in a buffalo farm gate to Arnold. Kill the father of Domenico Bidognetti sorry, cousin and former loyalist Cicciotto and 'midnight.

Umberto Bidognetti was 69 years old and in general was also accompanied by the son of Mimi, who just that morning he could not pull himself out of bed to help his grandfather. On May 15, killing at Green Bay, a hamlet of Castel Volturno, the sixty-five Domenico Noviello, owner of a driving school. Domenico Noviello was opposed to the racket eight years earlier. He had been under guard, but then the protection cycle was over. He could not be targeted, not expecting this. The discharge on 20 shots while his Panda is going to make a stop at the bar before opening the driving school. His execution was also a message to the police that he was to celebrate his own festival in Casal di Principe, three days later, and even more of a clear statement: it can go almost a decade but do not forget the Casalesi.

Before that, May 13, with a fire destroyed the mattress factory of Peter Russell in Santa Maria Capua Vetere. It is the only one of their targets to have an escort. Why was the only one with Tano Grasso, tried to organize a united front against the racket on the ground Casale. Then, on May 30, to strike the belly Villaricca Francesca Carrino, a girl, twenty-five year-old nephew of Anna Carrino, the former wife of Francesco Bidognetti, sorry. He was at home with his mother and grandmother, but she had been to open the door to the killer posing as agents from the DIA.

not pass even a day in Casal di Principe, and after lunch is to go to the "Roxy bar", kill Michele Orsi, a businessman waste close to the clan who was arrested the year before, had begun to cooperate with the judiciary revealing the intrigues waste-political mafia. It is a murder that makes excellent stir, raise controversies, raise your voice does to representatives of the State. But it does not stop the killer.

July 11, killing at Lido "The Flourishing" of Varcaturo Raffaele Granata, 70, manager of the bathhouse and the mayor's father of Calverley. He also pays for the first year have not yielded to the will of the clan. On August 4 massacre in Castel Volturno Ziber Dani Kazan and Arthur were sitting on the terrace of the "Bar Kuban" and probably Ramis Doda August 21, twenty-five years before the "Freedom Bar" San Marcellino. The victims were Albanians who rounded up the shop, but were allowed to stay and work on construction sites as masons and painters.

Then on Aug. 18 opened fire indiscriminately against the house of Teddy Egonwman, president of Nigerians in Campania, which has been fighting for years against the prostitution of his countrymen, seriously wounding him, his wife Alice and three other friends. They return to San Marcellino

September 12 to kill and Ernesto Antonio Ciardullo Fabozzi, killed while they were doing maintenance on truck transport firm which was the first holder. Although he had not obeyed, and those who stood by was killed because he witnessed.

Finally, on September 18, the first jig Celiento Antonio, owner of an amusement arcade in Green Bay, and a quarter of an hour after opening a fire of 130 rounds of Kalashnikov guns and against the Africans gathered in front of the workshop and "Ob Ob Exotic Fashion in Castel Volturno. Die Samuel Kwaku, 26, and Alaj Ababa, Togo, Christopher Adams Geemes and Alex, 28, Liberians, Kwame Julius Francis, 31, and Eric Yeboah, 25, Ghanaian, and is hospitalized with serious injuries Ayimbora Joseph, 34, also from Ghana. Only one or perhaps two of them had to do with drugs, others were there by chance, worked hard on building sites or where it happened, and also in tailoring.

Sixteen victims in less than six months. Any democratic country with such a situation would have faltered. Here, despite everything, he's not even mentioned. Neither was aware from Rome on this trail of blood and terror of this, who does not speak Arabic, which has five-pointed stars, but controls and rules without enforcement.

They kill anyone who opposes. They kill anyone who happens under fire, without regard for anyone. The list of dead could be longer, much longer. And for all these months, no one informed the public that turned this "fishing boat fire." Mediterranean fish, like the boats that go out to fish in the high seas. No one has revealed the names until they have made slaughter in Castel Volturno. But

are always the same, always use the same weapons, even if they try to adjust them to mislead the scientific, a sign that they have few available. Do not come in contact with families, are strictly between them. Each tanto qualcuno li intravede nei bar di qualche paesone, dove si fermano per riempirsi d'alcol. E da sei mesi nessuno riesce ad acciuffarli.

Castel Volturno, territorio dove è avvenuta la maggior parte dei delitti, non è un luogo qualsiasi. Non è un quartiere degradato, un ghetto per reietti e sfruttati come se ne possono trovare anche altrove, anche se ormai certe sue zone somigliano più alle hometown dell'Africa che al luogo di turismo balneare per il quale erano state costruite le sue villette. Castel Volturno è il luogo dove i Coppola edificarono la più grande cittadella abusiva del mondo, il celebre Villaggio Coppola.

Ottocentosessantatremila area occupied with concrete. Who illegally took the place of one of the largest pine forests in the Mediterranean Sea. Abuse the hospital, the police station abusive, illegal items. All abusive. We went to live the families of the NATO soldiers. When they left, the area fell more than total abandonment and became a fief by Francesco Bidognetti all at the same time the territory of the Nigerian mafia.

The Nigerians have a powerful Mafia with whom the defendant to Casalesi, their country has become a hub in the international trafficking of cocaine and Nigerian organizations are powerful, able to invest primarily in money transfer, the points through which all the world's immigrants send money home. Through these, the Nigerian money and control people. Castel Volturno African direct cocaine transit, especially in England. The congestion charges so that the clan requires not only the lace on the retail store, but agreements on a sort of joint venture. Now, however, Nigerians are powerful, powerful. So is the Albanian mafia, by which the Casalesi are in business.

And the clan is gaping, fear of not being recognized as one who commands the first and last in the area. And here are creeping in the indentations of men fishing boat. Albanians kill small fish such as demonstration projects, Africans are killing - and among these none is from Nigeria - strike the last links of the chain of ethnic hierarchies and criminals. Honest guys die, but as always, in this land, there must be a reason to die. It does not take much to be vilified.

The African boys were killed immediately all "traffickers" as were "Camorra" Reversal Giuseppe and Vincenzo Natale, killed in Villa Literno September 23, 2003 because they had stopped to get a beer near Frank Gallop, a member of the clan Bidognetti. They too were soon baptized as criminals.

is not the first time that takes place in those parts una mattanza di immigrati. Nel 1990 Augusto La Torre, boss di Mondragone, partì con i suoi fedelissimi alla volta di un bar che, pur gestito da italiani, era diventato un punto di incontro per lo spaccio degli africani. Tutto avveniva sempre lungo la statale Domitiana, a Pescopagano, pochi chilometri a nord di Castel Volturno, però già in territorio mondragonese. Uccisero sei persone, fra cui il gestore, e ne ferirono molte altre. Anche quello era stato il culmine di una serie di azioni contro gli stranieri, ma i Casalesi che pure approvavano le intimidazioni non gradirono la strage. La Torre dovette incassare critiche pesanti da parte di Francesco "Sandokan" Schiavone. Ma ora i tempi sono cambiati e permettono di lasciar esercitare una violenza indiscriminata a group of armed cocaine.

I call back to my land that has self-image. I ask this in all those groups of men and women who work here in the great silence and are committed. In those few politicians who manage to remain credible, resisting the temptations of collusion or of the withdrawal of combat power of the clan. To all those who are doing their job, to all those who seek to live honestly, as in any other part of the world. To all these people. Which are more and more, but they are increasingly alone.

How do you imagine this land? If it is true, as said by Danilo Dolci, each grows only if you wanted to see, you like them there dreaming of these places? There's never been so much focus on your lands and all that has happened and will happen. Yet it seems to have changed much. The two bosses who rule continue to operate and to be free. Antonio Iovine and Michele Zagaria. Twelve years on the run. Even they know where they are. The first is in San Cipriano d'Aversa, the second Casapesenna. In an area as big as a piece of land, may not be able to find them?

ancient history is that of the wanted fugitives in the world and then found their own home. But it is new story that I have now spoken again and again newspapers and TV, that politicians of all stripes have promised that they will stop. Meanwhile time passes and nothing happens. And are there. Walk, talk, meet people.

I saw that in my country have appeared written against me. Saviano shit. Saviano worm. And a huge coffin with my name. And then insults, constant denigration from the most common and banal: "What has been done the money." With my job as a writer and now I live, fortunately, pay for my lawyers. What about them? That control their business empires and are building houses pharaonic in countries where there are not even paved roads? They

that disposal of toxic wastes are managed in a single operation to collect up to 500 million euro and have filled our land with poisons to the point of pushing up to 24% certain cancers, birth defects and up to 84% for percent? Real money they generate, according to the Observatory epidemiological Campania, an average of 7172.5 cancer deaths a year in Campania. And to get rich on the misfortunes of this land would be me with my words, or the police and prosecutors, reporters and all others with books or movies or in any other manner continues to complain? How can you create such a reversal of perspectives? How is it possible that even honest people to join this chorus? Although I know my ground in front of all this I am still in disbelief and shock and hurt to the point that even I struggle to find my voice. Why

leads to mute the pain, because the hostility leads to not know who to talk to. So who should I talk to, what I say? How do I say to my country to stop being crushed between the arrogance of the strong and the cowardice of the weak? Today here in this room where the guest of those who protect me, is my birthday. I think of all the birthdays in the past as well, since I cover a little 'nervous, a bit' sad and above only.

I think I can never pass a normal in my land, that I will never set foot. I regret as a sick man without hope all birthdays neglected, snubbed because it's just any date, and another year there will be an equal. It has now opened a chasm in time and space, a wound that will never heal. And I think as well, and especially those who live in my own condition and did not like me the privilege to write and speak to many.

I think some other friends in the Commons, Raffaele, Rosa, Lirio, Tano, I think of Carmelina, the teacher of Mondragone who had denounced the killer of a Camorra and has since lived under police protection, far away, alone. Left by her boyfriend who was to marry, judged by the friends who feel oppressed by their courage and their mediocrity. Because there was no sympathy for his gesture, indeed, there has been criticism and abandonment. She has just followed a call of his conscience and had to get by with the meager salary that gives the state. What did

Carmelina, what did others like her to have life uprooted and destroyed, while the boss at large continue to be able to live protected and respected in their lands? And I call on my land, what we have left? Tell me. Float? Pretend nothing happened? Trampling scales of cooperative hospitals washed by cleaning them in the tanks to receive the gasoline dispensed from pumps their gas station? Live in houses built by them, drinking coffee brand from their sets (each brand of coffee to be sold in bars must have permission of the clan), cooking in their pots (the clan Tablet managed production and sale of top brands pots)?

eat their bread, their cheese, their vegetables? They can vote for politicians who, like the repentant state, you get to the highest national? Working in their shopping malls, built to create jobs and due subjection to the workplace, but in the meantime there is no loss, because most of the shops are they? Are you proud to live in territorio con i più grandi centri commerciali del mondo e insieme uno dei più alti tassi di povertà? Passare il tempo nei locali gestiti o autorizzati da loro? Sedervi al bar vicino ai loro figli, i figli dei loro avvocati, dei loro colletti bianchi? E trovarli simpatici e innocenti, tutto sommato persone gradevoli, perché loro in fondo sono solo ragazzi, che colpa hanno dei loro padri.

E infatti non si tratta di stabilire colpe, ma di smettere di accettare e di subire sempre, smettere di pensare che almeno c'è ordine, che almeno c'è lavoro, e che basta non grattare, non alzare il velo, continuare ad andare avanti per la propria strada. Che basta fare questo e nella nostra land is already in the best of all possible worlds, or maybe not, but certainly possible in the one world.

How much more should we expect? As yet we see the best and resigned to emigrate to stay? Are you really sure that is fine? That the evenings you spend in court, laughing, arguing, cursing the stench of waste heat, to chat, be enough? You want a simple life, plain, made of small things, while all around you there is a real war, while those who undergo a complaint and talk and lose everything. How did we become so blind? So subservient and resigned, so bent? How possible that only the last of the last, the Africans in Castel Volturno who suffer from exploitation and violence of the Italian mafia and other Africans have been able to pull out once more anger than fear and resignation? I can not believe that South is so rich in talent and strength can only truly be satisfied with that.

Calabria has the lowest GDP of Italy but "something new", that is? Ndrangheta, invoice and more as a whole Italian financial maneuver. Alitalia is in crisis, but Grazzanise, in a territory marked by the Camorra, is to build the largest Italian airport, the largest in the Mediterranean. A land ordered to be circulated enormi capitali senza avere uno straccio di sviluppo vero, e invece ha danaro, profitto, cemento che ha il sapore del saccheggio, non della crescita.

Non posso credere che riescano a resistere soltanto pochi individui eccezionali. Che la denuncia sia ormai solo il compito dei pochi singoli, preti, maestri, medici, i pochi politici onesti e gruppi che interpretano il ruolo della società civile. E il resto? Gli altri se ne stanno buoni e zitti, tramortiti dalla paura? La paura. L'alibi maggiore. Fa sentire tutti a posto perché è in suo nome che si tutelano la famiglia, gli affetti, la propria vita innocente, il proprio sacrosanto diritto a viverla e costruirla.

But no longer afraid it would not be difficult. It would be enough to act, but not by yourself. The fear goes hand in hand with isolation. Every time someone pulls back creates more fear, that creates even more fear, that exponential growth in fixed assets, eroding, slowly ruining.

"You can build the happiness of the world on the shoulders of one abused child?", He asks his brother Ivan Karamazov Aljo? A. But you do not want a perfect world, you just want a quiet and simple life, an everyday acceptable, the warmth of a family. Be content to think that this puts you away from anxieties and pain. And maybe you can, successful find a dimension where you will find serenity. But at what price?

If your children were born sick or ill, if you should again turn to a politician in return for his vote will give you a job without which even your little dreams and projects end up in the air, when we will struggle to get mortgage on your home while the directors of the banks themselves will always be available to those in power, when you see this maybe you will realize that there is no shelter, that there is no protected area, and that the attitude and think realistically wisely disenchanted there has polluted the soul of resentment and bitterness that takes away your every taste life.

Because if this is the sad thing is even more sad is the habit. Getting used that there is nothing else to do but to resign, or make do go away. I call upon my land if I can still imagine to choose from. I ask if you can at least make that first gesture of freedom lies in being able to think differently, to think freely. Do not resign to accept as a natural destiny what is the work of men.

Those men can tear you to your land and your past, take away the serenity, to finding a home, write insults on the walls of your home country, possono fare il deserto intorno a te. Ma non possono estirpare quel che resta una certezza e, per questo, rimane pure una speranza. Che non è giusto, non è per niente naturale, far sottostare un territorio al dominio della violenza e dello sfruttamento senza limiti. E che non deve andare avanti così perché così è sempre stato. Anche perché non è vero che tutto è sempre uguale, ma è sempre peggio.

Perché la devastazione cresce proporzionalmente con i loro affari, perché è irreversibile come la terra una volta per tutte appestata, perché non conosce limiti. Perché là fuori si aggirano sei killer abbrutiti e strafatti, con licenza di uccidere and do not mandate, that does not stop in front of anyone. Because they are the image and likeness of that which prevails today in this land and what awaits them tomorrow, tomorrow, in the future. We must find the strength to change. Now or never.

Copyright 2008 by Roberto Saviano
Published by arrangement
of Roberto Santachiara Literary Agency

( September 22, 2008 )

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Scholarships For Thyroid Problems

The collection is not

In recent days, was presented to the press Legambiente report on the Campania region of our common Riciclone. A real cold shower for our country, for the environmental policies announced and much-publicized but never implemented. The framework for the valley all is bleak, but what stands out is the position of the tail almost in our country. Beyond the ads, advertisements on local councils, the captain Eco distributed in the country, the data of our City is 8, 9%, well below the 19.3 to 15.4 in March or Pago VL. Despite calls in recent months on the waste issue, the situation does not improve. The policies implemented in recent years have produced little and nothing, but you just have to decree the absolute failure Aldermen on these issues that have followed. In addition, we would have hoped that the responsible spending of environmental words of solidarity and closeness to the subject of environmental destruction Irpinia areas authorized by the state but it shows once again the lack of sensitivity to nature and ecology of our administrators. But accepting the invitation of the leader of the Socialist party, we not only want to argue but we intend to launch series of proposals and proactive, hoping it will not remain a dead letter as it did in the past months. We should not focus only on the distribution of the packets is more a propaganda found that serious action but now, from a awareness campaign in schools and among traders, who move to the creation of a true island green, it will start a plan for the deployment of home composting of organic waste, there is also hope that more care of the bells used for Glass collection today weighed down by bags and hope that the municipalities have joined the campaign promoted by Legambiente "Rejection blooms.

Driver For Ganntrader 3.07

work, but not only .. :)

If I could have
€ 1000 per month without exaggeration

would certainly find
all the happiness in life is the usual

the usual rush to a bus already left
perpetual motion on the road as well as the return leg

is always an uphill determining fatigue

I'll learn to speak in this unknown language
dreaming of being able one day to make people complacent
received and that he trusts me and is no small challenge querida
lost in this corner of Europe united
I have put the currency in an envelope
will send it by mail
but then not enough if you only knew how much life
knew How long can hard
tomorrow I will try to keep it clean back home, something
happen sooner or later if I could have
€ 1,000 per month without exaggeration

I would make sure you find all the happiness in life is the usual
the usual miracle that took place the day the event
microcosmic minimum flow
received a tip

donated a dinner with the dignity and remained Advanced
wanted to see you get dressed in silk party
maybe do a dance track you can taste
but maybe it's better if you stay there if I could have
€ 1,000 per month I would not overdo

sure you find all the happiness

a little house in the suburbs

a pretty young wife

as such like you if I could have
€ 1,000 per month without exaggeration

I would be sure to find all the happiness if I could have

€ 1,000 per month without exaggeration

I would make sure you find all the happiness if I could
€ 1,000 per month without exaggeration

would make sure you find all the happiness

€ 1,000 per month, Daniele Silvestri

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wedding Letter Example

Tampere +7 ° +13 °

Record your "fresh" in the morning, you should say ... :) I moved almost ... almost a little 'to the north ... :))

Monday, September 15, 2008

Natural Emergency Contraceptive

incredibly disgusting ...

you also read this mail:

the CA. Dear Carrefour Directorate of Assago

My name is Barbara and I am the proud mother of an autistic child for four years.

in your site, I read of your mission and especially of your social commitment.
" Our ability to integrate with the territory in which we operate, to communicate with local institutions and to support social projects and humanitarian organizations are found through concrete actions:

• Research funding contro alcune malattie del XXI secolo
• Sostegno alla giornata nazionale indetta dal Banco Alimentare per la raccolta di generi alimentari
• Sostegno di iniziative umanitarie di vario tipo”

Lasciatemi dire che oggi nel punto vendita di Assago avete sfiorato la discriminazione punibile per legge.

Era previsto un evento che mio figlio aspettava con ansia: il tour delle auto a grandezza reale del film Cars.

Vestito di tutto punto con la sua maglietta di Cars, comprata DA VOI, oggi l’ho portato, emozionatissimo, ad Assago. Vista la posizione di Saetta, ci siamo avvicinati per fare una foto. Click, click, click, bimbo sorridente a lato machine. Had included a photographer, about sixty years, it seemed a reassuring grandfather with a camera from 2000 €, which is connected to a PC where a bald forty-five scan a flyer with pictures of cute kids in front of Saetta, printed within the grid a mock newspaper drive. A cover short, that the kids were clamoring for, and would then framed in one of the expensive frames for sale in your department workroom. Clearly, my blond, who unfortunately for his illness does not speak (yet), made me understand by signs that he would like. Why not? Simple, I would have realized after a while.

await the turn of my son, with extreme patience, and without disturbing anyone. There have been some twenty children, not more. Not one hundred, twenty.

comes the turn of my small, and not just crossing the barrier, still time well TWO SECONDS turned to his idol size, instead of fixing the lens of the photographer. Down with me, without bothering anyone, and slide under the rope from the front, I ask my son to turn around. The photographer begins to scream " Move! We're not all here waiting for you "My son turns, but not enough according to the" professional ". I ask him "Please, even if not quite straight, face the same picture ..." "But I I have no time to waste mica knows? Bring it on! Go! Next another go! "A child screams in hand" Oh, I think that's stupid "and your Little Man Computer, laughing," Oh, yes! Go blond, can not stay here for life! "My son, who is not stupid, does not speak but understands everything, feeling the photographer screaming, from what digitized images and the claque that these two individuals have raised and stirred up, he begins to cry, even derided by the photographer who sends down from the pedestal of luck you have improvised in front of the machine, making it even stumble. A are worthless embarrassed apologies of the guard, who shortly before had quietly familiar with my son. The humiliation that was given by your charge, which should have been working with children, a small four years that has the misfortune to have a syndrome that just makes him have visual contact with the rest of the world and he does not speak , it was a heartbreaking thing. In tears, with the chest shaken by sobs, humiliated, mocked, injured in their dignity as a neurotypical child. A young lady, with your tshirt, I approached to ask what had happened. In my explanation, after having said that little had autistic syndrome, he said, " But if it is not normal should not lead among people . Son was

so bad that I could not react, I had to go out in the open air, with the baby crying, to take breath after so much humiliation.

I cried. Pain.

This is Article 2 paragraph 4 of Law 67 of March 1, 2006, in the interests of persons with disabilities:

-are also regarded as discrimination or harassment those unwanted behavior, put in place for reasons related to disability, which violates the dignity and liberty of a person with disabilities, or create a climate of intimidation, humiliation and hostility against him.

I want to know how you intend to act, if with a shrug di spalle come i Vostri dipendenti, di fronte a un trauma che avete fatto subire ad un bambino che già dalla vita è messo ogni giorno a dura prova.

Manderò questa mail in copia alla segreteria dell’onorevole Carfagna, e alla redazione di Striscia la Notizia, oltre a pubblicarla sul mio sito personale.

Tacere non ha senso, e ancora minor senso hanno le umiliazione che io e mio figlio abbiamo subito oggi.

...e poi fatemi sapere cosa si dovrebbe fare a delle persone così...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cholesterol Medications More Condition_symptoms

work ...

Periodo abbastanza pieno: lavoro, lavoro, lavoro...
Nonostante il lavoro, belle giornate autunnali: abbastanza freddo, ma il sole non manca. Poco o niente to say. Its full term.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Jak Zdobywać Punkty Na Prizerebel

ridiamoci up ..

I happened to read this news today:
"529 dead in Haiti are counted after the passage of Hanna, but the budget is still provisional. The bodies were found in the mud when, four days after the passage of Hanna, has finally arrived in Gonaives a ship of health care, accompanied by Argentine peacekeepers peacekeeping force. " Now
not want to seem insensitive or anything, but when I'm reminded of the quote because of the Dario Cassini female names for hurricanes, I had to laugh .. I'm not here to explain the details, those who know me will understand! :-))

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Congrationlations Baby


The title says it all: the temperatures are down the right, the sky gray with drizzle us company ... among other things, not that anyone could have expected something different.
In the meantime I started the second course in Finnish, hoping that the results are a bit 'more of the first concrete ... decision, I will study the grammar is not for nothing, for now I just want to learn as many words as possible. There will be time for grammar, if and when necessary ... :)

Side note: Last Sunday at the stadium (football) have brought out all the "ultras" of Tampere, because they had two smoke on. Then he played in Italy and there are those who attack trains and break through the gates of the stadium and did not even end up in a prison (not even by mistake, perhaps a couple of hours, just to prove it is ...)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gold Arrow Toys Airsoft

evacuation fire protection

Nothing serious : best start since the end of the title.
morning in the office around 9 fire alarm fire protection, offices evacuated calmly .. people talking quiet, so much so that I initially thought it was an exercise. Then instead of the ground floor I discovered that "fire" proveviva from the kitchen from the dining room ... will have burned a little 'meat ... :))
So after taking 5 minutes cold, and after the fire has been detected that the meat was not overcooked, and we're back in the office ... :))

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Measles Condition_symptoms

song ..

was a bit 'I had lost the habit of writing (or better, copy) the text of some songs I like. And so today I decided to remedy ... :)

Look at how well you've done so far
Look at WHERE you're standing
Who You Are And All Our

Could ... forever in my head
Wish We Could Go Back

ounces and just laugh at things we

Said it's been wonderful and crazy

Knowing you and I Hope that I can always see the teenage girl in you

and I know that you'll be fine
but I'll be there everytime
you need someone to say hi to
late at night

Remember how I told you I was scared
You end up with some jerk who doesn't even know you're there
but deep down I just knew that you would find someone who's real
who doesn't claim to know exactly everything you feel

it's been wonderful and crazy
knowing you
and I hope that I can always see
the teenage girl in you
and I know that you'll be fine
but I'll be there everytime
you need someone to say hi to
late at night

Sometimes when I think of us I'm sad
I miss not knowing anything of
what could lie ahead
But mostly now I'm grateful That You're Where You Want To Be

not quite here and not quite there
But somewhere in between

it's been wonderful and crazy

Knowing you and I Hope that I can always see

the teenage girl in you and I know That you'll be fine

But I'll be there everytime you need someone to complain to late at night

Someone to say hi to Sarah Bettens

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Buggy Blueprints Free

August is past

Marylin and Aeneas arrived Sunday, and today left for a few days in Stockholm, before returning here for the weekend. Meanwhile, the summer continues as it had begun, between sky and rain grigio, anche se ogni tanto il sole spunta tra le nuvole.
Venerdi sera ci sarà la cena a casa di Petri, e come l'anno scorso, tocca agli italiani cucinare: questa volta mi dedico al dolce, torta di mele. Vedremo quante persone riesco ad avvelenare... :))
I party internazionali al Saha sono ripresi. Gli studenti italiani sono arrivati in massa: ma probabilmente ancora ne arriveranno altri durante questa settimana. Insomma si sta per riaprire il ciclo che si era interrotto a maggio.. ed ancora devo capire se è un bene o un male.. :))

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Scottish Weddingsayings

Our battle continues

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hot Toys Swat 3.0 Review

barbecue "breakfast"

Domenica pomeriggio sono stato svegliato alle 16:30 (in realtà mi ero svegliato alle 2, ma dato che non avevo niente da fare e dato il tequila party della sera prima... mi sono riaddormentato) da un sms di Karen che mi chiedeva se sarei andato al barbecue che avevamo programmato. Dato che il cielo non era grigio pioggia, ho deciso di farmi una doccia, andare a comprare qualcosa da mangiare e pedalare fino al lago: ne è valsa davvero la pena. Alla fine c'erano soltato Harri, Mikko, Karen, Sanna e Tiia, però tra due chiacchiere ed un po' di cibo, è spuntato anche il sole.. un bel pomeriggio.
Bel pomeriggio che è servito a riprendersi dal tequila party organizzato a casa di Hanna: a parte la disavventura per arrivare a casa sua (non mi ero segnato l'indirizzo e sono dovuto andare a casa di Matti per recuperarlo tramite facebook :D), la serata è stata davvero divertente: così molto divertente che sono tornato a casa alle 7 (e con questo si spiega la sveglia alle 16:30 del giorno dopo).
Comunque, fine settimana a parte, tutto scorre tranquillo, il lavoro è ripreso con i suoi ritmi normali... adesso aspetto per domenica prossima Enea e Marylin che vengono a trovarmi! E' proprio vero, i miracoli ogni tanto accadono! :D

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Ontario Trailer Plates

There is a left that has not stopped the April 14 election defeat, but that has gathered to discuss the warnings on itself, to remedy their mistakes, to infinite liturgies, the sins of presumption. There is a Left that has decided to propose a constitutional process that is not the sum of membership but an experience of profound innovation. A political project that collects experiences, cultures, passions and moral tension civilians. A shared project, built from the bottom, able to free themselves by the prudence of the "elites", from the rituals and expected delays. Knowing that, in the country, social and civic left is far ahead of Congress who claim to represent.
The answer that comes from these services tells us that not all will be available. Friends and comrades who had spent on this subject with passion, we now show warm, anxious not to break down the fences of their stories, as if the obstacle over which to launch the heart is suddenly become too high.
The obstacle is still there, in front of us. It 's a crumbling wall, made of mistrust, calculations, fears of identity. In front of this wall is caved experience of Rainbow Left, a generous joint project that has resulted in an electoral cartel, a cartel of vertices in which each party remained jealous of their name, their history, their steel symbols ... We have been defeated because it appeared to us what we were: a collection of small countries without a plan for the country. If the sfida oggi dovesse ridursi a conservare confini e bandiere di quelle patrie, vorrebbe dire che il cuore è rimasto inchiodato a terra. Da questa parte del muro.
Non per noi. Non per Sinistra Democratica che rilancia in questi giorni il proprio impegno per un processo costituente a sinistra: urgente, rigoroso, largo, aperto. La Costituente su cui siamo impegnati non è la liquidazione dei partiti della sinistra ma un cantiere politico che porta in sé lo sforzo di una ricerca, la scelta di misurarsi con nuovi linguaggi, nuovi riferimenti, con un nuovo sguardo sulle cose di questo tempo. Il punto d’arrivo è una nuova sinistra, capace finalmente di riorganizzare e spostare in avanti i segni di tutte le culture che si porta dentro. Non un museo but a laboratory. Not a sum of fences (the Socialists with the Socialists, the Communists with the Communists, environmentalists, with environmentalists, civil society with civil society, the radicals with the radicals ...) but a field to be sown together. With an urgent first test of the reorganization of the opposition in the country is now an orphan, an opposition that undermines the political agenda those issues - work, job insecurity, inequality, new poverty, denied rights, violated the guarantees - that the Berlusconi government considers little more than plunder elettorale.La constituent of the Left will not be any moratorium: it is already in the field, and we are committed because can deal with voters as early as the administrative and Europe next year. Of course, no one is naive enough to think that a new political entity of the left can get in a few months with a hasty deed. But no one can pretend to be so naive as to think that this process will be postponed until better times. The time for the Constituent Assembly of the Left is now, because now is a rebuilt center of new political culture, because now you must give visibility and accountability to all the voices of the left, for this we ask voters on April 14 there have turned their backs and does not want to have to continue to choose between parties and short closed obsolete words, veterans ... Four conference, twelve motions: this is the present of the Italian left. There can also be the Democratic futuro.Sinistra supported him in his own national assembly, we must open a site, discuss and work together on forms, rules, times and especially content. Closed in together does not mean our leaders. We think the demand for new social policy coming from the left and widespread: dozens of groups, collective paths, individual stories of commitment and activism, critical thinking and political battle that in recent years have been - from Vicenza, Palermo, Florence Locri - the best civic conscience of the country: the Constituent Assembly is il luogo politico in cui ciascuna di quelle storie può ritrovare voce, sovranità, responsabilità.
Dobbiamo fare presto e bene. Evitando che a decidere per noi sia una nuova legge elettorale. Far nascere un progetto unitario come una necessità legata alle cifre di uno sbarramento sarebbe una fuga, non una scelta. Gli elettori ci hanno detto che dalla sinistra non vogliono finzioni o tatticismi ma assunzione di responsabilità. Per questo chiediamo a chi si riconosce in questa urgenza e in questo percorso di farsi avanti: la Costituente di Sinistra deve essere un processo plurale, aperto, inclusivo. Di pari dignità, di reciproca responsabilità. Senza ospiti né padroni di casa. E’ ciò che il paese si aspetta da noi.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Left Abdominpain More Condition_symptoms

Bossone attackers

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Prostate Condition_symptoms

The turncoat

Cambiare idea vuol dire essere voltagabbana? Certamente no. Cambiare idea è sempre legittimo, talvolta giusto, raramente (ma può capitare), obbligatorio. Ma un voltagabbana non cambia idea, cambia posizione. Voltagabbana è "chi, per utilità personale, muta facilmente opinione e partito". Per poter dire che qualcuno è un voltagabbana devono concorrere molte condizioni. Il voltagabbana dice con molta convinzione di non aver cambiato nulla ("ho sempre scritto queste cose"). Il voltagabbana cambia repentinamente ("ma è un travaglio che parte da lontano"). Il voltagabbana rifiuta di dare spiegazioni ("sono cose intime che riguardano solo me"). Il voltagabbana nega il proprio passato, lo ricostruisce con un personale lifting della memoria ("mai dette queste cose"). Resta da chiedersi: tra i folgorati sulla via di Damasco, chi è il re dei voltagabbana? E, inoltre, voltare gabbana conviene? La caratteristica principale dei voltagabbana è quella di scegliere come direzione quella del vento. Il 99 per cento dei voltagabbana scelgono il potere. Nei momenti dei grandi cambiamenti la transumanza dei voltagabbana è visibile a occhio nudo e particolarmente fastidiosa. Quando vedono personaggi che, folgorati sulla via di Damasco,si comportano con lo stesso fanatismo di prima cambiando solo oggetto delle loro ingiurie, si rifiutano di spiegare il loro percorso and, of course, they get promotions, broadcasts or simply the maintenance of their privileged positions, here, when all these conditions it is natural to call these "turncoats". Then there are the subspecies: the continuous turncoat, turncoats the property, unaware of the turncoat, turncoats of the business, the turncoat sports. There are turncoats who drag their entire living room casual routes, whole part, entirely or almost administrations. The waltz of the Mayor accompanied by some of Lauro assessor and adviser was to be expected for some time, the administration's policy line was clearly shifted to the right, toward political reactionary, demagogic e populiste. Saltare sul carro dei vincitori appare cosa facile, ci aspettiamo adesso che tutte quelle forze che hanno insistito sull’ancoraggio di centro sinistra della maggioranza prendano le dovute distanze. Ci auguriamo che nella prossima seduta dell’assise comunale la rappresentate del PRC e il Direttivo di questo partito chiaramente prendano le distanze da un’ amministrazione conservatrice, aspetto già ampiamente dimostrato nei provvedimenti adottati in questo anno di governo,non appoggiando un governo di destra. Il trasformismo e la privatizzazione della politica hanno invaso e contagiato il nostro paese, noi lavoreremo e lotteremo affinché sia ristabilita l’autentica concezione di politica intesa come arte di governare la società.